Chapter 16: Facing Extinction

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Godzilla continuously dodged Shin's unrelenting attacks. His fighting style was strange. It wasn't quite inexperienced, but he certainly had never fought before. It was as if some of Godzilla's own fighting skill had gone into Shin, but not enough to make him a skilled fighter. Finally, Godzilla saw an opening, and swung his sword down at Shin's arm. He cleanly sliced the appendage off, making it land on the ground with a thump. His atomic blade sputtered out and died as the severed arm began to wither. Shin roared in pain as blood began to litteraly pour out of the wound. Godzilla pointed his sword at him.
"You may be my clone, but you're not me." He said. But his confidence was short lived. While the disembodied arm began to rot away, the blood stopped pouring from Shin's wound. The stump that was left of his arm began to grow as the flesh inside glowed red. Within seconds the stump became a new arm, complete with a fully formed hand. Another atomic blade appeared on this hand, and another appeared on his other hand. Godzilla rolled his eyes and flipped his own sword around in his hand.
"Great." He muttered. He rushed forward and clashed blades with Shin again. Even while using two blades Shin wasn't a very good fighter. But he was strong. Godzilla could barely stand against his attacks. But this wasn't what worried Godzilla. It was Shin's glowing parts. His arms glowed purple, and the rest of his scars glowed deep bright red. His skin was also beginning to smoke, and his eyes were glowing red as well. Godzilla recognized exactly what was happening. Shin was Burning. This made sense. Godzilla himself was always on the edge of letting his atomic energy take over his body, which allowed him to activate his Burning form. Godzilla knew how to control this, but Shin didn't. This was extremely dangerous. If Shin continued to Burn, he could destroy the entire island, if not the entire continent. Godzilla had hoped to defeat Shin without killing him, but now he knew he had no choice. But Shin's brute strength was already starting to overtake him. He slashed at Godzilla with both blades, though Godzilla defended himself with his own sword. Shin began to force Godzilla to the ground. The heat from the atomic blades made Godzilla begin to sweat. Shin opened his deformed mouth impossibly wide and delivered a disgustingly terrifying roar, allowing Godzilla to see the deep purple and red light coming from his throat. Before he could be forced to the ground, Godzilla swung up with his sword, sending Shin stumbling back a few feet. While he was distracted, Godzilla shouted and drove his sword into Shin's chest. He continued to run forward, taking Shin with him. Finally, they ran into a wall. Godzilla's sword pinned Shin against the concrete. Despite being impaled, Shin continued to attack Godzilla while he held onto the swords hilt. He dodged each attack as he put his plan into action. He looked up to see they were underneath a large balcony. He turned his head, and saw Battra. Immediately, he got his idea.
"Battra!" He shouted. "Shoot the balcony!"
Battra nodded, and looked towards the balcony. He understood Godzilla's plan. He breathed in deeply, summoning his inner chi energy into his headband, and shot a beam of light out of the golden crest on it. The beam struck the balcony, which began to crumble. As Godzilla saw this, he kicked Shin in the stomach, which not only managed to free his sword, but also launch himself away from Shin as the balcony fell. Shin wasn't so lucky. He looked up just as the crumbling concrete, metal, and wood fell on his head. Godzilla rolled on the ground as he landed and quickly turned back to where Shin was standing. All that was left was the pile of debris and rubble, and all that was left of Shin was an arm poking out of it. It wasn't glowing or moving. Godzilla sighed, realizing his battle was over. But the other battles were still going.

Delta slammed Blue into a wall with her tail. Blue had never seen her fight like this before. They had fought a lot, but while Delta had always wanted to hurt Blue, now it definitely seemed like she wanted her dead. Blue didn't want to hurt her sister, at least not too much, but she didn't have a choice. She dodged another tail attack and pounced on Delta. However, Delta was ready for her. As soon as Blue landed, Delta launched her over her head. Blue landed on her back, her head slamming into the concrete. The wind was knocked out of her, and she clenched her eyes and teeth as a wave of pain shot through her skull. She staggered to her feet, but Delta slashed her in the face, sending her back to the ground. She groaned as she tried to lift herself back up.
"You always had this coming, Blue!" Delta taunted as she walked around her. "This is payback for all the years you held me back!"
She kicked Blue in the side, sending her back to the ground again. She didn't want to be interrupted. She wanted Blue to hear what she had to say.
"I was always better than you!" She said. "You were only the leader because you're the oldest!"
She aimed her foot at Blue's head now, slamming it into the concrete below. Blue brought her hands up to the sides of her head. She didn't even try to get up now. Echo just stood over her as her breath sped up in her anger.
"Well? Aren't you gonna say anything!?" She shouted. "You always had to point out something I was doing wrong, why stop now, right!? Say something!!!"
