SPAAAAM PART 4 || A Wild Shipper Appears

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HB pencil, copyright shanSWfan September 4th, 2016

LAST ONE!!! Hope you liked them, Superkate-Studios!!




(If anyone read that while humming the Imperial March right off the bat, I salute you and blame writer-reader telepathy.)

Another random little sketch, which thus far remains unfinished. I imagine the Doctor did something quite unexpected here, most likely showed up somewhere in the timeline he wasn't supposed to and they'll have to figure out what happened.

Buuuuut it was fun to play around with Kate's ponytail concept, since I had reference for that from my awesome brainstorming bud too. Once again, the hair turned out pretty okay. (I'm on a good streak, I think.) I did it on the wrong side, but shhhh, minor details... If she's anything like me, when the hair is up, it's up, and it doesn't matter how or what it looks like unless there are pieces sticking out everywhere.

I like the expression on her face thought. It's not really in my usual style, or at least not the way I'm used to using my usual style (try saying that five times fast if you're not Jack Sparrow).

And there's a random poorly sketched book-Sharron in the background, her weapon of choice (a purpled lightsaber) at her hip, just happy to see her ship reunited once more.

Anyways, I have to be going now, but the next chapter of UAAT is half-done and if all works out I'll have it posted sometime tomorrow afternoon.

Goodnight all!

Bye :D

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