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Chapter eight
Blossoming Feelings and The Riddler's Second Victim
Edward's POV:
Harry Bingham. I'd been watching him very closely since his parents had bailed him out of jail. All that fucking money they had. It was sickening. It's been a week since he's been out of jail. Harry committed a crime and gets to get bailed out super easily and doesn't do any time. That's ok. He'll be dead soon. I had built a trap that would decapitate him. Of course my followers helped me out with where to get the supplies. The trap was definitely like the one in saw except it wasn't a reverse bear trap. Should've built that one. I thought. I watched as he bought more drops. The tall buildings and shadows practically hid him as he stood on the corner. He went to go back to his upscale apartment. I scoffed under my breath. I used the stairs and climbed up to the roof. He lived in the penthouse. All I had to do was get inside. The idiot was so stoned he didn't even lock his front door. But, I chose not to go through the front door. I didn't want the police to think that the murderer was someone he knew and Juno become a suspect. I also made sure she'd have a solid alibi. She was out with her parents tonight. I snuck in through a window that was barely accessible. Harry stumbled around his apartment, bottles of drops littering the floor. I couldn't even look around the apartment. It made me sick. Juno had probably been here and enjoyed it at some point. His phone began to ring. Harry put his phone to his ear and said "yeah. I got it. No, I was in fucking jail, man! Jail! My ex girlfriend's dad was the one who got me!" He was silent for a few seconds and then said "if I get caught doing drops, I'll just get out. My parents aren't going to let me rot in jail on a drug charge." He hung up the phone and stared at the bottle of drugs. I hadn't really planned his murder. I grabbed a decoration he had on a table and rushed him, tackling him to the ground. Harry fought back and I inhaled deeply as I hit him over the head. I panted as I straddled him. I pulled the duct tape out of my pocket and started tying him up. I picked him up and put him in a chair. I grabbed the device I made and put it on his head. It clicked as it came to life and the clock appeared. I set up a camera I had brought with me and started to wake Harry up. His eyes slowly opened and he freaked when he saw me. He was tied to the chair so he wasn't going anywhere. His mouth was covered with tape as he screamed. I put a gloved finger to my lips as I chuckled. Harry shook his head frantically and I pointed to the camera. "We're live. All my followers can see this. You're a special one. Your death deserves to be seen by everyone." I said. Harry furrowed his eyebrows as he looked at the camera. I opened his laptop and checked the stream to make sure everything was working properly. "Now, would you like to know why I'm here? Or should I just kill you and not tell you?" I ripped the tape off Harry's mouth and he yelped in pain. "I didn't do anything! Please don't kill me!" "YOU DESERVE TO ROT IN THIS PENTHOUSE AND HAVE NOBODY FIND YOU AFTER WHAT YOU DID!! YOU'RE LUCKY I DON'T BASH YOUR HEAD IN RIGHT NOW!" Harry's eyes were wide at my loud voice. I turned to the camera and said "here we have Harry Bingham, a Gotham socialite. His father is a well respected politician. He's one of the few politicians I've come by that aren't corrupt. But his son is a different story! His son is a drug addict. He's addicted to drops like the majority of the city is. A fucking drophead. He also beats women. In fact, he was just in jail for doing so." Harry's eyes were wide as he looked up at me. "The device around your neck is set to a timer. When I push the button, in three minutes, you'll be decapitated. Those blades resting on your throat and neck will push into your skin like a guillotine. And you're head will go rolling across the floor." Harry gulped and said "listen, I know I did some bad stuff. I won't do it anymore." "That's what you told your girlfriend, isn't it? You told her you'd stop, you told her you'd never hit her. And then you did. You slapped her right in the face and proceeded to try and hit her. But you were stopped. By the police." "No, that son of a bitch-" I covered his mouth and shushed him. "I have a proposition for you, Harry. If you can solve the riddles I give you, then I'll let you