How Gigan met Biolante

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Summary: A short story about how Gigan met Biolante, and how their deadly romance started.


"This is the place." Hedorah said. "Ghidorah said they'd be in here."
Gigan looked at the florescent sign for the dive bar. He scoffed, placing his hands in his pockets.
"I don't see why we need another recruit." He said. "You, Destroyah, and I are enough."
"Ghidorah seems pretty worried about how powerful Gojira's son is getting." Hedorah explained. "Now let's get this over with."
Gigan agreed. They stepped into the bar, and the stench of alcohol, vomit, and other bodily fluids hit him like a brick. Ghidorah had sent him and Hedorah here to find a new recruit for his army. Apparently, their name was Biolante. But unfortunately, Ghidorah neglected to tell them what Biolante looked like. They didn't even know if they were a male or female. Gigan rolled his eyes. As far as he cared, this was pointless.
"I'm gonna get a drink." Gigan said. Hedorah turned to him, raising an eyebrow under his gas mask.
"We don't have time for that." He protested.
"Hey, we're in a bar, right?" Gigan replied, smirking.
"That doesn't matter, we're on a mission!" Hedorah insisted. Gigan ignored him and sat down at the counter. After ordering a drink, he glanced to his left. And that's when he saw her. A girl about his own hight, with long dark green hair and slightly tanned skin. Her eyes were downcast at the drink in her hand. She seemed upset about something. After some time, she noticed Gigan looking at her.
"See something you like?" She asked. She didn't seem like she was in a joking mood.
"Sorry." Gigan responded. "I see a hot girl and just can't help myself, I guess."
"Hm." The girl responded. She seemed to smirk a little, staring back at her drink. That compliment must have raised her spirits a bit. Gigan stuck out a hand.
"I'm Gigan, by the way." He said. The girl looked back at him, gasping in surprise when she noticed his metallic hands. Gigan realized what she was looking at and laughed it off. "Long story." He explained.
"...I...I'm Biolante." The girl responded, shaking his hand. Gigan's grin faded when he heard her name. He raised an eyebrow.
"Wait... did you just say Biolante?" Gigan asked. "You fought Godzilla a few weeks ago, right?"
"So you watch the news, good for you." Biolante responded.
"That's not what I meant." Gigan chuckled. "Look, I work for a guy named King Ghidorah. He's an alien warlord from Venus, and he's been building an army for a few years now. He sent me to find you."
"Oh really?" Biolante asked, smiling. She seemed to be in a better mood now. She fully turned to Gigan, now invested in their conversation.
"So what sort of powers do you have?" Gigan asked.
"I can control plant life." Biolante explained. "I can manipulate their cells to make them change size, and I can even change the plant species itself."
Gigan raised an eyebrow. "Personally, I think you'd be a pretty good fit for Ghidorah's army, if you're interested." He asked. Biolante took another sip of her drink, then set it on the counter.
"I think I am." She said. "But I'm more interested in something else."
"And what might that be?" Gigan asked, though he thought he knew already. Biolante leaned in close to him.
"You said I was hot, right?" She asked back. "Well, I'd be lying if I said I didn't consider you at least a little bit attractive."
Gigan's eyebrows raised. His sly smirk grew wider. "You know, I'm staying in a hotel not far from here." He crooned. Biolante's eyelids lowered, and she stood up placing a hand on her hip. "Lead the way." She said.
Gigan stood up as well. He knew that tonight was gonna be a good night. As they walked through the door, Hedorah caught up with them.
"Where are you going?" He asked. "And who's this?"
"This is Biolante." Gigan explained.
"Pleased to meet you." Biolante said.
"We're going back to the hotel, so... you know." Gigan said. "Don't wait up."
Hedorah tried to reply, but found no words. Not only had Gigan found Biolante with no effort, not only had he hit it off with her, but he was now kicking Hedorah out of their shared hotel room to do god knows what to her. He couldn't voice his concerns, as Gigan and Biolante had already left. He groaned loudly.
"Screw it. I'm getting a drink." He muttered.

