𝒞𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝚇𝚇𝚇𝚅𝙸𝙸

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(3rd person POV)

Everyone's eyes were on him, but Taehyung wasn't aware of that, his surroundings fading into nothingness as he stared at the woman who he had feared to never see again, tears hazing his vision while his eyes traced each of her features, drinking in the sight as if he was dying of thirst. Although she was fairly old for a Lucyndian, she hadn't lost any of her strength and intelligence, holding her body upright in a confident posture, her purple eyes glowing brightly with power and strength just like he remembered her. His grandmother fondly smiled at him, just as emotional and overjoyed about the much longed-for reunion as him, her eyes glittering with tears she had suppressed for many years as she had tried to stay strong, her self-control crumbling now that she finally saw him again. 

Taehyung sank to the ground, rapidly blinking to ensure that she wasn't a dream or imagination that could vanish every second and to prevent the river of tears from flowing out of his eyes, but his attempts to keep his tears at bay were to no avail. His heart was filled with joy, endless happy tears rolling down his cheeks when his grandma finally made a few steps forward, crossing the room with long, hasty strides that expressed all her swirling emotions and her desperate need to reach her grandson as quickly as possible. While watching her approach him with tearful eyes, his hand lying across his mouth to suppress the violent sobs that were shaking his shoulders, he still couldn't believe what was currently happening. The situation resembled more a dream than reality, his wish to see his grandmother again suddenly coming true out of nowhere. The woman crouched down and pulled her grandchild close, engulfing him in her arms for the first time in so many years. It was heartbreaking for everyone in the room to hear the choked cry Taehyung released when he realized that his grandmother was there for real. Immediately, he clung to her clothes desperately, not wanting to let her go, afraid to lose her again as he vulnerably sobbed and whimpered in her arms.

"My lovely baby bear," his grandma fondly murmured into his ear, softly caressing his back, "I'm so incredibly proud of you."

He sniffed and looked up with his glistening silver eyes to meet her loving ones that were filled with tears as well. "Really?"

"Yes, my darling. And your mother would be just as proud as me," she whispered sincerely, tightening the soothing hug.

The other beings in the room– the six Lucyndians and the human– decided wordlessly with only exchanging glances that it would be better to leave both of them alone for a while to let them talk to each other undisturbed.

(Your POV)

The other aliens, Taehyung's childhood friends, guided you out of the room into the corridor, sending you warm smiles. Even though you felt slightly insecure at the prospect of being alone with them, not liking to be separated from the silver-eyed alien, you– of course– understood that he needed to spend time alone with his grandmother to catch up on all the love he had missed throughout the years. 

Actually, you were pretty curious about his grandmother. What what was the elderly lady's role inside the rebel organization? It had seemed as if the other Lucyndians were paying her a lot of respect as though she held a powerful position. If your eyes hadn't deceived me, I had even seen them bow slightly to her when they had left the room.

Hoseok seemed to guess the confused thoughts in your head, answering your questions before you could pose them.

"Tae's grandmother leads the rebels along with us. She has been part of the organization since the beginning and was a great help in bringing everyone together. By the way, she goes by the name Jiwon."

His grin radiated positivity and energy, making the corners of your lips naturally lift up in response. It seemed as if he was a very empathetic and optimistic person as you noticed the other Lucyndians around you also broking out in soft smiles when they saw his lips forming a lovely heart-shaped smile.

"Thank you," you whispered shyly, first fearing that you could have been too quiet for him to understand your words but figuring that he must have heard it when he beamed at you. While you were walking through the hallways, you let your eyes wander around in interest and wonder, struggling to suppress the curious questions you wanted to ask the much taller creatures around you, who you gratefully noticed adjusting their pace to yours. 

"Where are we going?"

Oops, looks like one question had bubbled out of your mouth before you could prevent it.

"We decided to guide you around to show you everything," Jimin told you with a bright smile, his cheeks adorably scrunching up, making his eyes form crescents.

You smiled back, finding yourself slowly growing more comfortable around them. Tae's childhood friends appeared to be very genuine and kind, so it seemed like your subconscious had already decided to trust them.