live. If not, well." I mimicked a slicing sound as I pretended to slit my throat. Harry nodded and I uncovered his mouth. I started the timer and a buzzing sound entered the air. "Poor people have it, rich people need it, if you eat it you die. What is it?" Harry made a face as if he was thinking. "Nothing!" He said. "Ding ding ding! That's one!" I patted his head and started on the next one. "It brings back the lost as though never gone, shines laughter and tears with light long shone; a moment to make, a lifetime to shed; valued then but lost when you're dead." Harry shook his head and said "you're a freak!" "Answer the riddle!" I screamed in his face. "I don't know!" "You're time is running out." "Fuck, I don't know!" "Think! You can do it!" Harry made a face as if he got it and then I smirked, knowing he only had a minute left. "Remembering! A memory!" I giggled and said "yes! You're smarter than I thought. I was sure that'd be the one to kill you. Here's your last one. If I drink, I die. If I eat, I am fine. What am I?" Harry furrowed his eyebrows and I watched the timer continue to tick. "Twenty seconds." Harry yelped in fear and said "I don't know!" He started to get frantic, shouting random answers at me, all of them being wrong. I loudly counted down, amazed that I was going to actually see this grotesque act in front of me. "GOOOOODBYEE!" I yelled. Harry screamed and the blades connected with his neck and throat, blood spraying out. It landed on my coat and boots. I closed my eyes as I heard the thump of his head hitting the floor. I inhaled and exhaled deeply. The adrenaline running through my body made my hands twitch at my sides. I could barely breathe. The feeling was exhilarating. I sweated heavily under my coat and pants. I could feel my hair sticking to my head under the cling wrap. I opened my eyes, looking towards the camera. "Now, do you see? Corruption will be stopped. Cruelty must die. Until next time, goodbye." I waved to the camera as it shut off. I picked up Harry's head, placing it in his lap. I hummed approvingly and left the apartment. I snuck into the shadows, taking off my Riddler outfit. I walked down the rainy streets of Gotham, not caring to rush back to my apartment. I blinked as the rain fell onto my face, staring up at the large buildings. Juno was safe. She was finally safe.

Robyn's POV:
My eyes widened at Harry Bingham's murder being plastered all over the news. "Holy shit." Bob said. I turned the volume up and listened closely. "Harry Bingham; son of Albert Bingham, who's a politician. His mother Roxie Bingham; a Gotham socialite who's very well known and is rumored to have a rival with Velma Gordon. He was a drops addict and abused women. Harry beat one of his girlfriend's so bad she was in the hospital. But, his girlfriend he'd recently broke up with, he almost beat her but was stopped by the police. Harry Bingham would most likely go on and beat more women and do more drugs. I had to get rid of him. The sins he's committed are awful and he had to be punished. Roxie and Albert I hope you're listening; you're son was a disgrace to this city but now he's gone. It's a shame you had a son as awful as him. Too bad he couldn't of done better. And to Harry's last girlfriend that was saved by the police, you're safe." My blood ran cold as he said that. Juno. The Riddler brought up Juno again. Why? "The Riddler uploaded a video of him actually murdering Harry. We won't play the video but we'll play the audio. What you might hear, will be disturbing." A newscaster announced. I watched as The Riddler appeared on screen, Harry tied to a chair. "Why are they playing it? They said they wouldn't." I said in disbelief. Bob covered his mouth as Harry tried to answer riddles but ran out of time. "GOOOOODBYEE!" The Riddler screamed. "No!" I covered my face as I heard a slicing sound. The device around his neck had decapitated him. The news channel then shut off with a busy signal. "Jesus Christ." Bob said. I uncovered my face and said "did you watch?" "Y-Yeah." "Will you take me to Lena's?" He nodded and gestured for me to follow him. I called Juno and she didn't answer. I immediately called her again and she picked up. "Hello?" She whispered. "Juno, have you seen-" "Yes. I've seen it. I saw the news. I watched The Riddler kill Harry." "Are you ok?" I asked my best friend. "I don't know. I'm not sure how to feel about it. Is it bad that I feel relieved? He