Gigan lead Biolante down the road to the hotel he and Hedorah were staying at. Ghidorah had supplied them with more than enough Earth money to rent the nicest hotel room they could find. It was dark out, and a little bit cold. As they walked, Gigan noticed Biolante shivering slightly. He realized her dress didn't have sleeves, and the red wrap around her arms probably wasn't very warm.
"Hold on a second." Gigan said. He stopped walking, as did Biolante. She eyed him curiously as he took off his jacket and handed it to her.
"Here, you look a little cold." He said. Biolante hesitated for a while, but eventually took the jacket from him.
"Oh... thank you." She said, smiling as she placed it over her shoulders. It wasn't extremely warm, but it was better than nothing. "Won't you be cold?" She asked.
"Nah, I'll be fine." Gigan replied. They continued walking as they talked. "The hotel's pretty close anyway." Biolante nodded.
"So what exactly are we gonna do when we get there?" She asked.
"I have a thought." Gigan replied.

Immediately after Gigan and Biolante got back to the hotel room, they wasted no time. They had spent the last half hour on the bed, making out passionately. Things were going well, until Biolante gently pulled away. Gigan raised an eyebrow.
"Something wrong?" He asked.
"It's nothing... I just think I might... never mind, it's stupid." Biolante said.
"C'mon, tell me." Gigan said. Biolante hesitated, but eventually complied.
"Alright, fin. I think I might be in love with you." Biolante said with a slight chuckle. "That's crazy, right?" Gigan's smile fell as she said this. They just sat there in silence for a few moments. Biolante started to regret saying that.
"I... uh... wow." Gigan said. "That's not something I thought I'd hear today."
"I ruined the moment, didn't I?" Biolante solemnly asked.
"No, it's not that." Gigan replied. "You didn't do anything wrong. In fact, I think I might be in love with you too. But there's something you should know." He positioned himself backwards and sat up. Biolante did the same, kneeling on her knees while still straddling him. .
"What is it?" She asked. Gigan took a deep breath before confessing.
"I may look young, but I'm not." Gigan explained. "I was basically used as a science experiment when I was younger. That's where I got the metal hands." He morphed his hand into a blade to emphasize his point. Biolante gasped and jumped back in surprise.
"Whoa..." She said.
"Yeah, but that's not the only thing." Gigan continued, changing his hand back to normal. "A side effect from the experiments is that I don't age. Or at least, if I do, I age really slowly."
"Oh... alright." Biolante said, nodding as she took in all the information. "So, how old are you?"
"A lot older than you." Gigan guessed.
"And how old were you when the... experiments happened?" Biolante asked.
"In Earth years, about 19, I think." Gigan said. "I'm sorry I didn't explain this before, and I understand if you think that's weird or creepy."
Biolante smirked and moved even closer to Gigan. He looked up at her with a confused expression, making Biolante chuckle.
"You obviously don't know anything about me." She breathed. "I'm not exactly normal either. I've got more in common with plants than I do with humans."
She looked up and saw a small potted plant next to the window. She raised and hand, making the plant grow until is burst out of the pot. Gigan observed this with wide eyes.
"Huh. You weren't kidding about the whole controlling plants thing." He said. "Wait... so what you're saying is..."
"Yep." Biolante replied. "I don't age either. I'm gonna look this hot forever."
Gigan's eyebrows raised. He still couldn't believe his luck. For the first time since the experiments, he was having a really good day.
"So, shall we continue?" Biolante asked, beginning to remove Gigan's jacket.
"Oh, hell yeah." Gigan grinned.