While walking down a few stairs, you began to hear faint grunting, screaming, and hitting sounds, the unsettling noise growing louder as you walked further, filling you with confusion. The corridor led around a corner, where it immediately opened up into a large hall with separated areas, the room stretching so immensely in length and width that you couldn't even see the opposite wall, the unbelievable size of it leaving you completely baffled. How had they been able to create such a room of that proportion underground? 

An uncountable amount of different creatures moved through the room, bodies so quickly and chaotically jumbling together that you struggled to focus on only one.

"This is the training hall," Hoseok presented proudly and made a gesture that included the whole room. "Over there, you'll learn how to survive in different terrain since there are many planets with completely varying environmental conditions," he explained. Your eyes followed the finger he pointed towards an area that was separated into many different zones. Narrowing your eyes, you saw a zone with desert-like circumstances, one with a jungle-like forest, one with mountain-like conditions consisting of huge edgy and rocks, and many other zones that were too far away to see clearly. There was even a large zone only filled with water. In each of them, you could see several different aliens trying to make their way through the terrain, some obviously more skillfully than others.

From your right sight, you could hear Jimin giggle, most likely at your marveled expression, and you could hear him muttering "Cute" under his breath, but all that wasn't enough to avert your attention from the gigantic hall.

Hoseok led you further into the room, pointing to the left as you passed a large area in which different aliens were running, lifting weights, and grunting from exertion, the prospect of exercising only appealing for you when you reminded yourself that it would help you to gain strength.

"In that area, you will improve your stamina. By the way, if you have questions, just go on and ask," Hoseok prompted you with a blinding smile.

You nodded wordlessly, too stunned to say anything and take advantage of his offer.

The seven of you walked further, reaching an area that undoubtedly caused the most noise out of all areas throughout the whole room. There were aliens aiming weapons at targets, some of the weaponry looking ridiculously tiny in the hands (or paws, tentacles– whatever) of large creatures while other weapons seemed hilariously huge while being held by smaller beings. Out of the weapons– the shapes of most of them slightly resembling guns from the Earth– were shooting either projectiles or bright, colorful flashes.

The area didn't only include firearm training, but there were also fight zones full of aliens fighting each other, either weaponless or with all kinds of metallic close combat weapons. As you approached the area, you arrived just in time to see a large, dark creature with thousands of tentacles attack a small, seemingly defenseless being while roaring frighteningly. Startled by the noise, you watched the fight with wide eyes, worrying for the smaller of the both. The tiny being that had metallic shimmering scales all over its body looked alarmingly vulnerable. What if they would get hurt? 

Suddenly transparent wings spread from the tiny creature, and they leaped up too quick for the alien with the tentacles to react. The heavy, large creature crashed into a barrier at full speed, bouncing back from the soft surface with a confused "Huh?", earning a few well-intended chuckles from bystanders.

"Don't underestimate your enemy!" the smaller alien instructed with a nasal voice while gracefully landing on the ground. "Predict your opponent's next moves and always be one step ahead, don't charge at them at full speed without observing their tactics beforehand. Make sure to know the weaknesses and strengths of the species you are fighting against and act accordingly."

"Ah, we were all at the point of underestimating our opponents before," Jimin giggled, a mischievous glint in his blue eyes. "I remember how Jin once fought Jungkook, thinking that he was weak because he was the youngest and got kicked in the a-"

"No cussing!" Jin screeched and charged at the blue-haired Lucyndian, who immediately ran away to escape the other's wrath. "And stop embarrassing me!"

The others giggled, recalling the incident, and you chuckled together with them, amused by their behavior.

And as you were laughing together, you couldn't help but feel entirely welcomed into the rows of the rebels already, their openness making you feel like home.

1628 words


What did you think of the training hall? It was quite difficult to describe and to transform my imagination into words but I hope I succeeded!

BTW I chose Jiwon's name very carefully and looked up the meaning of  Korean names to find the perfect one for her. Here's the definition of  Jiwon:
From Sino-Korean "know, perceive, comprehend", "purpose, will, determination" or "wisdom, knowledge, intelligence" (ji), and "source, origin, beginning" or "beauty, beautiful woman" (won).

Stay safe and happy. Take care of yourselves and wear your masks like BTS said OR ELSE😡

With purple love💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

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