𝒞𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝙻𝚇

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(Your POV)

For a second, time seemed to freeze, all movements around you coming to a standstill. With panic and shock surging through your veins and drowning you, you stared at the small, innocent-looking crack in the glass that, in actuality, was much more life-threatening than it looked. The fight seemed to slow down as you looked at the fissure, hoping for the glass to withhold the universe's cruel pressure, praying for the crack to not eat itself further through the glass.

But all your prayers were unheard as time unfroze and the fissure started to spread further with a sickening cracking sound, the glass not being able to withstand the immense pressure the vacuum was putting it through. In a state of panic, you stared at it and watched as if hypnotized how the thin crack invaded the thick glass, multiple new cracks forming in the process, spreading at fast speed. Helplessly, you threw a gaze outside the box, but all sense of hope diminished when you spotted the alien with the silver orbs immersed in a bloody, brutal fight with his father, under the aggressive attacks not able to spare you even a glance.

Utter desperation surged through your veins. Surrounded by the flashing lights of shooting weapons and exploding spaceships, you were on your own.

(3rd person POV)

The impact pressed the air out of his lungs as his father threw him violently against the surface of the glass box in which the girl was imprisoned. If his spacesuit hadn't been able to withhold a lot of pressure, he was sure he would have been crushed severely by the forceful attack. Using all his strength, he managed to push the General away with his legs, hoping to buy precious time to save the equally precious Y/N. Minsoo was first thrown backward from the force, his body drifting farther away from the glass box, before catching himself and coming flying again at Taehyung, using the nozzles of his spacesuit to navigate himself, crashing violently into the silver-eyed alien.

But this time, Taehyung was prepared, already awaiting the attack. He brought his body into a fighting position and used the movements and techniques he had picked up during the training with both his father and the rebels to kick Minsoo before he could even react, sending him to float away at fast speed.

Without further ado, Taehyung drew the weapon he previously hadn't been able to use due to how fast the situation had evolved and hurled himself after his father, red mist of anger and rage clouding his mind. He knew that the only way he could save both the human and himself was to kill Minsoo, even if that meant for him to abandon the girl for the meantime of the fight. Even though it was hard for him to leave the vulnerable girl behind, he moved further away from the glass box, hoping that she would do fine on her own until he would be able to return and rescue her.

In his rage, he neither noticed that the box that was her prison floated at a fast speed towards the blinding orange light of Th'akyn nor that alarmingly fast spreading cracks were forming in the glass as it wasn't able to withstand vacuum.

With swift movements, he had to dodge the debris that was floating around just like the asteroids that came flying in his direction, threatening to hit him and send his body tumbling through the universe. The asteroids dancing around him sometimes let the angry orange starlight of Th'akyn bleed through gaps between the rocks onto his spacesuit, the transparent material luckily shielding him from the deadly heat. Surrounded by vacuum, the scenery was eerily quiet, silence engulfing him even though the war around him was burning aggressively with merciless blood lust and cruelty. The only sounds that were audible to him were his breath and his quick heartbeat, additionally to the sounds the General was making that came transferred over his earbug. Taehyung's searching glance moved to all directions, desperately trying to find the cowardly hiding General, who would probably attack him every second from out his hiding place.

The only warning of what was about to happen was the matt reflected light on a spacesuit he saw in the left corner of his eyes, and he quickly bolted out of the way as a red strike of light was shot into his direction, only missing him by a hair's breadth. The next flashes didn't wait, and he was quick to seek shelter behind a smaller asteroid that was fortunately nearby.

The flashes of laser aimed at no other than him originated from the General, who was hiding behind an asteroid as well, his murderous fury making him shoot an endless number of laser flashes at his son, determined to see him die. Said son was quick to return fire, and thus began the battle between the cruelest creature of the universe and his highly evolved and intelligent son. Both sides seemed to have an impressive amount of skills, and there was no doubt that winning over the other one would be a close call and that it would take a lot of time and abilities to overpower the other one.

Taehyung could hear his father's angry and labored breaths over the earbug that was still only connected to Minsoo. The General grunted while struggling to fire his gun, a sound that made a spark of hope rise in Taehyung as he sensed his father's attacks to decrease in their force. With newfound faith in his victory, the silver-eyed alien began to fire even more laser flashes that were viciously striking the asteroid his father was hiding behind.

