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Chapter nine
The Batman Visits The Joker
Juno's POV:
It'd been a week since Harry's death. The funeral was today and his father had sent me an invitation. I shouldn't go. It would upset his mother greatly. Even though I wanted to pay my respects. Harry had done some bad things but I didn't want to talk bad about his death. Even if I hated what he'd done to me. But, I could go incognito. I stared at myself in the mirror. I was in a black dress with barely any makeup on. My phone vibrated and it was a text from Edward.

Are you going to the funeral?

My fingers hovered over the screen. I wasn't sure if I should tell him if I was going or not. I decided to go with the latter.

No. I'm working today

Edward and I had kissed a week ago and nothing else had come of it since then. I was emotional and was slightly wracked in the head from Harry's murder. I also didn't want anyone to think I had moved on too fast. If people started to see me happy with Edward, they'd know. But, Harry had been exposed. Why should I care? All his dirty laundry was shown to Gotham. Everyone knows what he is now. I slid on my heels and a black hat to cover my face. It was more of a fashion statement. It was one of those large hats women wear to bring attention to them. My mother had gotten it for me and I never wore it. Hopefully nobody would be the wiser. I drove to the graveside where his funeral was being held. It was about an hour and a half drive. I parked away from everyone and slowly made my way over to the coffin. The casket was open. That made bile arise in my stomach. I looked inside the coffin. Harry was in a suit. It was blue. It was one of his favorites. I gasped softly at seeing him lay dead in front of me. "Harry, you asshole." I whispered. His head has been reattached. On the news they showed that he was decapitated. His collar covered his neck so you couldn't see the stitch marks. I was regretting coming here. I thought if I came it'd make me a better person. A good person. Edward had told me multiple times that I was good but it was hard for me to believe. "Juno?" A voice said. I looked to see Harry's father. "Mr. Bingham-" "I'm glad you came. I know Harry could be thick in the head. He was lost and I was trying to get him on the right track again. I'm so sorry for what he did to you. I wish I would've known he was acting out. I could've prevented it." He said with a sad smile. "Did you know he did it to his last girlfriend?" I asked. Mr. Bingham looked down. He nodded and said "yes. I did my best to cover it up but then chose not to. He was charged but because of my wife, he didn't serve time. She got him out of there. He nearly killed that girl. He could've killed you." "It should've been you. It should've been you. Harry loved you. And he shouldn't have. How could the offspring of Velma Gordon be with my boy? How?" Roxie spat. I stared at her, taking off the large hat since it wasn't doing me any good. "I loved Harry. I loved him. He just didn't love me back. I wish he could've been better. The drops made him...different." I told her. Roxie scoffed and said "sure. You probably gave them to him. How do we know you didn't attack him first? Huh? You could've!" Albert shushed his wife as people started to look over. "I would never hurt Harry. Even now. I couldn't not come. I needed to say goodbye. I didn't want to be with your son anymore, that part is true. But, I didn't want him dead. That's awful. The way he died. I'd never want that for him." Roxie tried her best to keep a poker face, not letting me know she was deeply saddened. But she failed. Tears spilled out of her blue eyes and she looked down. Her curly blonde hair fell into her face and she quickly pushed it away as she looked back up at me. "The Riddler should've killed you. Not Harry. You're the one who's corrupt." My eyes widened and I held in my tears. "I apologize for coming. It was just to pay my respects. I'll leave." I turned around to walk to my car. "Good. Nobody wanted