Chapter 27: Horrors of the Heart

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Def Jam Office

I sat at my desk just wishing it was time for me to be off when there was a knock at the door. The door was open, so they could just come in. I looked up to see Jeremih standing there smiling. He walked in sitting across from me. After the night he kissed me I made sure I wasn't alone with him the rest of the trip. I just didn't want to get myself into anything I had no business doing. I wasn't just going to do something with him just because Dave did it.

"Hey, B. How are you?"

"I'm good. Wassup?" I asked looking over at him.

He shrugged, "Nothing. I just came to check on you considering you've been acting weird towards me. You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks for asking."

"If that kiss was out of line, I apologize. It's no secret I find you attractive...on the outside and inside."

I sighed, "It's okay. I just need time to myself. I don't want to pull you into my mess of a life right now. The issues with my husband, being pregnant, just everything."

"I get it. I have my own mess dealing with my baby mama and the custody battle."

I nodded my head up and down. "Obviously we still have to be friends because I work for you."

"No doubt. I'm gonna get going. Have a nice day," he said getting up. He kissed my forehead before leaving. I sighed heavily leaning back in my office chair. I was looking up at the ceiling when there was another knock at my door. I looked up to see my assistant holding a huge thing of flowers. I immediately rolled my eyes because I knew who they are from.

"Delivery!" She said excitedly placing them on the table by the couch. She left out quickly bringing another smaller box. I got up going over to them. I picked the card up to see it was just signed by Dave. I haven't seen him since I came back from London. I don't know where he's staying and I don't really care.

"I don't want them," I said walking back towards my desk.

"What? Mrs. Brewster, these are Venus et Fleur roses. Do you know how expensive these are? They're supposed to last for a whole entire year!" I looked across the room at them.

"They look like regular ass roses to me. You keep 'em for 365 days then because I don't want them." She stood there unsure of what to do then finally just took them out. I looked at the time on my watch then gathered all of my things up because I'm supposed to be meeting up with the girls to go nursery shopping.

. . .

I stood in this baby store with Brittany, Toya, Tasia and Tori looking at potential furniture for the nursery. It felt like the only topic they wanted to talk about is Dave and I's failing relationship. I really wish all of them would shut the fuck up. None of this so-called advice their giving me can change anything Dave has done. I huffed looking at the furniture. I spun around almost yelling, "Would you bitches shut up?! Do you think I want to hear about this all damn day? How about this?...How many say I should serve the nigga divorce papers?" They all looked at me shocked. Brittany raised her hand immediately with a stank face then so did Tori.

"You guys are just jumping the gun. They can still fix it," Toya stated.

"Yeah," Tasia agreed. "I mean, cheating isn't a deal breaker to me. It depends on the situation. You have to realize men like to chase. You have to think about what kind of man you have." I looked at her like she was stupid and I wasn't alone.

"Yeah, he still loves you. He just fucked up." Toya agreed. I didn't say it, but I was thinking these ho's must've watched their daddy cheat on their momma and she never left, so now they think it's okay. Because to me cheating isn't okay.

"Y'all sound dumb as fuck!" Brittany said bluntly. "That's cool if y'all got that type of relationship, but make it clear. Marriage means monogamous. His ass shouldn't have married her if he wanted to be with other women. Fuck that! Divorce his unfaithful ass!"

"No, don't listen to her. Try and save your marriage. Think about the fact you're pregnant and Malachi."

"So she should stay with a cheater because she's pregnant by him? Stupid, stupid!" Brittany said stomping her foot. "I hope Buddha cheats on you because I want to see how you'll react." I looked between the two of them. That was a bit harsh.

"Bitch! Zeek will cheat on you before Buddha cheats on me. Don't forget he's young and your an old granny. Soon he'll be feigning after a tighter, wetter coochie. Don't come for me!"

They started arguing as I leaned up against a crib on display holding my stomach. One of the babies was kicking the shit out of me. One of them, I don't know which one is just super active. I rubbed my stomach wishing they would just shut up. I walked off finding someone who works here telling them which furniture set I wanted to buy. I can't deal with them, Dave, anybody right now.

A Couple of Weeks Later

I walked into the now decorated and furnished nursery smiling. If I'm being quite honest I only got it done a little early, so Dave couldn't sleep in here anymore. Petty, but I was tired of him coming in and out. He either slept here or would disappear for days. I thought he would get his act together, but no. I put a stuffed animal in one of the cribs when I heard a deep voice say, "It's nice. A little girly for my little man, but it's nice." I didn't even look up at Dave.

