𝒞𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝚇𝚇𝚅𝙸𝙸

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(Your POV)

Convinced that you had breathed your last breath since you were about to be killed by the terrifying creature, you closed your eyes, anxiously waiting for the terrible pain that would swallow you when the disastrously sharp fangs would shred you into pieces. But to your utmost surprise, you felt nothing of that agony; nothing happened apart from the creature releasing another piercing scream that made a tremulous shiver run down your spine.

Warily, you opened one eye and blinked in confusion when your vision was filled with darkness. Had you already lost your life to the wrath of the creature? Why had you not experienced any pain?

Contradicting your theory, though, you still heard the sounds of the raging creature, making you realize that you were still alive, even though everything you could see was black. When you further inspected the darkness, it seemed more like a black wall standing between the alien and you, though you couldn't find any explanation for how it had appeared out of nowhere. 

Suddenly, the dark surface in front of you moved slightly, and you finally realized that the wall wasn't actually a wall. In reality, a body was protectively standing in front of you, shielding you away, the person dressed in a black uniform, though you could only see their back with a long, flowy cape falling off their shoulders. 

Not daring to breathe, you stood still, knowing exactly who that person was. You couldn't wrap your head around it, though. Why would the mesmerizing alien stand between the horrifying creature and you to protect you if the last time he had paid you a visit, he had unmistakably made it clear that you wouldn't see each other ever again? 

A sudden movement of Tae, a flash of light, and the screams of the terrifying creature that had been close to killing you ceased, the sound echoing through the corridor fading into nothingness. With a sigh, his body shifted to turn around. As he did so, you caught a glimpse of the unconscious alien lying on the ground, the sight causing you to be so relieved (because you had been concerningly close to your death mere seconds ago) that your knees weakened, your body about to slump to the ground. Though despite your expectation, the impact with the metallic floor never came as upon seeing you fall, the alien's silver eyes widened in alarm, and he was quick to catch you by your waist. Carefully, his beautiful eyes filled with worry, he supported you with his large and muscular arms, allowing you to take your time to regain balance. His gaze sharply traced over your body, looking for injuries. When he didn't seem to find anything, his tensed shoulders visibly relaxed.

"Are you alright?" he asked in concern, still not letting go of your waist. Under his touch, you felt sparks erupting in your whole body, despite him

currently wearing his gloves.

You nodded merely, your breaths going fast, the panic that was still holding you in its cold grip only slowly subsiding, its presence not allowing you to speak yet. In the alien's eyes, you could see the relief that washed over him.

"Thank goodness. I was already afraid of not being fast enough when I saw the Yuldrian lunge at you," Tae breathed out, the frantic movements of his eyes and his trembling fingers on your waist showing you how much he had feared for your life, just like you.

You shivered when you remembered the creature piercing you with its yellow eyes, showing its horrifying teeth to you. Cautiously, you peeked around Tae's tall body to see if the frightening being was moving, and to your relief, its slumped form still unconsciously laid on the floor, not moving a single limb.

"What if it will wake up?" you asked Tae with a worried frown, afraid of what the creature would do to you in its rage.

The alien's eyes filled with darkness, glinting coldly in the faint shimmer of light in the hallway. "They won't."

Realization hit you, and you stared at him in horror, slightly drawing away from him. "You- you killed them?"

Tae's eyes widened at your alarmed state, and his grip tightened around your waist as though he was trying to keep you close. "No, I just made them go unconscious! It was the only way to keep them from hurting you!" he vehemently justified his actions, seemingly not wanting you to think of him as a murderer.

You breathed out in relief. Even if the creature had almost killed you, you didn't want it to lose its life since you understood its attack on you had only been a desperate attempt to defend itself out of fear. It had been held captive just like you, after all.