you here anyway." I didn't look back at her. I just walked away, the tears falling down. I hated how she blamed me, blamed me for something I couldn't control. I never wanted that for Harry. I was angry at him, sure. I wanted him to go away. I wanted nothing to do with him. But, I didn't want him dead. I got in my car and drove back to my apartment. I changed out of the black dress into some leggings and a t-shirt. I laid on my bed, staring up at the ceiling. My mind went to Eddie and I's kiss. I missed the way his lips felt on mine. He was so nervous. I loved it. He didn't want to rush or ruin it. The poor man hadn't kissed a girl before. I was his first kiss. I thought about how he kissed me goodnight. His hands nervously went to my hips and squeezed as I deepened the kiss. I think the tiniest moan left his lips too. My hand slowly went under the waistband of my leggings. I rubbed at my clit lazily, my eyes fluttering closed. I thought about going further with Edward. Edward unbuckling his pants and lining himself up with my entrance. I rubbed a little harder, enjoying the pressure. Footsteps made me stop. I retracted my hand from my pants and then my eyes widened as I sat up. The Batman stood in my bedroom doorway. "Juno." He said. "How do you know my name?" I asked. "I work with your father. He talks about you sometimes. I also know a lot of people in the city." I nodded and said "why are you in my apartment?" "I need you to come with me. To Arkham." He said. "Arkham?! Why?" I was shocked. He took a step inside, his eyes scanning my bedroom. He looked at everything as if he was making a mental note of it later. "I need to speak with the Joker. I think he'd be more willing to talk if you came with me." "You're going to talk to Jack? About what?" Batman's eyes slightly widened and I pulled my knees to my chest. "The Riddler. I want his perspective. He'll be able to give me an overview of what he thinks." I nodded at him and said "do you mind if I get dressed? More appropriately?" Batman just left the room, his boots clunking against the floor. I closed my bedroom door and changed into some jeans with a sweater. I put on some sneakers and stepped out of the room. "I'm ready." I said meekly. "Meet me downstairs. My car is parked out back." He started walking to the window. I grabbed my purse and phone. "Out back?" He was gone. The window was open and I gulped. I went out my front door, locking it behind me. I went to the back of the apartment building when I got to the bottom. I saw it. The Batmobile. I slowly approached the car and got in the passenger seat. "Seatbelt." He said gruffly. I slid the belt over my body and clicked it into place. He was already strapped in. The car made a loud whooshing noise as it came to life. He revved the engine and then started driving. This car was fast. Insanely fast. I just hoped he wasn't a stupid driver. I didn't want to be killed by The Batman. My dad wouldn't let this man live to see another day. Whoever he was. He had pretty green/blue eyes. They'd change color the more you looked at them. My phone buzzed and I saw it was a text from Edward. He was asking to see me tonight. "Oh, Eddie." I whispered. I quickly responded and told him I'm working late and wasn't sure if today was a good time. I knew I wouldn't be back home for a while since we were going all the way to Arkham. The car suddenly came to a halt. "Come on." I got out of the car and followed him. Arkham Asylum. I'd only been here once. Everyone in the building gave us weird looks but they let Batman pass. They knew he was going to see the Joker. We reached the interview room and Jack was already sitting there. I looked at him through the glass barrier. "Hiya, Juno." He said as he sat up straighter, leaning forward to the glass. "Hello, Jack." "I read ya paper on me. I liked it. Really showed who I am!" He cackled and I bit my lip. "I got awards for it." I said softly. "I know! I've got all your little accomplishments tacked to my wall. I like to look at them. A pretty girl like