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Chapter four
Plans Into Motion
Edward's POV:
"No!" I said as I woke myself up. I looked around the room and saw my apartment. No orphanage. No rats. I examined my fingers, making sure there wasn't indeed rats chewing on my fingers. Everything was fine. I reached for my glasses on the nightstand and put them on my face. I stood up and went to my desk, getting on the computer. I searched Jace Allen. He stood proudly with his wife and two daughters at his newest speech to fix Gotham.

I will help clean up this city. I will bring fresher air and if we all do our part, we can make this city clean. We can make it thrive again. In a great way.

I watched his speech, hearing the people cheer. And he had actually changed Gotham. In the prestigious areas, they already had fresher air. He should've started with the lower class areas but he's changing it. His next plan was to make the schools and orphanages have better air and a recycling system. He'd be giving that speech tomorrow. I looked at Robyn and her younger sister Briar. I didn't even know she had a sister. Briar was probably about fourteen to sixteen. She looked as if she didn't want to be on stage with her father but because of his career, she stood by him. Robyn looked so proud of her dad and was ultimately happy to stand next to him. Emilia Allen. My focus was on her. She always seemed to be a bit out of focus during her husbands speeches. I hacked into Emilia's laptop webcam. She was currently using at the moment. I was able to see everything she was doing. Emails. My eyes scanned over them as she did the same.

Make sure the money is transferred. Then you'll get what you want

Emilia then posted a bank screenshot of money being transferred. From her husband's account to a secret one. She was stealing his money. I immediately started taking screenshots and videos. I had to have all of this stuff as proof. Maybe she'd be my first victim. Then the mayor. And possibly Harry Bingham, if he keeps tormenting Juno. I watched her steal the money from Jace and put it into the account. I was currently getting live proof of her stealing. "You're done for." I whispered. Then she closed out the bank statements and emails. "What're you still doing up?" Jace's voice asked. "Oh, was just doing the bank stuff you asked me to. I was making sure it's all sorted." Emilia replied as she closed the laptop. I closed out her webcam and decided I needed to set up Emilia's demise. She'd be first. How should I kill her was the question. I wasn't ready to do something extravagant yet. And the bomb I was building for Gil Coulson was nowhere near ready yet. The rat cage for the commissioner was. Bludgeoning. I could bludgeon her. She didn't need a whole show like Coulson or the commissioner. I'd make sure to destroy her reputation after I kill her. I dressed up in my riddler costume, turning on the stream. I watched as comments came pouring in. "Hey guys." I greeted with a wave. I got tons of 'hellos' as I started talking. "I've chosen my first victim. I won't be telling you all who it is just yet. But, I've decided that they need to go first. This particular person is trying to stop someone who's actually started to change Gotham. I hate this city, you all know that. The corruption spreads like wildfire, everyone seems to be in on it; the big picture that I'm going to reveal. This person thinks that they can do what they're doing undetected, that nobody will find out. But, I did. I caught them in the act. I saw them committing a crime and they have absolutely no idea!" I giggled as I thought about all the proof. "Tomorrow night I will go to kill this person. I want you all to be waiting by your tv's for the breaking news. SHE WILL NOT DO ANYTHING ELSE TO HARM THIS CITY BECAUSE IT IS MY JOB TO GET RID OF THE CORRUPT. THE POLICE CAN'T SEEM TO DO SO! SO, I WILL! I WILL MAKE THIS CESSPOOL OF A CITY, BETTER THAN IT EVER WAS! IM GOING TO GIVE CHILDREN A CHANCE. NO ONE EVER GAVE ME A CHANCE! I WAS LEFT TO FEND FOR MYSELF AND LOOK WHERE THAT GOT ME. NOWHERE!" I screamed, my breathing becoming uneven. My mask was currently suffocating me but I didn't care. I needed to get my message across. The comments were all agreeing and one stuck out to me.