Meanwhile, Ghidorah sat in the chair at the front of the ship. He had his head resting on his fist.
"Where are they?" He asked himself. He tapped a button on his arm rest, connecting him to the communication channel. Hedorah immediately picked up.
"What is it, sir?" He asked.
"Did you find Biolante?" Ghidorah responded. Hedorah audibly sighed angrily on the other end.
"Well, one of us did." He said. "Gigan took her to our hotel room about an hour ago."
"He did what?!" Ghidorah asked, placing his hands on the armrests of his seat.
"Yes, I assume they're currently becoming aquainted with each other right now." Hedorah groaned. Ghidorah growled and pressed another button, connecting him to Gigan. To his surprise, Gigan actually picked up.
"Ghidorah, I'm a little busy here." He said.
"Hedorah told me you found Biolante." Ghidorah interrupted. "Put her on; I want to talk to her."
"She's... busy too." Gigan replied. "Listen, I gotta go. We'll see you tomorrow, yeah?"
"Don't you dare hang up on me!" Ghidorah ordered. It was too late. Gigan was off the channel now. Ghidorah leaned back in his chair and pinched the bridge of his nose under his mask, groaning as he did so. Hedorah was still on the channel.
"Do you want me to kill him? Please say yes." He asked.
"No, not yet at least." Ghidorah responded.
"Damn." Hedorah muttered.

The next morning, Gigan woke up to a knock on the door. While he originally thought the knock was coming from the entrance door, it was actually coming from a sliding glass balcony door on the other side of the room. Gigan groaned in tiredness, rubbed his eyes, and got up from out of the bed. He heard Biolante moan in her sleep next to him as he shifted in bed. Both of them were undressed down to their undergarments, so Gigan threw on his pants and jacket as he walked over to the balcony. He heard another knock, and began to realize how strange it was that someone was knocking on the balcony door.
"What the hell..." He muttered. He pulled back the curtain on the window just in time to see Ghidorah's ship hovering a few meters away, and a missile coming towards him. His eyes widened, and he closed the curtains before he he dove towards the bed, just as the window and the wall along with it exploded. Obviously, this woke up Biolante as well. She sat straight up in bed, covering herself with the sheets. She looked down at Gigan, who was sprawled out in front of her, covered in debris from the wall.
"What happened?" She asked. Her question was answered when she saw the massive hole in the wall, along with a figure clad in golden armour and a long cape who walking into the room through it. Biolante brought the blanket closer to her to cover herself more when she saw this new face.
"You must be Biolante." The figure said, "I am King Ghidorah, Gigan's employer." Biolante recognized the name. Gigan had told her the other night.
"Oh! Pleased to meet you." she said. The two shook hands, though Biolante was still a little embarrassed to be partially naked in front of him. Ghidorah looked down at Gigan and glared at him.
"I see something happened between you two last night." He said. Gigan grinned nervously back at him. Ghidorah turned his gaze back to Biolante.
"Would you mind leaving the room for a bit? Perhaps you'd like to get dressed." He continued.
"Y-yeah, sure." Biolante nodded. She wrapped herself in a sheet and gathered her clothes on from the ground before leaving for the washroom. When the door closed, Ghidorah grabbed Gigan and lifted him onto his feet.
"So I send you to find our new recruit," Ghidorah snapped, "and you decide to treat it as your personal brothel visit? What were you thinking?!"
Gigan grimaced and looked to the side. He hated it when Ghidorah berated him. He didn't stop.
"I see your mind ages at the same rate as the rest of you." He said. "You should have found Biolante, and brought her to me with Hedorah. This hotel room was only for if you couldn't find her in time. Why did I think that..."
"I love her." Gigan interrupted. Ghidorah paused for a moment. He stared at Gigan for what seemed like minutes.
"What did you say?" He eventually asked.
"I said I love her." Gigan admitted. "She's the only person I've ever met who I can relate to on a personal level. Her being smoking hot is just a bonus. Look, just please don't ruin this for me."
Ghidorah slowly nodded, taking in his words. His expression seemed to soften.
"Alright, I suppose I can understand that." He said. "But I can't have you to doing... this sort of thing... every day. There will be ground rules about this."
Gigan sighed, glad that Ghidorah was so forgiving about the situation. "Thanks, man. This is a big deal for me."
Almost right afterwords, Biolante stepped out of the washroom, running a hand through her long hair. Ghidorah nodded in her direction, beckoning her over to where Gigan was standing.
"Now that you're back, we can discuss you're new assignment." Ghidorah said.
"An assignment on my first day? Well, don't I feel important." Biolante smirked.
"You should." Ghidorah nodded. "I wouldn't trust anyone with something like this. You'll be taking on Godzilla and Mothra."
Gigan growled silently. He and Mothra had fought a little while ago. She had won. He also knew that Biolante had fought with Godzilla earlier was well. She was just as determined as he was.
"Just tell us where they are." She said. "We can take them."
"Good. This will also be a test of how well you two work as a team." Ghidorah said. "Gigan just informed me of his feelings for you."
Biolante blushed as she heard this. Gigan smirked and raised an eyebrow in her direction, making Biolante blush even more. They both looked back to Ghidorah.
"They're on Monster Island right now." Ghidorah continued. "They should be the only ones there, if I'm correct."
"Alright, let's go." Gigan said. He started to head towards the ship, but Ghidorah stopped him with his hand, which was holding a red T-shirt. Gigan realized this was his shirt, and that he currently wasn't wearing one.
"Put this on first." Ghidorah said.