She stopped moving. Her hands and head were shaking in anger as she watched Blue get up to her feet. There was a scar across her forehead, and her nose was bleeding. She wiped her face with her arm. As she staggered closer to Delta.
"I have only one thing to say to you." She said. She continued to approach. She tried to remember what Godzilla had done to help her come back to his side. Delta was confused as to what she was doing.
"What are you..." She didn't get to finish her thought, as Blue suddenly hugged her tightly. Her eyes widened as her mind registered what was happening.
"I'm sorry." Blue said. "You're right. I'm a terrible leader. I wasn't born to lead. But you were. You're better at everything. You're stronger, smarter, faster... I'm sorry I never saw it before."
"Stop it." Delta said. She wanted to attack her, but she couldn't. "Get the hell off of me."
"No." Blue refused. "I'm not just your leader, I'm your sister. I'm sorry I never saw that before."
Delta glared at her and growled. "Why are you leaving yourself vulnerable like this?" She asked. "I could kill you right now if I wanted!"
Blue looked up at her sister. "Do it then."
Delta clenched her teeth and raised her claws. She prepared to jab them down on the back of Blue's neck, killing her instantly. But her arm froze. She couldn't do it. She was unable to kill Blue. Rather, she brought her other arm up and wrapped both of them around her, reciprocating the hug. She closed her eyes and buried it into her sister's shoulder as tears began to flow.
"God dammit, Blue... I'm sorry too." She muttered. Blue smiled and hugged Delta tighter.
"It's alright." She said. The two were met by Charlie hugging them as well.
"Yay, Delta's not an edgelord anymore!" She cheered.
Blue giggled, while Delta rolled her eyes. While the sisters enjoyed their closeness, it wasn't to last as Godzilla suddenly approached them.
"I'm glad you're all getting along, but the fight's not over yet." He said. He pointed his sword to the area where Indominus was fighting the T Rex. It was much farther way from where he and the others were standing. Delta and Charlie prepared to run over, but Blue stopped them.
"It's alright." She said. "I don't want you getting hurt. Godzilla and I will handle this."
Delta nodded and smiled. "Whatever you say, big sis."
Blue smiled back at her, but she didn't have time for another hug. Godzilla motioned for her to come with him, and the two ran to the next fight. The T Rex needed their help.

While the T Rex had the size and strength advantage, she did not have Indominus' speed and fighting tactics. Either one could gain the upper hand at any moment. Indominus lunged at the T Rex, only to be grabbed by the throat and shoved to the ground below. However, this gave Indominus the opportunity to wrap her tail around the T Rex's leg and trip her. She dove down to attack her in the ankle, which would have prevented her from getting back up, but the T Rex had already reared back her leg and kicked Indominus in the face, sending her away. But she wasn't out just yet. Indominus had always carried herself as a creature above other animals. But now, she felt as though giving into her animalistic urges was a good thing. Her red pupils turned into thin lizard-like slits as she lunged at the T Rex once again. This time, she aimed for the throat. She closed her jaws around the T Rex's neck and forced her to the ground. The T Rex struggled to get her off, but the pain of having her throat bitten was too much to think about anything else. As Indominus prepared to finish the job, something tackled her to the ground, off of the T Rex. When she looked up, she saw Blue standing over her, quickly backing up to prevent being attacked. Next to her was Godzilla, who Indominus was surprised to see.
"What? Shin Godzilla hasn't killed you yet?" She hissed.
"Oh, please." Godzilla scoffed. "He was barely worth the effort."
Indominus eyed the area where Godzilla and Shin had fought, and now only saw the destroyed balcony. It wasn't hard for her to put two and two together. She growled at Godzilla, her mind filled with rage. She stood up to her feet and got into a battle stance.
"How were you able to defeat him!?" She roared. "He was the ultimate life-form!"
"Don't you know the original is always better than the remake?" Godzilla smirked.
Indominus roared in anger and lunged at Godzilla. But before she could reach him, the T Rex grabbed her by the throat and threw her to the ground. She rolled for a second before standing back up. Looking up at her opponents, she realized she was severely outnumbered. Godzilla drew his sword, Blue brandished her claws, and the T Rex only needed to look at her to be intimidating.
"Give it up, Indominus." Godzilla ordered. "It's over. You've lost."
"No... never!" Indominus shouted. "I will never give up. I won't surrender to the likes of you! I'll kill you all! I won't rest until every human is dead! I will have my re-"
Suddenly, she heard a loud splash behind her. It came to her attention that she was standing in front of a large pool. She also realized what the pool was for when she looked up and saw a mosasaur opening its jaws. Before she could run away, the jaws closed down around her.
"Whoa!" Godzilla shouted, backing up in surprise. He truly wasn't expecting that. The mosasaur quickly descended back into the water as the other stared in awe. As it swam away, everyone relaxed. Blue released a sigh of relief.