you ain't so bad to look at in a place like this." I didn't reply. Jack then turned to the masked vigilante next to me. "Batsy, Batsy, Batsy. It's almost our one year anniversary. You just couldn't get enough of me, huh?" His Joker laugh bounced off the walls and Batman huffed. "There's a serial killer. I want your perspective." Batman set down a file and Jack stood up to take the papers from the very small slot. I watched his burnt fingers grab the file, sliding it through the slot. He sat down again. He opened the file and his eyes darted across each page. "He killed your boyfriend?" He cackled at me and I said "yeah." "What a shame." I crossed my arms over my chest, not wanting to think about Harry. I looked down at the ground in front of me. "Juno?" Batman said. My eyes flickered to look up at him and his hand went to my shoulder sympathetically. "Harry Binghammmm." The Joker held the 'M' sound. He brought the file closer up to his face and slammed it on the table. "This guy slapped ya? He hit ya?" I nodded, not wanting to say anything. "It's good the asshole is dead. Look, I'm a killer. I fucking enjoy it. Batsy knows that." Batman narrowed his eyes at the man behind the glass. "But, I don't beat no women. You gotta be twisted in the head to do something like that. I'd never put my hands on a woman. I wouldn't beat ya, Juno. You're a pretty little thing. You deserve a man who'd kill for you." The Joker was standing now, his face close to the glass. I took in his mangled appearance. He was missing hair and his skin was horribly burned from the acid. I hated that he went through that. He was definitely an attractive man before his burns. "Thank you, Jack. And I don't know if I'm looking for a man right now. Especially since my last boyfriend was killed." The Joker practically moaned when I called him by his name. "Juno, doll, that guy was a piece of shit. It don't matter. Don't you shed no tears for him. He would've beat you if it hadn't of been for your daddy. Who's a good cop by the way. Even though him and Batsy put me in this hellhole. Don't you waste another minute thinking about an asshole who couldn't even respect you. He'd rather be high on drops than give you attention. What a sick bastard." Batman cleared his throat and said "your perspective." The Joker nodded at him and sat back down, his eyes never leaving mine. "This Riddler...seems like he's cleaning up the city." "Who is he?" Batman asked. Jack shook his head, clicking his tongue. "He's a nobody." He brought his hand up to his head, scratching at the remaining green hair he had. "Is he doing this for fun? Or is it a personal vendetta?" "Oh, this is very very personal. He feels as if these people have all wronged him. They've hurt him in some way and he's showing everyone. He's showing everyone makes promises and never follows through. And he's got a point. All the high ups in this city promise and promise they'll change it and never do. It's sick." The Joker leaned back in his chair as he finished speaking. "So, he's a nobody who's getting back at the city?" Joker nodded to Batman. "Yeah. You wanted my perspective. You got it. And thanks for bringing beautiful Juno with you. The women in here are ghastly. I'll be thinking about you when I go to sleep tonight, doll." I hid my grimace and said "that's good, Jack." Jack let out a deep chuckle and Batman looked at the camera, letting them know we were finished. "Take care, Jack." I said. The Joker flashed me a smile, his teeth showing. "You as well." A guard came in and grabbed him by the arm, leading him out of the room. Batman and I left the asylum, going to his car. The drive back was silent except for Nirvana's Something In The Way playing. I quirked an eyebrow at Batman. He wouldn't dare sing the words but it was evident he liked this song. He dropped me off at my apartment. It was dark now and I quickly went inside. I called Edward and told him I wanted him to come over. I paced my apartment, wishing he'd get here quickly. The Joker's words echoed in my head.