You said you were left to fend for yourself. You now have the chance to make this city better. I think everything in your life has led up to this

I hummed and started laughing. "That's a great way to put it. Maybe so. Maybe I had to go through being an orphan to get to where I am now. The Riddler will make sure nobody else has to suffer." I took a minute to catch my breath as I was still breathing hard. My hands that were currently balled up into fists, slowly opened up. "What's a good household item to bludgeon someone with?" I asked the chat. I saw lots of different comments. A paperweight, a heavy enough one anyway. A meat carver. A trophy. A baseball bat. I liked that one. "Baseball. Hmmmm, I could go with that. Matter of fact I think I have one." I stood up and went to my closet. I picked up the metal baseball bat. I had bought it in case I was ever robbed and needed to defend myself in my apartment. Since then it hasn't been used. It'll be used now. "How's this? Good or bad?" I watched all the enthusiastic comments appear.

That's perfect
They will not be surviving a hit from that
And it's metal? They're dead
I have the same bat, does great if you need to kick someone's ass. Never thought about killing anyone with it though

"A bat it is. Make sure you all stay tuned tomorrow. Goodbye..." I shut off the stream and quickly shut my laptop off. I pulled the mask off my face, dropping my glasses in the process. I groaned and reached for my glasses, putting them back on my face. I took a deep breath in and sighed. I removed the cling wrap from my head and I could feel myself sweating. I leaned my head back in my chair, sighing. I was very very tempted to text Juno. But it was late. I didn't want to wake her. I took off the green jacket and my pants. I took a shower, not wanting to be sweaty anymore. I then fell asleep, hoping I wouldn't have another nightmare.


"Darling, we're off." Jace's voice said. Emilia nodded to them and said "I hope you all have fun." Briar and Robyn walked outside to their car. Jace kissed his wife's cheek and said "we should be back in a couple of hours." "Ok. Have fun with the girls." Jace smiled and walked outside to go with his daughters. "Do we seriously have to go to this place?" Briar asked. "It'll be fun! It's outside of Gotham!" Jace tried to get his daughter excited. "Wait, we're leaving Gotham?" Jace nodded and said "come on, girls. You guys are going to love this." They got into their cat and drove off. I climbed up onto the balcony, slipping in through the double doors. "You will have your money soon. Do not worry." Emilia said into the phone. I made sure to record her conversation. I was unfortunately only able to get her side. I had no idea who she was on the phone with. "Soon, Jace will have nothing." Her eyes then widened. "No. Not my daughters. Leave them out of this. Please. You'll have your money. Please don't do anything to my daughters." She then set her phone down on her glass desk. I took my chance, lifting the baseball bat, going to swing. Emilia turned around and dodged me. I yelled out in frustration and she threw things off her desk at me, one of them being a large paperweight. It hit me in the stomach and I slammed the baseball bat onto her glass desk, the glass shattering, all the contents on her desk going to the floor. "You bitch!" I said as I grabbed her by her arm. "Don't! Don't." She managed to get free from my grasp and I quickly hit her over the head with the bat. She fell to the ground, trying to crawl away. She was weak. I took another hit and another one. I breathed deeply as she fell into unconsciousness. I unraveled some duct tape, taping over her mouth. And her hands and feet just in case she would try to run. I started looking through her papers, trying to find anything that would show she was stealing Jace's money. And I found it. Tucked away in a folder that didn't look important at all. I set it aside and looked for anything else I could reveal about her. The Allen's had paid for some of Juno's medical bills. I looked at some of her hospital trips when her asthma got bad. That money was paid by Jace. Emilia's name was nowhere on these. Only at the bottom when she refused the last time which was about a month ago. I wondered how Juno paid for it. I'm assuming her mother or father did. A groan came from Emilia and I took the bat, lifting it above my head. I bludgeoned her like I said I would. A satisfied sigh left my lips as she laid dead in front of me. I grabbed her and propped her up against the wall. I pushed her desk chair out of the way. I took all the documents about her stealing money and sprawled them out around her. "Everyone will know what you did. Everyone." Once the scene looked perfect, I left, getting out of that house as quickly as I could. I changed out of my riddler costume in an alleyway, not wanting anyone to notice. I took a deep breath. The air was fresher here. Jace was changing Gotham and for the better. I wondered if Juno moved here, would it help her asthma? I walked home, very proud of my work.