(3rd person POV)

While the human girl was lost in her thoughts, Taehyung just felt content to look at her with soft eyes. He realized how much he had missed her while trying to stay away from her, and now that she was that close to him, he couldn't help but feel utterly relieved. The urge to pull her into his long arms to relish in that feeling of completeness that overcame him every time he was close to her was utterly intense, too intense to withstand. And in a swift motion, almost without him consciously deciding to, he put his arms around the girl, engulfing her in a tight hug. The embrace took the girl completely by surprise, ripping her out of her thoughts, her eyes growing wide and her breath hitching at the close proximity.

"Sorry, I need this," Taehyung mumbled into her hair that gave forth her addicting sweet scent, sighing in pure bliss to feel her that close.

The flustered girl was too astonished to find an answer, too occupied with trying to control her breath and her frantic heartbeat. Slowly, though, she let herself sink into his arms, craving for the proximity just as much as he did.

For a while, everything was peaceful.

Until an annoying voice interrupted the moment.

"What are you doing, Sir?" someone asked, confusion layering their voice.

Taehyung quickly shoved the human behind him, trying to shield her with his body from the Major General, who was standing in the corridor, a few lieutenants with laser guns in their hands accompanying him.

A malicious glint sparked in the Major General's eyes as he noticed his Commander's panic and poorly concealed attempt to hide something behind him, and he grinned, sensing an opportunity to reclaim his power. Now that he had the lieutenants next to him who would protect him and could also serve as witnesses of whatever unauthorized action the captain was committing, he felt brave. He tried to catch a glimpse of what Taehyung was protecting, but the tall and broad body of the Commander prevented his eyes from finding anything.

Taehyung completely tensed up, not knowing what to do if the Major General would find out about his precious Y/N he was hiding. Luckily she seemed to get the situation and stayed silent, not daring to move. Someone with heightened senses like Taehyung would have probably heard her panicked, suppressed breathing, but luckily, on the whole spaceship (and throughout the entire universe as well), no other species was as advanced as Taehyung's.

While maintaining an unreadable and intimidating expression, Taehyung pointed to the Yuldrian that still was unconsciously lying on the floor.

"The escaped prisoner who caused this mess," he stated briefly, with a cold voice.

The lieutenants immediately positioned themselves around the creature, their weapons threateningly pointing at it.

The Major General frowned, disappointed that his Commander showed the usual cold demeanor, his controlled behavior not giving away anything that could have raised suspicion. Just like that, the opportunity for the Major General to gain power over Taehyung seemed to vanish as if it had never been there. With a scowl, he motioned for the lieutenants to carry the Yuldrian off and turned to leave as well.

Everything would have gone smoothly–

If Y/N had not suddenly felt something tear through her throat, making her release a loud screeching sound that echoed through the corridor. With widened eyes, she quickly slapped her hand over her mouth to cover it, but it didn't help. The hiccup had already attracted the attention of the Major General and the lieutenants.

Taehyung froze to a statue, his panicked mind racing to figure out how to escape the situation, while the Major General slowly turned around to regard him with a malicious smirk. 

"Well, well, well," he hummed viciously, his tone of voice causing the girl to get a queasy feeling in the pit of her stomach. "What do we have here? You're surely not trying to hide anything, or are you, Sir?" the Major General asked with a smirk, deliberately making the last word in his question sound like an insult to mock Taehyung.

All of the blood drained from the girl's face as she trembled in fear while Taehyung tried to find a way to get himself– and the mesmerizing girl– out of the situation. Beyond any question, he knew crystal clear that he would protect the precious human at all costs.

And if the only possibility for both of them to be safe was to escape from the starship and find a place to hide as far from the SS Commissioner as they could, he would do exactly that. 

And with a deep breath that filled his nose with the girl's intoxicating scent that lingered richly in the air, Taehyung closed his eyes and quickly sent a prayer to his dead mother, hoping that his plan would succeed.

1623 words

Hey, another cliffhanger but at least Taehyung and Y/N are together again, so please don't kill me!😁

I love you all! Take care of yourselves and stay happy!

With purple love💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

Pic credit: https///www.istockphoto.com/de/fotos/spaceship-interior?mediatype=photography&phrase=spaceship%20interior&sort=mostpopular.com

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