won't ever come near me again. I was terrified that he would." "I guess not. Do you feel any remorse?" "Yes. I hate that I couldn't save him and help him. You can't save everyone. I have to go." "Juno, if you need anything, you call me. You call me immediately." "Ok." She then hung up. I sat in one of my many father's cars as we drove. As we approached the mayor's home, I was let in by Lena's mother. I explained Bob was my security and he followed behind me. The news wasn't playing in their house. Most likely because of Archie. "Lena." I said. She walked over and said "I'm assuming you watched the news?" "Yeah." I replied. "I called Juno. She doesn't sound too good." "I think she's in shock. Someone needs to check on her." "Are you sure? Maybe she just needs some time alone." "I'll give her today and possibly the morning. If I don't hear from her tomorrow afternoon, we're going over there." Lena nodded and told me to follow her to her bedroom. Bob walked silently behind me in awe of the mayors home. Lena sat down on her bed and said "so, Bob what do you think of the news?" "I'm in shock. First Robyn's mom and now Juno's ex boyfriend? It's weird. What does he plan on doing?" He said. "Hopefully the killing will stop. It needs to. This is getting out of hand. We're at the end of August and I feel like it's going to get worse as time goes on." I said. Lena shook her head and said "he's probably done now. He got the attention he wanted and everyone knows his name." I shrugged and said "yeah, maybe." Lena went to her vinyl player to put on a record. I stared at her as she went to do so. Her blonde hair rested just below her shoulders as a bow laid on top of her head. She was almost always dressed to perfection but today she was dressed normal. A simple t-shirt and a skirt. Lena giggled to the song that played and said "I'm glad you're here, Robyn. I was getting bored." "I didn't want to be along after what I saw on the news. My dad is at work and Briar is off with friends or something. And sorry not sorry, Bob, but I needed to be with my friend." I said. "I totally get it. I'd want to be with my friends too after something like this." He replied. Lena started talking about dresses and events she had coming up because of her father. Bob winced and said "I'll be downstairs, Robyn. This girly stuff is boring." "Bye, Bob!" Lena waved as Bob left the room, closing the door. Lena then huffed and said "thank god. I thought he'd never leave." I laughed and said "at least he's pretty to look at." Lena shrugged and said "I guess." Lena stood up and danced to the music, Lana Del Rey's voice echoing in her room. I wanted to tell her how I felt. My heart began to beat really fast as I thought about it. Would she feel the same? How would her parents react to the two of us? Would Lena be acceptable in Gotham's social life? In the fancy parties? The political meetings? I then started to wonder about myself. My dad was famous too. How would I be received? Juno didn't have to worry about things like this. She'd probably be accepted no matter what because of her mother. Could Lena and I ever be? "Hey, what's wrong?" Lena's sweet voice asked. I shook my head and said "nothing. Just thinking too much." "Well, now you're with me. You don't have to stress anymore." I smiled at her and she did the same. "Dance with me." She offered her hand to me and I took it. The two of us danced stupidly, no fear in our bodies. I spun Lena into my chest and she giggled, smiling really big. I slowly went to cup her cheek and Lena stared up at me. "Are you going to kiss me, Robyn?" Lena whispered. I nodded and pressed my lips to hers. Lena's hands went to my shoulders and my hands went to her hips as I pulled her in closer. Lena moaned softly as the kiss was deepened. The two of us stumbled until we reached her dresser. Lena pulled away to sit on top of it and I kissed her lips. Lena's arms were around my neck and my hand slowly inched towards her crotch. I started kissing her neck up and down, Lena pulling me closer. "Robyn. Robyn." She purred. I rubbed at her clit over her panties. Lena threw her head back and I smirked, knowing I was driving her crazy. "Lena. Lena, lunch is ready." The voice of her mother said. Lena immediately hopped off her dresser as her mother opened the bedroom door. "What were you two doing?" "Dancing. We were having a dance party." I said. Lena's mother laughed and said "that's adorable."