Juno's POV:
When I arrived at the Allen's, the police were everywhere. Jace Allen was currently sobbing and I looked for my best friend. Robyn stared at the gravel driveway in front of her. "Robyn..." She immediately hugged me and said "my mom is dead." Briar sat next to her, her eyes wide. I went to ask what was wrong and Robyn said "Briar found her." "I'm so sorry. I hate this for the both of you." We went into the living room and the tv was on, playing the news. "The killer has uploaded this shocking footage of Emilia Allen's murder. What we are about to show might be disturbing." The three of us looked at the tv. "Hello, people of Gotham. This is The Riddler speaking. I might appear on your screens in the next couple of weeks. This city is full of corruption and the GCPD doesn't want to do anything about it. They let murders happen, they let the lower class struggle, they let drops take over the city....THEY LET ORPHANS ROT!" Briar jumped at his voice and my eyes widened. The Riddler's voice was deep and utterly terrifying. His mask muffled his voice a bit and he wore clear framed glasses. His jacket was a dark forest green with a white question mark painted on it. "Emilia Allen was a pillar of the community, married to Jace Allen, who is changing Gotham for the better. He cares about this city, unlike his wife. Emilia was stealing money from him and putting it into a separate account to give to someone else so she could gain something. I unfortunately didn't find out what she was trying to gain. But, she stole money from her husband. What would've happened when she stole it all and left her husband and children homeless on the streets of Gotham? I just couldn't stand by and see it. Especially when Jace has done so much. Even paying medical bills for a girl who deserves absolutely everything." My stomach dropped. Me. He was talking about me. Robyn looked at me with furrowed eyebrows and I shrugged. "Emilia Allen, you were scum. That's why you're dead. This city will be better off without you. Until next time, goodbyeeee." His voice was absolutely haunting and the news went back to the newscaster. Robyn sniffled and tears went down her cheeks. Briar put her head in her hands and cried softly. "I thought she was doing good for the city. I didn't know she'd steal my dad's money. How could she do this?" Robyn said. I hugged her and felt awful. "Juno, you shouldn't be here." My dad said. I turned around to look at him and then saw him. The Batman. I gasped softly and Robyn looked up at him. Briar furrowed her eyebrows and I said "I had to come. For Robyn." Dad nodded and said "just don't go upstairs. You three stay down here." The clunking of Batman's boots were heard as he followed my father upstairs. "What's he doing here?" Briar said. Robyn shook her head and said "is he a detective?" "I don't know. I just know he's been working with my dad for two years. He helped him put the joker away." I said. Robyn wiped her tears and said "I can't believe my mom could be corrupt. The Riddler knew what she was doing and stopped it. He didn't have to kill her. But, she was bad. Is it better she's dead?" I honestly didn't know how to answer my best friend. Sure, Gotham was an awful city and there were lots of people who were corrupt and didn't want the city to change. But, I wasn't sure if some of them should die for it. Some of them had families. Now their families are broken. Like the Allen's. "How did you get the money back?" My father's voice said. "What money?" Jace asked. "The money was put back into your account. Why?" "I don't know! I don't even care about the money right now! My wife was murdered. My family is..." Jace couldn't finish because he was sobbing. "The money was put back." Batman's deep voice said. "What?" Dad replied. "The Riddler. He hacked into the banking system, giving the money back. He put the money back for Jace and his daughters." Jace sniffled and said "why would he do that?" "Because you're not corrupt. And you're changing Gotham." I noticed Batman had a card in his hand. I slowly approached the large man. "What's it say?" I said. He jumped at my voice and looked down at me. The card said something about a friend on the front and inside was a riddle.

I'm as small as a pea but I'm as big as the sky and I don't belong to the person that purchases me. What am I?