Mothra had arrived on Monster island a few hours ago. Since then, she and Godzilla were conversing while walking through the forest area of the island. They didn't get to see each other often, so it was good for them to catch up with each other.
"So how's Battra's reformation going?" Godzilla asked.
"Pretty well." Mothra responded. "I think we're getting close to a breakthrough."
"That's good." Godzilla nodded. It had been a few years since they had met. They were pretty much best friends at this point. Unknown to Godzilla, Mothra was currently developing feelings for him. So when Mothra suddenly felt Godzilla wrap an arm around her waist and pull her away from a puddle of mud she was about to step in, she gasped and blushed.
"That was close." He said.
"Y-yeah... I just wasn't paying attention, I guess." Mothra stammered. Her eyes drifted downward, as she noticed movement at Godzilla's feet. She gasped as she realized a vine was wrapping around his ankles. Godzilla noticed her gaze, and looked down as well, but it was too late. The vine tightened around his legs and flung him away. Mothra began to draw her knife as she heard a rustling behind her. She turned around just in time to block an attack from Gigan.
"Remember me?" He hissed.
"Ugh, you again!?" Mothra groaned. She sung at him again, but Gigan blocked and countered by bring a buzzsaw down at her head. She dodged out of the way in time, and threw a cloud of dust at him. Gigan didn't know what the dust was going to do, but he wasn't going to take the chance. He used his buzzsaw arm as a fan to blow the dust away, but this distracted him long enough for Mothra to launch herself at him and kick him in the chin, sending him to the ground. Before he could get up, she stood over him and placed her knife at his throat.
"C'mon, I know you're not gonna kill me." Gigan laughed. He was right. Mothra had never killed anyone before, and Gigan assumed she wasn't gonna start any time soon.
"Where did that vine come from?" She snapped, ignoring his comment.
"That would be me." A voice said from behind her. Mothra whipped her head around to look behind her, and Gigan took the opportunity to knee her in the stomach and throw her behind him. As she flew through the air, another vine wrapped around her. The vine brought her back to where Gigan was standing, and held her far above the ground. Godzilla was next to her, struggling against the vines.
"And just who the hell are you?" He growled. Mothra looked down, and saw the one who controlled the vines.
"My name is Biolante." She said. "Pleased to meet you. Now you're going to die."
She raised her hand, and the vines began to tighten around Godzilla and Mothra's necks. Their faces turned red as the vines strangled them. Godzilla felt like his eyes were about to pop out. He had no other choice.
"Mothra... remember that thing we agreed I shouldn't do?" He choked. Mothra's eyes went wide, and then she glared at him angrily.
"Don't you... dare..." She replied. She knew what he was talking about.
"Too... late." Godzilla struggled to say. His eyes began to glow white, and a red light came from the bottom of his throat. His whole body began to smoke. Mothra started shaking her head over and over again. Gigan and Biolante, on the other hand, were confused at best.
"Uh... what's going on here?" Gigan asked.
"It getting hot in here to you?" Biolante asked.
Suddenly, the vines wrapped around Godzilla burst open, revealing their charred insides. Godzilla had burned them open. Now, both Gigan and Biolante could see what he had become. A bright red light was coming from his chest, and veins popped out all over his body. Grey smoke billowed out from his skin. This was his burning form, something only he and his father could achieve. Assuming this form was dangerous, and it had actually killed his father. But right now, he had no other choice. While Gigan and Biolante stared in awe and fear, Godzilla reared back and sent a ball of fire at the two.
