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I opened my eyes with a groan and brought my hand up to my head, taking in my surroundings.

I was in my room, but everything seemed darker, like it was in some sort of filter. It got worse when I stepped into the hallway, that was almost black.

I jumped and turned to my left when I heard glass shatter, slowly walking towards where it came from.

It was never the best idea; walking towards it. I'd rather know what it was then not, that's for sure.

I turned the door knob, pushing the door open to reveal blood covered walls and two bodies, one on the floor, the other over it.

I gasped and jumped back, causing the man that was standing to spin around. His eyes were slits as he watched me and walked towards where I was standing. Before he could get to where I was, he was slammed against the wall by a different person, that same one running towards me and pulling me away.

"You can't be here, Ricky!" Ryan yelled, his arm around my waist as he dragged me down the hall.

"What?!" I tried to keep up with him, his arm holding me the only things actually making me.

He ran me back into my room, slamming the door shut behind him, "Wake up!"

Blood started dripping down the walls and onto the floor, making me even more panicked.

I still couldn't see Ryan, because it was then darker in my room, but I could see his outline against the door.

There was a loud bang and he repeated his words, practically screaming at me.

"You can't be here, Ricky! You'll get hurt. Wake up!"

I backed myself up against the fire place, covering my eyes as the whispers turned to screams. I squeezed my eyes shut, the dark room slowly turning brighter. I opened my eyes, just in time to catch a glimpse of Ryan who wasn't looking at me, but at the door.

Before I could see his face, though, I blacked out.

• • •

"Ricky! Ricky!"

I let out a yell and sat upright, my eyes meeting Angelo's.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?"

Before anyone could stop me, I pushed past them and ran out of the room, screaming and yelling for Ryan.

"Ricky, there's no one here but us!" Chris snapped, his eyes angry and confused.

I ignored him and continued to search, falling to the floor when the whole house was checked and no one was there.

Much like my other dreams, that one felt real. Except, it was a different kind of real. I could feel the fear in the dream, and I could still feel it. I could feel Ryan's worry.

He wasn't even wearing a hoodie. His clothing was simple, like he was out before then. He was in skinny jeans and a button up shirt, his shoes the same. No hoodie, just normal day clothing. Due to his sleeves being rolled up, I could see his arms, both covered in tattoos. Someone like me couldn't make up that much detail with just my mind, so something had to be going on. I just didn't know what.

"Rick.." I looked up at the voice, frowning because Devin always called me Ricky, never Rick, "You're not okay."

I sighed and shuffled back so I was leaning against the wall, my knees against my chest, "I know, Dev."

He walked until he was next to me and sat down, leaning his head on my shoulder, "I think there's something you should know..."

I frowned, not moving, "What?"

"Well, I'll tell you one thing now..." He mumbled, "I really like Vinny."

I smiled and reached down, intwining our hands, "I know."


I leaned my head against his, "It's obvious you two like each other."

"But, what if he doesn't actually like me?"

"I'd kill him for hurting you, and he does." I answered, causing Devin to chuckle.

"Would you be okay with us maybe... dating?"

I smiled, kissing his forehead, "Of course. But if he hurts you, I'm going to murder him."

Devin let out a small giggle, "Okay."

I may always joke about it not happening, but I would never stop Devin from starting something with the one he likes. Would I want him to do that to me? No. So why would I do it to him?

He and Vinny seemed like a strange couple, but also incredibly adorable. Vinny was as innocent as they get, and Devin, well, wasn't. Sure, Vinny got into a lot of fights, hell, we all did, but he didn't seem like someone that was too keen on sex, but also seemed like he was one that would try and be tough before it. Vinny liked to see himself as tough, but we all knew he was just trying to hide the fact that he was a true softy. He got that from his brother, for sure.

"Why were you yelling for Ryan?" Devin asked, his voice quiet.

"I... I had a bad dream. There was a guy called Ryan in it, and I was worried for him."

"Did you see him?"

"No." I answered, frowning when Devin let out a sigh of... relief? I don't know.

After a few minutes of silence, I spoke up, "We should head back to the guys."

Devin silently agreed, standing up and following me back to where the guys were.

Each of them were quietly arguing with each other but stopped once I was pointed out.

"Don't talk about me like I'm not here, guys." I mumbled, walking past them and to the kitchen.

I don't know where Tara and Phil went, but I sure as hell hope they won't be coming back anytime soon.

As I turned back to the guys, I noticed that they all had their school bags, each dressed for school.

"Fucking hell." I mumbled, stomping my way up the stairs and to my room.

"Are you sure you're okay for school?" Devin called from down stairs.

"Yeah!" I yelled, mumbling, "I fucking wish I wasn't, though."

There wasn't one day that I was excited for school. So, each day, I would act the same whilst getting up; fucking cranky. What I didn't know before going to school, though, was that this day was going to be different. Very different.

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