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I rolled out of bed, ignoring my mother's screaming and my step father's yells as I grabbed my hoodie and threw it on, quietly running out of my room and into my brothers room and shaking him, telling him to grab a few things and follow me.

After successfully getting us both out of the house without being seen, we make our way down the street, me leading the way.

My nights usually consisted of this; Leaving when my parents got louder. Honestly, just hearing them scream at each other made me think about what everything would be like if I just... left. Would they still argue? Would they even notice? Whether I packed my bags and left, or... permanently left... I would wonder. Sometimes, it got so bad I needed to call one of the guys to come and pick me and my brother up. Any one of them was fine to do it. They knew how much this affected us, so they tried their best to get me out when things got violent. As much as I didn't want to leave my parents alone, they were both as violent as the other. None of them wanted me and my brother around that. And, I'm thankful they didn't. I don't know where I would've been without the guys.

I lifted a hand, slowly bringing it down and knocking a few times.

After a moment or so, Angelo's mother opened the door, giving me a soft smile, "Do you need to stay here, Ricky?"

I looked down, slowly nodding my head, "If that's okay with you."

"Of course," She stepped aside, allowing me to enter, "Spend as long as you need here. You're always welcome."

If I'm honest, Angelo's mother was like my mother. No matter what time it was, she'd always let me stay the night.

Her and Angelo's father got a divorce a few years back, so that sort of dimmed her light, but she still treated me better than my own mother had in my entire eighteen years of living. Either Angelo's mother was a really nice fucking person, or mine was just... a bitch.

As painful as it is to actually admit that, it was, in a way, true.

Not once had she ever driven me to school. It was either my neighbour or Angelo's mother. Never had my mother bought me anything I needed. I had my first job at fourteen, working at some dingy supermarket for fifteen dollars an hour. That three hundred and seventy-five dollars a week was all I had to pay for school, clothes, and food. The only thing she would pay for would be booze or smokes. Unfortunately, I can't say my step father was any different.

When my dad died, my mother was quick, quick, to move on. Somehow, she found douchebag Phil somewhere, and brought him home. If I'm honest, he was okay for a week or two, then he started to hit me. I don't mean the hits an eleven year old gets when they were misbehaving, no. I mean the hits an eleven year old gets when their step father hates them.

Everyday, I had to fake a smile in front of the guys so it didn't look suspicious and I had to cover the bruises and scars up in my brother's make up so they didn't see anything. Eventually, though, they saw exactly what was going on behind my 'smile'.

I had known Angelo before everyone else, so he and I were a lot closer. I met Chris through him, where I also met Josh and Vinny, the most devious brothers you'd ever meet. Devin was also good friends with all of us, no matter how many arguments he and I got into. But, really, I was closest with Ange. I'm just glad he never got sick of me and my brother spending multiple nights at his house.

I mean, we had been spending nights at his–and the other's– house since I was fifteen. For him–and the other's– to let me in every time made me feel wanted in this world.

I'm at the start of my life. Facing all of this was the most that could happen. And, unfortunately, senior year was just around the corner. There's another start.

A/N: I know, you're all probably wondering what the fuck I'm doing, but I didn't want this sitting in my drafts any longer.

Again, I hope you guys enjoy– YET ANOTHER– Sitkolson.

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