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Chapter five
Breakups and Funerals
Edward's POV:
My hand moved up and down my cock at a fast pace. All I could think about was Juno. The way she was pressed up against my body, hugging me tightly. She also had worn leggings that day. They accentuated her body, her curves being on display. Oh, how I wanted to kiss her. Her lips were full. I wondered how they'd feel against mine. I wondered how they'd feel if she kissed my neck. She drove me absolutely insane. We were only friends and I wanted her to be mine. I wanted to shield her from the horrible city that is Gotham. I threw my head back against my pillows as I felt my orgasm washing over me. Moans and whimpers left my lips as I started to come down from my high. I panted and my glasses were currently fogged up. "Oh, wow." I looked down at my hand and stomach that was covered in my spent. I stood up and went to the bathroom, trying to quickly clean myself up. My phone started ringing and I pulled my pants up, rushing to grab my phone. "Hello?" "Hey, Edward!" Juno's cheerful voice said into the phone. I smiled and said "hi." "Do you wanna go for breakfast?" I checked the clock and frowned. "Oh, Juno, I'm sorry. I have to work. So, I can't today." "Awe, that's ok. We can do it on a day your off? If you feel like it." Juno suggested. "Sunday! I'm off Sunday!" I said excitedly. Juno giggled and said "ok. Sunday it is." It was late August and the heat from the summer would be going away soon. I was thinking of pushing some of the Riddler stuff till the fall. My followers could definitely wait. And it would be nice to have Juno on my side. Or, would that go wrong? If she knows I'm the Riddler that could make her an accomplice. I couldn't have her knowing what I do and be punished. She doesn't deserve that. "Earth to Edward. Earth to Edward." Juno said quickly. "Huh? Sorry. I was thinking. I zoned out." I felt my cheeks heat up even though Juno couldn't see me. "Well, I hope you have a good day at work, Edward." "Thank you. You too." "See you Sunday." Juno then hung up. I got dressed in my uniform and then headed to work.

Juno's POV:
"Wait, so you had dinner with him?" Lena asked me. I nodded and said "yeah. But it was just as friends. I need to call Harry to properly and break up with him." "Juno, you're moving awful fast. You should be careful with this guy." Robyn warned me. Briar had also come out to breakfast with us. The two sisters didn't really want to be at home and their mother's funeral was soon. "I'm not rushing into anything. I have a small crush on the guy but it's nothing serious. I don't even think he likes me like that. I'm pretty sure he just needs a friend." I said to the group. "Yeah, a pretty one." Briar said as she stabbed her eggs. Robyn chuckled at her sister and said "he's stocky and wears glasses. He's funny looking." I shook my head and Briar said "is he tall?" I nodded and said "so tall." "So he's a tall stocky man?" "Yes." Robyn and I said in unison. Lena giggled at Briar's description and I told everyone I was going to invite him to breakfast with us. The sisters immediately teased me to which I rolled my eyes. "Alright, guys leave me alone. It's not that serious."


I was currently sitting in my apartment, holding my phone in my hand. I called Harry's number, not even sure if he'd answer. I brought the phone up to my ear, hearing it ring. After a few rings Harry picked up. "Hello?" His voice was slightly slurring. "Harry, I haven't seen you in a few days now. And after our last encounter, I've decided I'm breaking it off. I don't want to see you anymore, Harry. I can't deal with your drops addiction. And the fact that you tried to hit me. It really hurts me to do this." I didn't think I'd cry if I broke up with Harry. But yet, here came the tears. I guess it was because he was my first serious boyfriend. I'd been with him for over a year and I practically meant nothing to him. All he wanted was a pretty thing on his arm, a girl he could have sex with whenever he wanted. Then he wanted the freedom of doing drops whenever he wanted, being fully aware that my father is a police officer. "Juno, are you serious?! I didn't try to fucking hit you! I didn't hit you! What is this?! You changed the locks! I've been trying to see you all week!" "Harry, you have a phone! Call me! You were trying to get into my apartment at weird hours of the night! What's wrong with you?!" "What's wrong with me?! What's wrong with you?! I know about you're little boy toy Edward! How long has it been going on?!" I looked down and felt more tears streaming down my face. "I never cheated on you. And you know that. Don't call again, Harry. Just let me go. My parents are aware of your drug habits. My father will take action if you come near me again." "Juno, you bitch! You can't