Chapter two

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I've always enjoyed inflicting pain on others.

To watch how easily someone could be so apprehensive, gave me exhilaration.

There was no better way to take control over someone, than to intimidate them.
Make them believe they had no other choice but to surrender to your force.

From a young age, I had to learn to instil that fear, because if I was going to be Pakhan for the Bratva one day, there was no room for weakness and error.

And right now, as I stand in this very dull night, the urge to empower and discourage her,consumed me.

Little king thought she could escape, but found herself in the clutches of the devil.


I'd seen her run away from the forest, where the initiation was taking place and towards the hedge. She thought she could sneak away, as if none of us wouldn't notice. It was almost laughable.

I told the guys I'd handle her and let them them carry on without me. Whatever she was trying to play at, I was going to find out, but then something unexpected happened.

She left her place from the hedge and ran straight towards the mansion and made her way inside.

This girl was either very brave or just stupid. I'll go with the latter.
People knew who we were, no one with at least half a brain would even try to meddle with us unless they had a death wish.


My head tilts to the side as I observe her position on the floor. Black midnight hair, that's now in slight dissary from the fall, lips painted the colour of blood red and eyes so grey, they resemble a violent storm.

"Are u insane? I could of seriously injure myself you fucking psycho" she snaps furiously. Her English accent the perfect combination of feathery and hypnotic.

"Well that kind of was the whole point wasn't it" I arch a single brow

She glares back at me, nails digging into the dirt and face flushed with anger.

My lips twitch beneath my mask and ask
"You though you could run off with your little master plan and no one would notice?"

"I have nothing to say to you, after you fucking knocked me out with your chains, like I an animal"

"Well that's what you get for sneaking in places you shouldn't be at, Alicia"

Of course I knew who Alicia king was. Her family is one of the most influential family's there is. That is something even i tend to know and believe me when I say, have a very short attention span for tedious things.

My father says, Aiden king, her dear old dad is a forced to be reckoned with. The Kings are most notorious when it comes to power, money and fame. Maybe that's why little king here is so full of herself.

One of her brothers Creighton, hangs out with Glyndon and Cecily her childhood friends, who are involved with kill and Jer.

She also has another brother and two other twin cousins. And no, I don't know all of this because I care. That fucker Nikolai is always filling me on everyone's information like a meddlesome bitch.

I don't attend King's U like my friends and only come for the initiations that happen ever year. Once they end, I head back to New York for my trainings. Better for me, I never felt the need to study at Brighton Island anyway...that is until now.
hmm maybe I might just tell my father, I'll staying here for a certain king after all.

"So are u just going to stand there, like a creep or are you going to apologise?" Alicia says with scowl

I ignore her creep comment and answer with a mocking tone "Apologise, for what?"

"For what? You clearly meant to harm me" She sneers, like she can believe i even asked her a question like that.

"On a more important note princess, why don't you tell me what were you doing inside the mansion first?"

" I don't see how that's any of your business arsehole"

"Oh, is it not? Considering you're on my property"

"Shut up and first of all, it's not your property since you don't even live here and second, I'm not your princess"

I chuckle at her comeback, she certainly has a mouth on her. One that needs shutting up and am more than willing to do it myself. 

Her hands suddenly rush to her coat pockets as if she's looking for something and I can't help but smirk to myself.

"Looking for this now are we?" I say holding up the folder that fell from her hands when she had her not so graceful fall. Should of apologised for that, but oh well, we've already established that I'm an asshole.

She snaps her head up so fast I'm surprised it doesn't break, looking at the folder in my hand and grits her teeth.
"Give it back"
"Nah I think I'll hold on to it for a while"
"Give it back you motherfuc- she lunges forward to grab it, before I pull her arm and throw her against the tree.

She begins to scratch and scream, demanding that I let her go while putting on an impressive little show. Honestly she's starting to piss me off, not only am I way stronger than her but also more presiding.

My hands instantly go to her red painted lips to block out her screams, her storm grey eyes have a hint of blue in them now that I look at them more closely.

Her vanilla, with a touch of musk scent engulfs my nose beneath my mask and...fuck she's like a drug. I close my eyes and lean forward to get closer, drowning in her scent.

Her breathing turns shallow, her chest starts beating rapidly and I open my eyes to see her wide blue grey orbs staring back at me.

"I'm going to remove my hand and you will not scream and make a scene"
"Nod if u understand" she look's at me as if I'm speaking to ghost, as if she's not standing there. Taking a strand of her dark hair, I lean forward and tuck the piece behind her, muttering "I said, nod if you understand me
moya korolyova"

Goosebumps erupt all over her skin and she suppresses a shudder. She's scared and probably to proud to show it. You can't hide it baby, I could of smelled your fear from a mile away. I live for it.

"You don't want me to say it third time" Hoping she can hear the anticipation in my voice.

She narrows her eyes at me but hesitantly nods her head. "Good girl, see that wasn't so hard now was it"
I remove my fingers to take a step back, just as she grabs a pistol out of her pocket and points it right at my chest

"You sick bastard. How dare you fucking put hands on me" she growls, her lips twist in disgust and her hand that hold's the gun, shake's from how enraged she is.

I smile at her defiance and shake my head.
"Tsk tsk moya korolyova, you might want to watch your tone. After all it is YOU that is at my mercy and not the other way around.

" I swear to god, I'm going to kill you"

"By all means, if you have the guts "

"You think I'm bluffing? I really will"

"Sure yes, I believe you"

She looks at me like she is just about ready to explode with fury. I seriously couldn't help but laugh this time. It was adorable how she thought she could deter me.

"Don't temp me or you'll regret it" she says slowly

"The only thing I'll regret is not-

The startling sound of a gun going off echoes through the air as my left hand goes numb and wet, blood instantly seeps out and soaks the sleeve of my hoodie
Motherfucker! she actually shot me right in my fucking arm

"Be glad it was the arm, next time I'll make sure to aim for the heart"  I look up to see her run in the direction of the gates, never once looking back and leaving me in the dark of the not so dull night.

I smile at her retreating form, adrenaline shooting through my body as I clutch my throbbing arm to inspect the wound.

Shit, she got me good but I've been through worse though. And if she thought she could run away from me now, she didn't know what was really coming her way.

"Be glad it was the arm, next time I'll make sure to aim for your heart"
We'll see about that princess.


Authors note:
Thank you for reading chapter two!
Stay tuned for more, you guys are not ready 😅
Also I said I will post the playlist and aesthetics soon just wanted to get chapter two out of the way first
There will also be interactions with the horsemen kids and everyone in the upcoming chapters

Just to clarify:
Vaughn is actually nineteen and not eighteen like in rina's verse hence why he says he doesn't attend King's U.

Thank you for reading and enjoying my book!! ❤️

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