"Look out!" Gigan shouted as he pulled Biolante away from the fireball. It hit a tree behind them, but the force of him pulling her made her fall on top of him. Gigan ran a metal hand down her face to make sure she was okay, and she lovingly placed her hand on his. While they were locked in this moment, they had nearly forgotten about Godzilla until he spoke.
"Leave now." He growled. His voice was distorted by this new form. With no further question, Gigan and Biolante scrambled up and left. Once they were gone, Godzilla collapsed and grasped his head in pain. He closed his eyes and coughed uncontrollably as he tried to force back his burning form. After a little while, Godzilla was back to normal. He got up and exhaled as he patted down his charred clothing.
"Oh man... that really hurts." He muttered. That's when he remembered; Mothra. He quickly swivelled around, only to see Mothra crawling from the vine which had previously held her. It was slowly rotting, allowing her to escape. Godzilla ran over to her.
"Mothra, are you okay?" He asked. Mothra responded by scrunching her face in anger and punching him in the nose.
"Ow! What the hell, Mothra?!" He asked.
"You idiot! Why would you do that?" Mothra yelled. "I told you how dangerous your burning form is! We agreed you would never use it, ever!"
"Look, I'm sorry, but we really didn't have another choice." Godzilla argued.
"For god's sake, do you want to end up like your father?" Mothra continued. Upon hearing this, Godzilla stepped closer to Mothra and raised a hand to hit her. He really hated it when someone mentioned his dad, and would punch anyone who did, even his good friends. Mothra realized that she had crossed a line, and braced herself for the impact that she was about to receive. To her surprise, it didn't come. Godzilla thought against hitting her and lowered his hand. Something about Mothra made him think of her than more than a friend. He couldn't hit her, even if he wanted to.
"Don't talk about my dad." He warned. Then, he walked away silently. Mothra's heart beat faster and faster. She knew there was a reason Godzilla didn't hit her.
"Wait, Godzilla, I'm sorry!" She called after him. She ended up going after him, shouting his name to get his attention.

Gigan helped Biolante back onto the ship. He checked her face again.
"Are you okay?" He asked.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine." She nodded. They hugged, glad that the other was okay.
"Oh, man, Ghidorah's gonna kill us." Gigan said.
As soon as he said this, the door opened and Ghidorah walked in, holding his arms behind his back.
"I saw everything." He said. He had been monitoring their battle, including the moment when Godzilla went burning.
"That wasn't our fault." Gigan said. "Godzilla did this thing where he..."
"He activated his burning form. I know." Ghidorah nodded. "I knew Gojira was capable of this, but I didn't know Godzilla could do the same. I'm surprised you two could even stand against it. I'm impressed."
Gigan had never heard praise from Ghidorah before. Biolante was impressed too. She was amazed how well this had gone.
"You two work well together." Ghidorah continued. A smile crossed his face. "I'll be sending you two more missions together from now on."
"...Cool. Thanks, Ghidorah." Gigan said.
"Yes, thank you." Biolante nodded. Ghidorah nodded back, and the left the room. Gigan sighed heavily.
"That went way better than I thought it would." He said.
"So... what do you want to do now?" Biolante asked, brushing her body against his. He grinned and lifted her chin and he wrapped his other arm around her waist.
"I have a thought." He whispered in her ear.

The End

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