just-" I hung up on him. I immediately blocked his number and dropped my phone on the floor, a clattering sound entering the air. I took a deep breath and absolutely hated how that went. Sobs left my lips as I processed everything that happened. I was slightly scared of what Harry would actually do now that I broke it off with him. I'm sure he'd show up at some point and be begging me to take him back. To which I wouldn't do. My phone started ringing and I slid down the wall slowly, going to grab my phone. "Hello?" I croaked. "Juno? What's wrong?" Edward's voice said. I bit my lip, trying to hold in any sobs that were threatening to escape. "Nothing. How are you, Edward?" "Uhm, I'm ok. I was calling to see if you were free right now." "Why?" "I had a break from work and didn't want to spend it alone. But, if you're busy, it's fine." "How long is your break?" "An hour." An hour. There's no way he could come over and go back to work. I'd make him late. And I'd want him to stay. I'd want him to comfort me. I couldn't call Robyn because of everything she was dealing with. I cried softly and said "never mind. I'm super busy right now, Edward. I have to go." I quickly lied, not wanting to ruin his day with my problems. "A-Are you crying? Juno, are you ok?" His voice started to get worrisome. "I'm fine." "Juno, what's-" "Edward, I'm ok. I promise. I just had a bad day. I'm busy at the moment but I hope to still see you Sunday." "Yeah. Ok. I'll see you Sunday." He said dejectedly. I quickly hung up the phone and retreated to my bedroom. I changed into shorts and a small t-shirt, falling asleep.


I woke up to a knock on my door. I slowly approached the door, not wanting to open it. I looked through the peephole and saw Edward. I slowly unlocked my door and opened it. "Edward?" I asked. Edward looked down at me, his eyes widening. "Juno, what happened?" I quickly realized I probably looked like a mess since I had cried myself to sleep. I hid behind the door and said "nothing. I'm fine. Just, give me a minute, ok? You can come in but just let me clean myself up. I'm sorry." I walked away from the door, going into my bedroom which had a bathroom attached to it. I heard my front door close and lock. I went inside and looked at my disheveled appearance. My hair was messy so I pulled it up into a ponytail and washed my face a bit, trying to make it look more lively. As I walked back into the living room, Edward stood in the middle of the room, looking at everything. "Edward, I'm not being rude and not upset you're here but why are you here?" Edward looked at me and said "well, you sounded distressed on the phone. I was stressed out at work so I went to the diner and got you a slice of apple pie. I'd hate for you to be sad and not have anyone." I felt a warm feeling inside my chest and I noticed the plate of pie in his hand. "Oh, Edward..." I said softly. I took the plate from him and walked into the kitchen, setting it on the counter. I felt more tears prickling my eyes. I wiped my eyes as best I could and turned around to face Edward. "You're crying. Juno, what happened?" I let the tears flow freely now as I couldn't stop them. "I broke up with Harry. We were screaming at each other. He threatened me as he always did. And I've just wanted someone to be with me all day. I couldn't ask Robyn because she's dealing with the death of her mother. I didn't want to add more stuff onto her plate. And you, you were at work. I couldn't ruin your work day over a simple thing as a breakup. I didn't want to bother you." Edward shook his head frantically and said "you'd never bother me. You couldn't. You should've told me. I would've left work so fast. I don't want you to be sad, Juno." "It's ok, Edward. I can't dampen everyone's day. Sometimes you have to be alone and take things on your own." "That's the worst. I know what it's like to deal with things alone. It's so lonely. I won't let you do the same." I furrowed my eyebrows at him and he slowly approached me. "C-Could I give you a hug?" He asked. I nodded, wanting some sort of human contact. Edward hugged me, his arms going around me. I wrapped my arms around his torso and leaned my head on his chest. I sniffled and soft cries left my lips. "Juno, you should've told me." Edward whispered. "I'm sorry. I didn't want to bother you." I replied. I felt his hand start to move up and down my back. "You wouldn't of bothered me. I could've been here for you." I squeezed him and nuzzled my face into his chest. Edward jumped and I said "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." "No, you didn't. I'm just not used to the contact is all. This is probably the most human contact I've ever gotten." I pulled away and looked up at him. I furrowed my eyebrows again and said "what do you mean? Your parents didn't hug you? Your girlfriend? A