"It's over." She said.
"Yeah... yeah it is." Godzilla agreed, placing a hand on Blue's shoulder. The two looked up at the T Rex, who stared back down at them. She didn't seem to want to fight them.
"So... are you gonna come back with us?" Godzilla asked. The T Rex shook her head.
"Can you say anything?" Godzilla asked, raising an eyebrow. Now the T Rex paused for a moment before finally opening her mouth.
"I am different from the other hybrids." She said. "I would not do well among humans."
Blue nodded. "I understand." She said. "Thank you for helping us."
The T Rex smiled through her scarred lips and sharp teeth and nodded at the two. "Perhaps you will need my help again." She said. "But until then, I will remain here."
With that, she ran away into the jungle surrounding them. She disappeared quickly into the plant life and darkness. Godzilla exhaled in relief.
"Well, I guess we should head back to the others. Tell them the good news." Godzilla said.
"Sure thing, dad." Blue said. When she realized what she had said, her eyes widened and she blushed. When Godzilla looked down at her with a raised eyebrow, she looked at the ground.
"What did you say?" Godzilla asked.
"N-nothing." Blue muttered.
Godzilla decided to let it go. They were about to head back to the others, but they suddenly heard a strange sound. It was a splash followed by a splat on pavement. Godzilla and Blue turned around to see something terrifying. The mosasaur had resurfaced. But it was dead. Blood was coming from its mouth and it had scars all over its body. But that wasn't the disturbing part. Despite being dead, the mosasaur was still moving. Or something was moving inside of it. Suddenly, claws pierced the inside of the mosasaur's flesh and sliced a large rip in its side. And out of the incision, the Indominus stepped out. She was covered in blood and bile and looked extremely angry. She bore her teeth and roared at Godzilla and Blue, but the roar sounded more like a scream. She began running towards them on all fours. All human instinct was gone now, replaced with pure primal rage. Godzilla recognized the danger and drew his sword again.
"Blue, run." He ordered.
"What? No, we'll fight her together!" Blue said.
"She's too dangerous!" Godzilla shot back. "Go back to the others, I'll handle this."
Blue was hesitant, but before she could say anything else, the Indominus had reached them. She jumped into the air and lunged at them, but Godzilla defended from her claws with his sword.
"Blue, get out of here, now!" He ordered. Blue didn't have to be told twice now. She ran away back to the others while Godzilla forced the Indominus back and got into a battle stance.
"And you said I don't know when to quit." Godzilla spat. The Indominus said nothing. She ran back towards Godzilla, her claws acting like knives as she attacked him again and again. It was less like fighting a person and more like fighting an untamed animal. Indominus was fast. So fast that Godzilla could barely get one attack in. He managed to slash at her once, but she just bit onto his blade. After getting over the surprise, Godzilla kicked her away from him. He eyed his sword, and actually saw teeth marks in the metal. While he was shocked to see her teeth were so strong that she was actually able to dent a metal blade, he got to feel her teeth strength for himself when she bit down on his collar bone. He shouted in pain as the two fell to the ground. Despite the pain, Godzilla considered himself lucky that she missed his neck. He guessed that's what she was going for since he had managed to study some of her fighting style. He realized he had dropped his sword earlier, so he resorted to punching her in the head to make her let go. Eventually this worked, and Godzilla punched her far away from him. She landed on all fours and immediately began running again. This time, Godzilla was ready. He grabbed his sword and ran towards her as well. When she lunged at him, he slashed upwards with his sword. He managed to slice her across the chest. He heard the Indominus roar in pain as she fell to the ground. Godzilla wasted no time and began to walk over to her. While she attempted to get back up, the pain was too much, and she ended up just laying on her back. While letting her bleed out would have killed her, Godzilla wanted to be sure. He stood over her and raised his blade in the air. She looked up at him, pure hatred in her dark soulless eyes. After giving one final roar, Godzilla jabbed the sword into her stomach, impaling her and pinning her to the ground. She slowly stopped moving and went completely limp. She was dead, or so Godzilla thought. When he drew his sword out of her, she shot up, much to his surprise.
"Do you ever stay dead!?" He asked. However, the Indominus was clearly only acting on her last moments. She crawled along the ground with her face full of pure rage, trying to reach Godzilla so she could kill him. As she pulled herself, Godzilla could see the massive blood trail behind her. She was losing too much blood to stay alive. Godzilla didn't even bother moving. As soon as she reached Godzilla, she went completely limp and lifeless. Now she was dead for good. Godzilla sighed in relief. The park was safe once more. Though after this incident, he doubted the park would ever open it's gates again.
"Well, at least the others are safe." Godzilla said to himself. With that, he walked back to the centre of the park, leaving the Indominus in a pool of her own blood.

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