Edward's POV:
I hadn't heard from Juno in a day or two. It was odd. I made the decision to go to her apartment. "Juno?" I said. I knocked on the door, awaiting for her to answer. She didn't. I pressed my ear to the door. I could hear the tv in the background. The news played loudly. I knocked again. Nothing. I opted for the window. I slowly climbed out onto the fire escape and reached one of her windows. I pushed it open and made my way inside her apartment. "The Riddler has struck again; this time killing Harry Bingham, son of Albert and Roxie Bingham." The tv said. I looked around her apartment, not seeing her. The bedroom door was cracked. I'd never been in her bedroom. Only when Harry was trying to beat her. And I didn't really get a good look around. I slowly made my way inside. Juno laid on her bed, curled up in a fetal position. "Juno?" I said, not wanting to scare her. Soft groans left her lips and I slowly reached out to touch her. Juno's eyes shot open and she yelped. "Edward?! How'd you get in here?" She said. Her eyes were full of fear. "Oh, uh, the window. I didn't mean to...I was just...you weren't answering my calls or my texts. I knocked and you didn't answer the door. I...didn't know if you were ok. I can go. I'm sorry." I went to leave and Juno grabbed my arm. "No, stay. Please, stay." I nodded and sat down on the bed next to her. She slowly sat up, holding her stomach. "Are you ok?" Juno shrugged and said "it's my period." "Does it hurt?" I said. Juno looked at me with an annoyed expression. "I've read that certain women can have more painful period cramps than others. I've read it can be very very painful for some women." "My periods are irregular. Some hurt worse than others but usually my cramps are really bad. I've been laying here trying to deal with them." I frowned and said "I'm sorry. Is there anything I can do?" "No, it's ok. I have all the stuff I need. And you actually read that somewhere?" "I read a lot of useless information. I read like...a lot." "Its not useless, Edward. It's not useless at all. I think it's cool that you know so much. I could probably ask you anything and you'd know the answer." I half smiled and said "maybe." Juno grabbed a heating pad and put it on her stomach. A sigh of relief left her lips and she leaned her head on my arm. Her curly hair was pulled up into a ponytail and it was clear she had no pants on but her lower half was hidden by her comforter. "It's my fault. It's all my fault." Juno said as she started to cry. "What? What's your fault?" I asked. "Harry. It's my fault he's dead. It's my fault the Riddler killed him. It's my fault, Edward." She looked up at me, tears streaming down her face. I shook my head and said "no. No. That's not your fault. He died because he was a bad person. You didn't get him killed." "I did. The Riddler must've been watching me or Harry. He knew stuff! Harry's dead because of me!" I hugged Juno and said "it's not your fault. It's not. He was a s-shitty person. Juno, it's not your fault. God, don't blame yourself. Please don't blame yourself. He would've died from drops if the Riddler hadn't of gotten to him. You know that." Juno scooted closer to me while keeping her lower half under the comforter. "Eddie, am I a bad person?" "No! Never! He was the one who was bad! Juno, you're the sweetest person I know. You're so full of good. You're so good. Better than me." Juno pulled away to look up at me. "You're a good person too, Eddie." I nodded and said "yeah. I guess." "You're glasses! You're new glasses came in!" She said excitedly. "How do they look? The frames are a little bigger." I suddenly felt insecure. The glasses were basically the same but the frames were bigger. I wasn't sure how they accentuated my face. "They look great. I like them." "Thanks." I felt myself blushing. "Thank you for coming over, Eddie. Thank you. Thank you." She almost climbed into my lap but I stopped her. "Uh, you're not dressed." "Oh, right. I forgot. Just, hold me, Eddie." She wrapped her arms around me and I held her. "It's not your fault. It could never be your fault. Never." I reassured. Juno had stopped crying and the two of us were silent, holding one another. I hated that she blamed herself. Harry was absolute scum and would've died even if he didn't have Juno. He messed up. He had the perfect girl and seemed to ruin it. He ruined it all for drugs. I'd give Juno the world, the safest city for her to live in. She'd have everything. I'd be her everything. She'd be mine; my life. I rubbed her back and wish desperately that her and I would end up together. But, I was very aware of how I looked. Tall, stocky, and nerdy. Nobody wanted a guy like that. Nobody as pretty as Juno. Nobody. "Edward?" "Yeah?" "Do you mind if I put some pants on?" I nodded and left her bedroom. I went into the living room, my eyes going to the tv. I watched as they replayed my message over and over. I giggled softly, knowing that the city of Gotham just couldn't wrap their head around what I'd done. A press conference was being held by Albert and Roxie Bingham. My eyes slightly widened as his distraught parents stood on a stage. "My son, my beautiful son..." Roxie began. Juno slowly walked out of her bedroom and gasped. "My son was a wonderful wonderful boy. He was lost, I'll admit it. We were trying to get him help." Juno covered her mouth and the tears started to come back. "Why did you have to go and kill my son? Why Harry? He never did anything to that girl. He should've never gotten mixed up with her anyway. It's her fault." Albert looked at his wife sternly and pulled her away from the microphone. "My son