friend? Anyone?" Edward gulped and took a step away from me. I reached for him and he shook his head. "Juno, I don't know how you'll think of me when I tell you this. Most people don't care or just give me fake sympathy. Nobody's ever cared for me in my entire life. Ever." I went to open my mouth to reply but he stopped me as he spoke again. "Juno, I...." His eyes looked all around the room until they settled on the floor. He shakily put his hands into his pockets. "I'm...an orphan." I looked at him in shock, everything instantly coming together. "Edward..." "I understand if you think of me differently now. Everyone does. I never really knew my parents. I only have small memories of them. I basically lived in the orphanage for the majority of my life. Where I lived up until I was seventeen. I was never adopted and was bullied my whole life of living there. College wasn't any better. I did have some friends but they dropped me after school. I've always been alone. I still don't really understand why you're so kind to me. I keep waiting for you to leave or tell me you don't want to be my friend anymore. I wouldn't blame you. I'm probably weird or a freak to most people. I lived through the most horrible conditions! Nobody even cared! That one winter in Gotham, where it was so cold, I almost died! I don't even know how I survived! Nobody even looked in our direction! We were left to fend for ourselves! The orphanage is lucky to have you because I didn't have anyone like you. Nobody cared about me. I still don't have anyone that cares for me. I guess that's how I'll be for the rest of my-" I cut him off by hugging him. I held him tightly and he was tense, frozen. "I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry that you had to go through what you went through. I have absolutely no idea what that's like. And I won't pretend I will. I'm so sorry, Edward. You didn't deserve that. I wish I would've known. I could've helped you. Maybe my parents could've adopted you or one of their rich friends. I hate that for you. I hate that you've had to go through horrible things. I'm so so sorry, Eddie." Edward became even more tense if that was even possible. I looked up at him and his lips parted in shock. "Eddie?" He asked softly. "I didn't mean-" "It's ok. No one's ever called me Eddie before. I-I like it." I half smiled and squeezed him. Edward put his arms around me as I leaned my head on his chest. "Thank you." He said as I felt his head on top of mine. "For what?" "Not judging me. Not thinking I was a freak because I'm an orphan." "That doesn't make you a freak. Not at all. I wish you could've had a better life. Maybe now you will." Edward squeezed me this time. "Yeah. Maybe I will." His large hand went up and down my back and I slid my hands up under his windbreaker, feeling his cotton t-shirt underneath it. I could feel that he was broad but lanky. "Edward?" "Yeah?" "Could you stay the night? I'm a little bit scared to be alone." "Sure. I want you to be comfortable. I don't want you to be sad." I pulled away to look up at him. "I'm not anymore." Edward slowly pulled away from me and I picked up the plate of apple pie. "Want to split this with me?" Edward nodded as his cheeks turned red. I smiled and went to warm up the piece of pie. "Are you going to the funeral?" I asked him. "Oh, Emilia Allen's?" "Yeah." I set the pie in the microwave and awaited for it to heat up. "Yeah. I was gonna go. But, I wasn't sure if I should. I also kinda didn't want to go alone. And I didn't really know her. But, I'm sure the whole city is going to go and pay respects." "Well, you could go with me. I'm going to be sitting with Robyn and stuff. But, you can still be with us." Edward nodded again and I pulled the pie out of the microwave, grabbing two forks. Edward and I sat down at the very small dining room table. The two of us ate the slice of pie, Edward telling me riddles to cheer me up. Edward then offered to go and grab us some food. I awaited him to come back with takeout from the diner. We watched Jeopardy and Edward seemed to really enjoy it. He also knew the answer to every questioned it seemed like. I'd catch myself looking at Edward and have to remind myself not to stare. I watched Edward analyze the question before answering it quickly. I stood up and went to grab Edward a pillow and a blanket. "Here's this. I think I'm going to turn in." Edward looked up at me and said "oh. Ok." I handed him the blanket and pillow. "I hope this isn't an inconvenience for you." "No. Not at all. I want you to be ok. I want to make sure you're ok." I half smiled and said "thank you. I'll see you in the morning?" Edward nodded and said "of course. I'm not going to leave." "Thank you again, Edward." "Of course." I left him in the living room and went into my bedroom. I closed my bedroom door, settling into my bed.