I read over the riddle a couple of times, trying to figure it out. "A gift." Batman said. "A gift?" I looked at Batman with a quirked eyebrow. "I think he's saying he's a gift to Gotham. He's going to clean up this city. This won't be his only murder. More people will die." Batman then walked away from me after saying that. Robyn looked up at the tv as they played The Riddler's message again. I looked at the screen, hating how right this murderer was. I walked out of the house and went to dial Harry and then remembered him and I hadn't spoken in three days. I shook my head and called Edward. I kicked a rock softly as I waited on him to answer. "Hello?" His soft voice said. "Hey, Edward." "Hi, Juno." "Would you went to go for coffee? I'm super stressed out. Have you seen the news?" I heard a sigh come from the other end. I noticed my dad and Batman talking and the commissioner shooing the vigilante away. "Edward?" I said. "I'm here. Uh, yeah I've seen the news. I'm watching it now, actually." "It's scary." My eyes watched Batman as he left the scene, literally disappearing into the darkness. "You could say that." Edward said in an unsure tone. "You'll meet me there? Or are you caught up?" "No, I'm on the way now! I-I'm not caught up!" He said nervously. "Ok, Edward. I'll be at the diner. At our spot from last time." I hung up and bid Robyn goodbye. She was angry and sad at the moment and I needed to let her get those emotions out. I got in my car and drove to the diner, ordering coffee and making sure it was extra strong. I knew I wouldn't be sleeping because of The Riddler. I scrolled through my phone, his face on every news outlet and everyone talking about him on Twitter. I shut my phone off and put my face in my hands. "Juno?" Edward asked softly. I peeked at him through my fingers, bringing my hands down slowly. "What's wrong?" His eyes searched my face for answers. I knew he was trying to figure it out. "I'm ok, Edward. Just a bit stressed out about The Riddler. Did you see his livestream?" Edward sat down across from me and said "yeah. It's everywhere." "I know! Everywhere I look, there he is. It's honestly terrifying. And I'm mad at myself at the moment." "Why?" Edward's glasses hung at the bottom of his nose and his finger tapped against the table. He quickly pushed his glasses up his nose and now was bouncing his leg. "I'm mad at myself because....he makes sense." "Who?" "The Riddler. His cause for killing Emilia Allen makes sense. She was corrupt and was going to destroy her family. And I'm sure there are people worse than her. He even said he's going to kill someone else. I'd never tell Robyn but, she's probably better off. And he even mentioned the Allen's paying for my medical bills. How would he know about that?" Edward's coffee was set down in front of him and he thanked the waitress and she walked away. "Medical bills?" Edward zipped up his windbreaker and scratched the back of his head. "I have asthma. I know we didn't talk much about it but I do. It's not as severe as it was when I was younger but the air in Gotham isn't exactly good. And when the weather changes from summer to fall and fall to winter, I almost always get sick. A month ago, I had a bad attack and had to go to the hospital. And I don't have an inhaler, I have a nebulizer. So, my asthma is so bad an inhaler wouldn't help me as much as a nebulizer. And Emilia refused to pay it. Jace wasn't home when they called for payment and Emilia declined to help. So, it came out of my father's pocket. Jace has always helped my family and when he found out, him and Emilia fought for a while. He was pissed. But, they moved on and everything was fine. And he knew about that. The Riddler knew about that. He even said I deserved everything. Me? Why me? I'm nothing special." Edward dipped his coffee and said "you're not, not special. You deserve to have nice things. You're a nice person. Good people deserve nice things." "What about you?" I asked. "What about me?" Edward snapped. "Don't you deserve nice things? You're nice. You're actually very sweet. I'd say you were a good person." Edward looked down as his cheeks turned pink. "I guess I would. My life has been hard. I just try not to want for things. I don't feel I'm super deserving." He frowned and then his lips went into a tight line as he shook his head. "Edward, why wouldn't you be deserving?" Edward closed his eyes and continued to shake his head. "N-No reason." I reached for his large hand that sat on the table. "Edward.." His eyes shot open as he felt me grab his hand. "Juno, I....I don't want to say. I'm not ready. I don't want to talk about it." I nodded and said "ok. That's perfectly fine. You can tell me whenever you're ready or you don't have to tell me at all. You can do whatever you want." Edward half smiled and I squeezed his hand, reassuring him everything was ok. "How's everything uhm, with your boyfriend?" I sighed deeply and retracted my hand from Edward's, sitting