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After watching a few movies with the guys, I decided to head out, making sure Devin was okay before leaving.

Call me paranoid or overprotective, but he's seen a lot of things he shouldn't have seen at his age. It wasn't his fault. He was forced to watch whenever I was getting beaten. I knew that him witnessing that changed him, but he's surrounded by people that actually treat him like family, so they were there to keep him in check when I wasn't.

I worried so much about Devin that I barely even thought about what I was doing. Whenever he was threatened, or put on the line, I would either take the blame or defend him, either way I'd still end up with cuts and bruises.

As soon as I walked through the door, I could hear moans upstairs, causing me to gag and run to my room.

Tara and Phil may fight like two dogs with one bone, but they have sex like fucking hyenas with something to play with. It disgusted me more than the thought of school on Saturdays.

When I finally made it to bed after having a shower, I was actually tired, so I could sleep before my ears bled even more.

This time, I wasn't in the park, I was in Josh's house.

Everyone was on the couch, even Vinny and Devin, and there was a man with a hood sitting with them.

At first, I didn't have an idea as to who it could've been, but then I heard their voice, his voice.

"We can't keep going on like this." Ryan said, not raising his head, "Ricky's going to find out, and he's going to be mad at all of you. I say you let me handle everything before they come."

"Ryan?" I whispered, tilting my head to the side.

It was strange, because even then he wasn't showing his face. Sometimes, it made me wonder if he actually had a face.

Angelo's eyes widened, "How the hell-"

"This is a dream." Chris said and I frowned.

"Doesn't look like one."

Everyone looked at each other, apart from Ryan who still had his head down, before Devin moved closer to Vinny and kissed him, shocking everyone.

Josh made a move to break the two up before Ryan held an arm out, stopping him.

"Oh my fucking God." I mumbled, turning my head away when Vinny reacted, "This is a dream."

"Damn fucking right it is." Josh growled, obviously scolding his and my brother.

I felt someone grab my shoulder, causing everything to go black.

I sat up with a gasp, my eyes wide before turning to my alarm clock, cursing at the time.

I threw on a pair of skinny jeans and a hoodie, applying make up before running out the door, my bag in one hand and my shoes in the other.

I always was the one in the family to sleep in, whether I had an alarm set or not. I'd press snooze over and over again. Josh and Chris were the same. If the world ended, Vinny, Angelo and Devin would still be trying to wake us up.

After at least five minutes of running, I caught up to Josh, Vinny and Devin, my breathing heavy.

"Sleep in?" Devin smirked, giving me that 'I told you so' look.

"I had the most fucked up dream." I mumbled, frowning when Devin laughed, "It's not funny. I was actually scared."

"What happened?" Vinny asked, biting his lip.

I glared at him, "I'm just going to say I never want to see you two making out."

Devin burst out laughing, shaking his head.

"It's not funny." I said, glaring at him, "What would you do if I had a boyfriend and you saw us kissing?"

"Ricky, no offence," Josh chuckled, resting a hand on my shoulder, "You're too shy to even talk to someone other than us, let alone get a boyfriend."

"I've talked to people apart from you guys!" I defended, looking at each of them seriously.

"Like who?" Devin asked, spinning around to face me.

I opened my mouth to say something before closing it, frowning.

Okay, maybe Josh was right. The only 'person' I talked to that wasn't them was Ryan, but it's not like I could use him as an answer. I've never seen his face, or talked to him outside of a dream. I didn't even know if he's real.

"Exactly." Devin rolled his eyes before they lit up, causing him to clap his hands together, "We should set you up with someone. Someone nice."

I quickly shook my head, my eyes wide, "No, no way. Trump will be assassinated before I let you do that."

"I hope you realise that won't be too long away." Josh said, smiling.

"Whatever." I mumbled, crossing my arms, "I'm not letting you set me up with anyone. Ever."

Devin sighed, turning back around, "Fine, but if you ever change your mind-"

"I won't."

It wasn't that I didn't want to date anyone, it was just that... Well, I didn't want to date anyone. I'd rather not bring someone into my horrible, messed up life. Besides, I've survived this long without dating, how's anything going to change in a few years? It won't.

I turned my head to the side, watching as people crossed the road.

One person, a woman, stopped in the middle, looking me dead in the eye as a bus started coming down the road, not stopping.

I made a move to run onto the road and grab her before Josh pulled me back, staring at me with confused eyes.

"What the hell are you doing?" He gasped, pulling me on to the side walk.

Devin's eyes were wide, filled with many emotions.

"I-I- The woman." I said, looking back to see there was no one there.

I honestly thought I was crazy. I had someone inside of my head that I'd never seen, and I had imagined a woman in the middle of the road. I didn't know what to think of it, but all I could come to was that I was crazy. Except, that wasn't even close to what was going on.

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