wasn't the best man he should've been. I should've been looking out for him. As a father, I failed. I'm going to help change this city, for the sake of everyone." Juno shook her head and sat down on her couch. I shut the tv off and pulled her in for a hug. "Edward, it's my fault! She blames me! Roxie blames me!" Juno sobbed into my chest and I said "it's not your fault. She's grieving. She doesn't mean what she said. People say really stupid things when they're grieving. You can't listen to what she says, Juno. It's not true. Not at all." "I should've just stayed with him. Even if I was unhappy." "No, no, no. You can't do that. You have to be happy in a relationship, Juno." "I was only happy with him in the beginning. Everything just got worse from there. He never respected my boundaries. He never respected me...it's my fault." I cupped Juno's cheeks and made her look at me. "Juno, it's his fault he got killed. Not you. You said it yourself, he didn't respect you. He didn't respect your boundaries. He wasn't the right one for you and that's ok. It's unfortunate that he died but...he wasn't a good person. You can't blame yourself for something that was inevitable. You're so so good. You're amazingly good. I keep waiting for you to turn your back on me, get sick of me, call me nerdy or a freak. I keep waiting and it never comes. You're amazing. You're the best person I've ever met." Juno sobbed and said "you mean that, Eddie?" "Of course, I do. I hate it when you cry. Don't cry." I wiped her tears and her breath quivered. I reached for the tissue box on her coffee table, drying her face. Juno held my wrist as I did so, staring at me. "It's not your fault. I'll tell you that until I have no voice and my throat hurts if you want me too." Juno put her hand on my shoulder and said "no, Edward. I don't want you to hurt yourself." I half smiled and Juno did the same. My eyes went to her lips then her eyes then back to her lips. Her lips looked so kissable. They were plump and pink. God, I wanted to kiss them so badly. So bad. "Kiss me, Edward." Juno said quietly. It was so quiet I almost didn't hear her. I licked my lips and said "I've never..." "That's ok. Just kiss me." I nodded and slowly leaned in. Juno cupped my cheek and our lips were inches away from each other. Then her phone rang. "Ugh!" She groaned as she pulled away, standing up. I fell forward slightly as she was no longer in front of me. I wiped my sweaty hands on my pants and could hear Juno talking to someone. "I'm fine. Edward's with me. Yes. She's blaming me, dad. This is the perfect way for her to get back at me and mom. I'm ok. I promise. Edward came to check on me. I'm sorry, I should've called. I know. I'll talk to you later, dad. I love you." Juno hung up her phone and sat back down next to me. I pushed my glasses up my nose, my eyes going to Juno. "I guess I freaked my dad out too. I figured Robyn would pass on the news that I was ok. I guess not." Juno leaned her head back against the couch and I said "was he upset?" "No. He's glad you're here with me. He says you're the only one that can get through to me sometimes." I half smiled and said "yeah. Looks that way." Juno looked at me and then turned her whole body to face me. "Will you stay with me?" I nodded and said "yeah." "Did you want some tea? I was going to make some tea." "Sure." Juno stood up and left me on the couch. I watched her leave and my heart was beating out of my chest. I almost kissed her. Almost. My eyes scanned her living room, looking for any pictures of her and Harry. There were none. "Eddie?" Juno called. "Yeah?" I said. "Could you come here?" I stood up and walked into the kitchen. Juno sighed and said "my coffee machine has been acting up. Look." She gestured for me to come closer to it. I leaned down as she showed me what was wrong. Juno then pressed her lips to mine. My eyes widened in surprise and I struggled to move my lips against hers correctly. Juno cupped my cheek and pulled me closer, deepening the kiss. I slowly moved my lips against her, figuring out the rhythm. Juno moaned softly and that sound was like music to my ears. Juno pulled away and I fell forward as I had before. Juno put her hand on my chest and said "there's nothing wrong with my coffee machine. I just needed you close to me so I could kiss you." "O-Oh. You could've kissed me on the, uh..couch." I jutted my thumb over my shoulder and Juno shrugged. "I could've but I was just as nervous as you, Eddie." She patted my chest as she went to sit down at the dining room table. I smiled and felt super giddy. "For someone who's never kissed a girl, you're not too bad." "R-Really?" I asked in shock. Juno nodded at me and said "yeah. And you'll stay the night with me?" "Of course. Like I told you earlier, I'll stay if you need me." "Everything is so stressful right now, Eddie. You make me feel at ease and comfortable." I sat down across from her and said "I'd hope so." "Thank you again for coming over. I know I've thanked you a couple of times but I appreciate it." I smiled and said "of course." Juno smiled and I watched her blush which caused me to blush. "Edward, don't make me blush." She said as she started to make our tea. I pushed my glasses up my nose and bit the inside of my cheek to keep from smiling. I expected to spend time with Juno and possibly stay with her for a long period of time after what I did to Harry. But I didn't expect to kiss her. That was the icing on the cake. It was everything.

Here's the update! I meant to have this up a couple of days ago but have been a little busy!!

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