back against the booth. "I haven't seen him in three days. He was in my apartment after the other time we got coffee. He was high and was upset I didn't invite him to my show. I told him you and I went for coffee and he flipped out. I think he was going to hit me. He raised his hand and when I got scared, he left and hasn't been back since. I got the locks changed because he had a key to my apartment. Now, he can't come in if he tries. But, I think he's been trying. Or someone has. I hear the lock jiggling in the middle of the night but I don't dare go to the door." Edward sat up as I said that. "He's trying to get in your apartment?" "I'm not sure. I'm too scared to check." "Have you told your dad?" I nodded. "My dad knows that I had the locks changed and that Harry's on drops. I had to tell him. And my mother. Who was very disappointed. Now I wouldn't have a boyfriend who was socialite and now I'd be single." "Is that so bad?" Edward asked curiously. I shook my head and said "not at all. And you've treated me better than Harry has in a year and I've only known you for about a week and a half." Edward half smiled and I did the same. "I'd ask to walk you home but we both drove." Edward said. "Why don't you just come over? I could cook you dinner." I suggested. Edward nodded and said "ok." We finished up our coffee and went back to my apartment. Edward looked at the brand new lock on my door and I unlocked it, the two of us going in. "You can make yourself at home." I told him. I took my shoes off and Edward did the same. I closed the door and locked it, going into the kitchen. I was making a simple pasta for dinner. Edward sat at my small dining room table, pulling out a crossword puzzle. I watched as he started scribbling the answers quickly. I smiled to myself as I started on the food. "What do you think of The Riddler?" Edward looked up from his crossword at me. "What do I think?" He said. "Do you think that if he kills again, it'll be someone who deserves it? Someone who's corrupt? Because he just proved that Emilia Allen was corrupt and could be into something deeper. What do you think? Do you support him or no?" Edward opened his mouth to answer and then closed it. He clicked his tongue and said "I think, if they're corrupt, they deserve it. Good people don't deserve to suffer because of the corruption." I nodded and said "I think I agree but I don't know how I feel about the killing. Maybe expose them without killing them? I don't know." Edward shrugged and said "yeah, maybe." I went back to the pasta and was almost finished with it. I asked Edward what he wanted to drink and he said water. I wasn't sure if I should offer him wine or not. I sat down and the two of us ended up talking for a long time. We talked about each other's interest and the kind of music we listen to. And movies. Edward offered to help me wash the dishes when we were finished and the two of us could barely do that without giggling at the riddles he kept saying. The two of us stood at my door as he put his shoes on. "Riddle me this." Edward said. I groaned and said "not another one! I never get these!" "No, this one is simple. It's easy!" Edward said as he smiled. I nodded and said "ok." "The less of them you have, the more one is worth." Edward rocked on his heels and I started to think about it. "A friend." "Yes! Yes!" I smiled really big at him, happy I had finally gotten one on my own. "I thought we already were friends." I said to him. Edward shrugged and said "I wasn't sure." "Oh, Edward, you could've asked. All you had to do was ask me. I'd say yes." Edward looked down while blushing. "Thank you for tonight. You helped my stress go away. Thank you." I hugged him and Edward was taken aback. I leaned my head on his chest, holding him a bit too tight for comfort. Edward's arms wrapped around me slowly and I felt him lean his head on mine. "You're welcome." He said softly. His hand moved up and down my back and then stopped. "You didn't have to stop." I told him as I looked up at him. His glasses hung on his face and he said "I didn't want to make you uncomfortable." I shook my head and said "it wasn't." He nodded and reached up to push his glasses up his nose. I gave him one last hug before pulling away. "I hope to see you soon." I said. Edward opened the door and said "me too." "Bye, Edward." "Bye, Juno." I closed the door and smiled to myself. The giddy feeling in my chest was something I hadn't felt in a long time. I hadn't felt it since the first couple of months Harry and I were together. And I'd only known Edward a short while. Even though horrific events happened tonight, Edward made my troubles melt away. And I'd be lying if I said I wasn't developing a crush on him.

This ended up being way longer than I intended but I hope y'all are enjoying this so far! I'm having fun writing this and it's honestly different than the stuff that I usually write

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