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I dropped my bag on floor, walking to Josh's bed and falling on top of that.

"Ricky," Josh yelled from down stairs, "Get your ass down here!"

I groaned, rolling off of the bed and walking down the stairs where he was at the door, a man in front of him.

"Who's this?" I asked, receiving a shrug of Josh's shoulders.

"Guy asked for you." He mumbled, walking past me.

I walked to the door, looking up at the guy, "I'm sorry, do I know you?"

The man pursed his lips, "Name's-"

"Uh, sorry," Josh cut him off, pushing me out of the way, "We're actually heading out now. Maybe you guys can meet up another day. Great, thanks!" Josh didn't say anything else before he shut the door, turning to me with a nervous smile.

I frowned, "That was a little mean..."

He chuckled, scratching the back of his neck, "Stranger danger."

I shook my head, "What ever."

Just as I was about to make my way into the lounge room, Josh pushed me towards his room, telling me I should sleep.

"Josh, what the fuck are you on?" I asked, walking past Vinny's room and into Josh's.

"Nothing! You just... look tired."

I sighed, thanking him before walking to his bed, this time getting a little more comfortable.

Sure, Josh was acting weird, and I didn't think of it too much at the time, but he was also really caring. Now, I know the lame 'you're tired' thing was just some made up excuse, but I could also tell he meant it, whether that was what he was supposed to say or not. And, I guess I was tired because sleep found me in no time.

I found myself in the same park I was in when I first 'met' Ryan.

Thinking he would be here this time, I called his name, waiting a few seconds before trying again, that time getting a response.

"Sorry," He chuckled, "I was... yeah."

I turned around to face him, rolling my eyes when I saw he still had a hoodie on, "Are you ever going to show me your face?"

"Probably not."

I sighed, "Okay..."

I didn't see what was so bad about me seeing him, but obviously he did. I didn't want to make him feel uncomfortable, so I left it at that.

"Listen," Ryan started, keeping his head down, "If that guy, or any other guy you don't know, asks for you, just keep walking or do what Josh did."

I frowned, "How do you know there was... Wait, how do you know Josh?"

"I, uh..." Ryan stopped for a second or two before starting again, "I saw."

"Uh huh..."

I barely knew Ryan and I could already tell he was a shit liar. But, again, I didn't want to make him feel uncomfortable. Hell, I didn't even know if this was real. For all I know, I was driving the whole thing. Everything he was saying could've been what I wanted him to say. The thought made me sick, but it, again, ran through my head.

I didn't want to be known as the kid that talked to himself. I was bullied like no other. If that sort of rumour went around school, I'd be dead.

"Hey, can I get you to..."

"Ricky. Ricky, hurry up and get up."

I groaned, opening my eyes to meet Devin's silver ones, "I was asleep for five minutes. What do you want?"

"A, it was an hour and a half." He said, his hand on his hip, "And, b, I wanted to know if I can spend the night here... in Vinny's room..."

I glared at the ceiling, "If I here anything, anything, that makes me want to pierce my ears with knives, he's dead."

"Yes, sir." He rolled his eyes, walking out of the room.

"Don't sass me, Devin!" I called out, closing my eyes.

I knew there was no way to stop he and Vinny from doing weird shit, but I could try.

Devin is my brother. I know Vinny's a good kid, but I still don't want him hurting Devin. I'm sure for Josh the tables are turned.

We didn't want our baby brothers getting hurt, so we tried to protect them. But, trying to protect them from their own feelings probably wasn't the best idea. Josh and I did what we could, but we also swore that if it came to the point where Devin and Vinny wanted to be a couple, we'd respect that. Just because we respected that doesn't mean we wouldn't threaten each other...

"You okay?" Josh asked, leaning against the door frame.

I nodded my head, "You tell Vinny not to do anything?"

"Mmm hmm. You tell Devin?"


Okay, Josh and I may've been talking to our brothers like they couldn't do anything, but we were only screwing with them. Not that they saw it like that, anyways.

"God," Josh laughed, "I can't wait until they actually grow some balls."

I chuckled, sitting up, "Don't even go there."

"Oh, it won't be me going there." Josh smirked, "It'll be Vinny and Devin-"

I cut him off by throwing a pillow at him, "Don't!"

"I surrender!" He laughed, throwing the pillow right back, "Come on, I texted Chris and Ange and asked them to come over."

"We better be watching good movies." I mumbled, smiling when Josh hit me over the head.

"We will, dipshit."


A/N: My God, this book must be boring with no action/complications. Unless, of course, you noticed one in the middle of the part... 😉😉❣

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