"Don't you waste another minute thinking about an asshole who couldn't even respect you."

He was right. Harry was an asshole. Edward was right. I am a good person. I'm a good person that got mixed up with a bad one. I shouldn't of let Roxie's words get to me. She never liked me. I've always known that. Now she just has a bigger reason to now. It's not like I told The Riddler to kill Harry. But now I was starting to think I should've. He livestreams. I could've messaged him privately or something. A knock on my door broke me from my thoughts. I went to the door, looking through the peephole to make sure it was Edward. I unlocked my apartment door and Edward half smiled. "Hey." He said. "Hi." I replied. I grabbed his wrist and pulled him into my apartment quickly. Edward stumbled forward and I shut the door behind him. Edward's eyebrows were furrowed and I gave him a hug. "I had kind of a bad day." I said into his windbreaker. Edward sighed and said "you went to the funeral, didn't you?" I nodded against his chest. "Juno, why'd you go?" "I don't know. I needed to prove to myself that I was a good person. It was a mistake." "You are a good person. You're amazing. Don't let those people drag you down." He rubbed my back and I looked up at him. He slowly wrapped his arms around the small of my back. "Will you stay with me? You make me feel comfortable." Edward nodded. "Have you eaten?" I shook my head. "Wanna go to the diner?" "Yeah." "We could get milkshakes this time." I smiled and Edward did the same. We decided to drive but Edward suggested we take my car since it was better than his. As we sat down at our normal booth I said "I went to Arkham today." "Why?" Edward asked. "The Batman. He snuck into my apartment and told me we needed to go to Arkham. We visited The Joker." Edward choked on his strawberry milkshake. "The Joker? Why?" "Batman wanted to see his perspective on The Riddler's killings." "Batman? He went to see the Joker to ask about the Riddler?" I nodded and said "it was weird." "What'd the Joker say?" "He said the Riddler is a nobody. And that he's taking his crimes very personal. What could be personal about him killing my ex boyfriend. What'd he do to him?" I wondered why the Riddler would even target him. Our food was set down in front of us and Edward said "maybe Harry had come across him at some point. Harry could've just crossed paths with him or made a comment to him. And when he researched him, he found out everything he'd done." "Jack says I shouldn't feel bad. I should be glad he's gone." I said as I pushed my hair over my shoulder. "Who's Jack?" Edward said irately. "The Joker." "You're on a first name basis with the Joker?" Edward's face turned into shock and I watched him shrink into his seat. "I wrote that paper on him. Did I ever tell you about that?" Edward shook his head and I started explaining the paper I did on him in college. Edward sat up eagerly as I talked. "My professor wasn't happy about it at first but once he read it, he was amazed. It was awful what happened to him but he did worse things to the city. The Batman stopped him but at what cost? The city is still ravenous towards it's inhabitants. I feel like this city is cursed sometimes. I also got an award for it. It's actually the trophy I hit Harry over the head with." Edward stifled a laugh and said "you hit him over the head with your essay trophy?" I shrugged and said "I had to. He tried to kill you. He would have." "He definitely tried. But, he couldn't have. I would've gotten him off of me. You were a lot of help though." I half smiled and Edward did the same. The two of us ate our meals and the conversations changed to things that weren't as depressing. I hesitantly reached for Edward's hand that rested on the table. He jumped at the contact and immediately interlocked his fingers with mine. "I-I like when we touch. I'm not so used to physical touch but when you touch me or I touch you, it feels so nice. I apologize if that's weird." I shook my head at him. "Edward, you grew up in an awful place. A place where you didn't receive any physical contact. I'd say you're touch starved." Edward shrugged and said "yeah. I think I am." We had finished up eating and was just chatting about things. Edward paid for dinner even though I didn't want him to. "It's fine." He said. I sighed softly and we walked back to my car, driving back to my apartment. Edward went to get in his car and I grabbed his hand, pulling him towards my apartment building. "Please stay." Edward held my hand and followed me as we went up to the seventh floor. Once we got inside my apartment, I hugged him. I leaned my head on his chest and I felt Edward hold me tightly. "You're so warm." He whispered. I nuzzled my face into his chest and hummed in response. As much as I didn't want to, I pulled him over to the couch. I took off my shoes and watched as Edward fumbled with his shoe strings. Edward then went to sit down and I pulled him into my bedroom. "Juno?" He said. "Sleep with me. Please." Edward nodded and I took off my jeans. Edward adverted his eyes and I pulled a pair of shorts on. "You can look now, Eddie." Edward looked and half smiled. "I didn't want to disrespect you." He said softly. "You could never disrespect me." I unzipped his windbreaker and tossed it to the floor. I pulled off my sweater and kissed Edward's cheek. I felt the heat from his cheeks on my lips, making me smile. I then moved to his lips, giving him a short sweet kiss. It was more like a peck. "Goodnight, Eddie." I went to lay on my side and face away from him. I felt the mattress moving behind me and Edward's face was close to my hair. His breath on the back of my neck tickled. "Goodnight, Juno." I smiled and slowly felt myself drifting off into sleep. Edward's body heat and his steady breathing practically lulled me to sleep.

Here's the update!! I meant to have this up yesterday but I'm posting it today. I started another Paul Dano book💀

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