I was shocked that I had actually slept the whole night. No knocking at my door. No sound of the door handle jiggling. Just peace and quiet. And I honestly think it was because of Edward. I pulled on a sweatshirt and opened my bedroom door. Edward laid asleep on my couch. He snored softly and one of his arms hung off the side. I giggled softly at him. I slowly approached him and tapped his shoulder. His eyes fluttered open and I said "hi, Eddie." He reached for his glasses and said "hi." He slid them up his nose and I said "I can make breakfast for us." Edward nodded and said "yeah. Ok. Do you mind if I clean myself up in the bathroom. Just so I don't look disheveled." "Sure." Edward half smiled at me and stood up, going into the bathroom. I started on some eggs and toast. I hummed softly to myself and a few minutes later, Edward joined me in the kitchen. "Would you like orange juice?" Edward nodded and sat down at the table. I grabbed two plates and some silverware, setting it all on the table. I served Edward and then made myself a plate. The two of us ate in silence, just enjoying each other's company. I watched Edward push his glasses up his nose as he ate his food. The sun shone into his eyes, the prettiest green being on display. His clear framed glasses seemed to accentuate his face perfectly. "Are we still on for Sunday?" Edward asked. "Sunday?" "Breakfast. At the diner." I nodded and said "oh. Yeah." "Good. I was kind of looking forward to it." "Me too." Once Edward was finished with his breakfast he needed to leave for work. He offered to stay and help wash the dishes but I told him he didn't need to be late. Especially since he had to go home and change.


The cries of Jace Allen echoed in the church. He threw himself onto the casket which was closed. He gasped for air and could barely contain himself. Briar rolled her eyes at her father. Robyn had tears going down her face but laughed slightly at her father. "He's doing the most." Briar said. Robyn nodded while laughing and crying at the same time. It seemed everyone was staring at Jace Allen. Mayor Mitchell was patting Jace's back and my father stood on the other side of Jace, grimacing. "He's really taking it hard." Lena said. "He really is." Robyn replied. "Robyn. Briar. I'm so sorry." Edward's soft voice said. He was fiddling with the sleeve on his suit. Briar looked up at him and said "thank you." "Losing a parent sucks. I lost my parents when I was really young." "At least you're parents weren't corrupt." Robyn said haughtily. Edward shrugged and took a seat next to me. He shifted in his seat and looked around the room. "I'm sorry for your loss." The voice of Bruce Wayne said. "Bruce Wayne?" Briar said in shock. "Not to be rude or anything but what're you doing here?" Robyn asked Bruce. "I'm paying my respects." He replied gruffly. Edward kept his eyes down as Bruce talked to us. He didn't dare look up at him. "Edward?" I said softly. "I'm fine." He said barely above a whisper. "But why? You didn't know our mom." Briar said. Bruce scoffed and said "I did actually. I've worked with her and your dad." Robyn chuckled and said "I never knew that. Too bad you didn't know she was corrupt. You could've stopped her maybe." Bruce sighed deeply and said "I'm sorry for your loss." He walked away and went to sit by himself. Edward looked over his shoulder as the prince of Gotham went to sit a couple of rows behind us. Edward then quickly turned around and looked down at the ground. "Eddie?" His eyes flickered up to look at me and then looked back at the ground. "I'm ok." He whispered. I nodded and rubbed his shoulder. He seemed on edge after he saw Bruce Wayne. "Robyn, Briar, I'm so sorry. I know what it's like to lose your mother at such a young age." My mom's voice said. "Thank you, Mrs. Gordon." Briar said in a small voice. Robyn half smiled and looked at her father who continued to wail over the coffin. She stood up and went to approach her father, giving him a hug. Briar sighed and looked down at her lap. My mother's eyes went to Edward. She gave him a sad smile and Edward nodded to her. Robyn pulled Jace off the coffin so the service could officially start. I stood up and approached my best friend's father, giving him a hug. Jace hugged me tightly and I told him how sorry I was. He sat down as he pulled away, slumping in his seat. The service started and it seemed like lots of people were sad she was dead, even though the Riddler had exposed her. Robyn missed her mother but was angry at her for what she'd done. I sat with my hands in my lap, staring at the pictures of Emilia they had on display. After the service, everyone started to leave and Jace invited close friends and family back to his house. "Edward, are you coming?" He shook his head and said "no. I don't think I should." "You're my guest. You can come." "Juno, I'm not sure." "Please?" Edward sighed deeply and then nodded. Once everyone arrived at the Allen household, everyone got some food and socialized a bit. Edward was practically glued to my side the entire time. His eyes darted around the room, looking at everyone we passed. He also stared at the large house with disdain. Everything inside was expensive and Edward hated it. I think it was because of his time in the orphanage. "Edward, did you want anything?" I offered him some cake or some pie. Edward looked over at it all and shook his head. "Are you sure? They might have pumpkin." He then shrugged and nodded. I smiled at him and looked around for a pumpkin pie. I had found one and there was one last slice. "Here you are. The last slice." I handed it to him and he half smiled. "Thank you." He said quietly. "Of course, Edward. Did you want anything else?" He shook his head and him and I went to go sit with Robyn and Briar. Lena was sitting with them as well. "Hi, Edward." Lena greeted. "Hello." He said firmly. Lena looked down at her plate and Briar said "I can't wait for all these people to be gone." Robyn nodded in agreement and Edward stared at the high ceilings and all the nice things in their house. He gripped the fork in his hand and I wanted to intervene but wasn't sure how he'd react. I put my hand over his cautiously. He looked at me and then went to eat his pie. I retracted my hand and Lena said "my dad feels awful for you guys. He hates what you're going through. He says the Riddler will be caught." "You think they'll be able to catch him?" Briar asked. "I'm sure my dad will be assigned to the case." I added. Lena nodded and said "yeah. But, my dad is going to make sure everyone knows how dangerous he is. And since the election is coming up, that'll probably be his focus. To change the city and rid it of people like the Riddler." I nodded and wondered how that'd go. If the Riddler was killing people who were corrupt, just how far would he go? That's probably the majority of the city. There's so many awful people in Gotham. Was he going to kill them all? Or just the ones he's targeted? Edward was mostly quiet while we ate. He didn't speak much on the Riddler. "Were you going to introduce me to your friend?" My mom's voice asked. Edward choked on his coffee and looked up at my mom. "Velma Gordon. And you are?" She held out her hand to Edward and he cleared his throat. "Edward. Edward Nashton." He shook her hand and she said "so, you're the person Juno's been spending all her time with." "Uhm, yes?" "I've been meaning to meet you. Juno has been talking about her new friend and why she's been so busy. I can barely get her to call me these days." Mom said. Inside I was screaming at her to be quiet but on the outside I kept myself composed. "I wonder why Harry didn't come." "Mom, him and I broke up." "When?" "Yesterday. I didn't tell anyone because I didn't want to bother anyone. I couldn't exactly call Robyn because of everything she has on her plate and I wasn't sure if I should call you, mom. Edward brought me a slice of apple pie yesterday and I told him. He was the only one who knew as of right now." "Good riddance." Briar said. My mother looked at Briar and then back at me. "Juno, honey, you could've told me. I'm your mom." I half smiled and said "I know. I'm sorry. It was really rough, mom. We had a screaming match and I was crying and stuff. It's better I'm telling you now." She hugged me and I hugged her back. "Have you talked to your dad?" I shook my head as she pulled away. "Only that I was planning on it. You tell him. I don't have the energy for it right now." Mom nodded and kissed my head. "It was nice to meet you, Edward." "You too, Mrs. Gordon." She walked away and I sighed. "Bestie, I'm so glad you got away from Harry. But, I wish you would've told me." "I'm sorry. Edward came over and made me feel better. It was really nice of him." I smiled at Edward and his cheeks turned red as he half smiled. He looked at me and said "I had to make sure you were ok." "I know. I really appreciate it." "Let's just hope you're next boyfriend isn't a drop addict." Briar retorted. Everyone at the table chuckled and Edward nodded in agreement. "We'll definitely need to plan something to do to take our mind off of all this stuff." Lena said. "Agreed." Robyn replied.

Here's the update! I hope y'all enjoy this!! It's extra long and I got carried away but I really really enjoy writing about Edward. Like his character is a certain way and I feel like if you really understand his character, you can do so much with him. But, yeah I hope you'll all stay for this ride cause I have a lot planned for it!

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