An angry grin of victory spread on Taehyung's face when the asteroid his father had searched for shelter behind finally exploded due to the number of laser flashes he had shot at it that had weakened the rock. With effort, he achieved making his laser beams strike Minsoo's weapon, the force immediately ripping it out of the General's hold and rendering it useless, a large hole now burned into it. But Taehyung's triumph was short-lived since flying debris of the asteroid hit his own weapon, tearing it out of his hand due to the impact, the gun flying into the darkness of the universe.

There was no time for the silver-eyed alien to chase after it since the General already came lunging at him again, the yellow eyes burning with hatred and mouth grinning sardonically in rage, showing off the pointed teeth.

"You bastard," Minsoo snarled furiously at his son, his voice well audible over the earbug and unmistakeably trembling with wrath. "I should have killed you right after you crawled out of the womb of your worthless mother!"

Taehyung clenched his teeth, his silver eyes glinting murderously, determined to seek revenge for his innocent mother's utterly cruel death.

"Don't talk about her this way!" he spat, growling in anger. "She was much more worthy than you will ever be!"

He released a grunt when the General collided with him, immediately starting to attack Taehyung's body. Minsoo's angry fists hit him in the stomach, and he doubled over, trying to regain his breath and to protect himself. The General attacked him in a red trance of bloodlust, violent blows raining upon Taehyung, trying to shred his spacesuit apart as it was the only possibility to emerge as a victor from the ruthless fight since they both had lost their weapons.

Seeing his son cower vulnerable under his violence, the General's corners of his lips started to lift in a perverted sense of satisfaction, confident in his victory.

But even though Taehyung seemed to be helpless and vulnerable, even though it appeared that he was getting slowly but surely overpowered by his father, he had an ace upon his sleeve of which the General wasn't aware. When Minsoo was near enough, the silver-eyed alien's nozzles of the spacesuit suddenly released a streak of intense heat, which was an advancement every spacesuit of the rebels had. The high temperature was fast to melt away the thin, transparent layer of the General's spacesuit, coldness immediately invading it, penetrating his body with determination and no sign of mercy.

Minsoo froze, literally froze, as the vacuum ripped his breath away from his lungs and the icy temperatures of the universe crept into his body so fast that he was dead immediately. The last feelings Minsoo ever had, were captured in a grimace of rage and shock in his frozen expression. The moist air he had breathed out milliseconds before danced around his stiff body, the little particles of iced water glittering like angry diamonds in the orange light of Th'akyn.

Debris hit the General, and his lifeless, frozen body shattered to an uncountable amount of sharp splinters.


With a victorious smile on his face, Taehyung turned away, relieved that his father was dead, satisfied that he had revenged his mother's death. His silver eyes searched the surroundings for the precious human, and hope rose in him when he noticed the fight was slowly coming to an end. The rebels had overpowered almost all of the alliance spacecraft, left were only a few of the spaceships that were either still fighting or trying to escape the scene.

But when his eyes finally found the human girl he loved so much, dread pooled through him as he noticed her hopeless situation.

The glass box she was in was approaching Th'akyn at a dangerous speed, the hot burning star would soon grill her in the process.

The worst thing, however, that made his eyes grow wide in horror were the cracks that had spread through almost the whole glass box, tauntingly visible in the orange light of the sun, leaving no doubt for the imagination to come true that the glass would soon succumb to the pressure.

With all his might, he hurled himself forward in a desperate attempt to save the girl, his expression full of panic and eyes wide as he reached out for her.

But he was too late. He was only a few meters away from Y/N when the box burst, sending sharp pieces of glass in every direction.

1712 words

*laughs awkwardly* Yay? Another cliffhanger! 😇

Don't be angry please, the next chapter won't have a cliffhanger!

I've never written a fight scene before (especially in English), was it okay? I hope you understood everything I wrote the way I imaginated it. I know you are just as happy as I am that the General is finally dead!

There are four more chapters left in this book until the Epilogue, so I hope you stay with me and read it until the end! I already am close to publishing my newest book (I've written 23 chapters already!) but I will inform you, when I have published it! Please look forward to it! 😊

Happy new year everyone! I hope this year will be amazing for you!🎆

With purple love💜💜💜

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