"The color is neutral," I said touching the little canopy over the crib. He chuckled shaking his head stepping into the room.

"I saw your man. When I came in, he was leaving." He was referring to Jeremih. Me and Jeremih aren't dating, but we do hang out. He's just a friend right now.

"He's not my man. You still staying with Cyn?" I asked finally looking up at him.

"I've already told you I'm not staying with her, Bernice."

"If you say so. Remember we have a doctor's appointment tomorrow morning at 10:30." I walked out of the room going to Malachi's. I woke him up then started getting him dressed.

"Am I hanging out with D and his friend today?" He asked as he held onto my shoulders putting his legs through the pants.

"No, you're hanging out with me. What friend?"

"The one who talk like dissss," I laughed because I had no idea who he was trying to mimic. I furrowed up my face thinking.

"Cynthia?" He shrugged so I pulled my phone out. I went to Dave's Instagram. I had him blocked from seeing mine because well...once again, I'm petty. I found a picture of him and Cyn then showed Malachi. "Her?" He nodded his head up and down. "That's where you go when you're with Dave?"

"Mhm," he said nodding his head up and down.

"Do they kiss?"

"Kiss? Nooo! Ewww!" After I was done getting him dressed I told him to go wait in the living room. He jumped down from the couch yelling, "Okay, Momma!" He said running out of the room. I froze. Did he just call me what I think he did? I smiled a little then looked around the condo for Dave. I found him in the bathroom getting ready.

I leaned against the doorway crossing my arms looking at him. "What did I do now?" He asked looking over at me.

"Did you have Malachi at Cyn's place?" He stopped what he was doing sighing.


"Don't do it again," I said about to leave again but he followed.

"What's the problem?" I turned around looking at him like he's an idiot. "You've had him around that nigga Jeremih."

"How many times do I have to say I'm not dating him. The problem is you've been caught messing with that bitch multiple times! What do you not get?! You try to win me back, but you back track by still being around her. Are you stupid?!"

"Man, don't call me stupid!" He said shifting his head to the side. I knew that's all he could come up with.

"Stupid! Idiot! Dumb ass! Ass hole! Dickhead! Bitch! Fuckboy!" With each word I got closer to him until I was in his face. "Stupid ass!" I said one more time mushing the side of his head.

"I'm trying. I've apologized multiple times. If you don't accept it divorce my ass! Until then you ain't saying nothing, B." He waved me off leaving. He thinks I'm playing with him. I went to the night stand grabbing my phone. I dialed the number I've had stored in my phone for weeks, but have yet to use. Somebody finally answered the phone. "Hello? Yes, I would like to set up a meeting with George Johnson to discuss him being my divorce attorney." I rummaged through my drawer getting a sticky note pad and pen writing down the information they gave me.

The Next Morning

After getting dressed I walked into the living room where I saw Big Dave playing with Malachi and Mrs. Janice fixing breakfast. "Good morning!" I said cheerfully.

"Someone's in a good mood. Good morning, baby girl." Pop's said smiling as I did.

"You have to look on the brighter side of things when it comes to life."

"Praise Allah." I nodded my head in agreement going into the kitchen kissing Janice's cheek.

"I see you decided to make use of my kitchen. You know how I feel about anybody other than me cooking in my kitchen."

"You better learn to like it because I'll be in it every morning, noon and night once you have my grandchildren." I laughed a little pouring myself orange juice. "Here," she said handing me a bowl of oatmeal.

"I'm not really hungry."

"But you're gonna eat it," she said shoving it in my hand. "You're way too small to be carrying twins. You should be Winnie the Pooh by now. Belly popping out of the bottom of your shirts. The only thing that's gotten bigger is your assets." I chuckled sitting down to go eat the brown sugar flavored oat meal. After a few bites I looked at the time.

"We should probably get going to this doctor's appointment."

"Where's Dave?" She asked raising an eyebrow.

"He'll meet us there." I got up going towards the living room. "I hope you'll be able to handle him by yourself," I said to Dave's dad.

"I got this!" He said hitting his chest. I laughed then kissed Kai's cheek before leaving with Janice. We drove to my doctor's office then sat in the waiting room. She pulled her phone out of her bra dialing Dave's number.

"He's not answering. He must really want me to give him a throwback Thursday ass whooping. He's been trying it lately."

"It's okay, Janice. You're here with me. Who needs Dave," I said trying to be positive then smiling. Something I've had to do a lot lately. Smile through the pain, anger, sadness and hurt.

She rubbed my back then I heard, "Bernice Brewster." I rolled my eyes even hearing his name attached to me. I changed everything social media wise back to Burgos with the quickness. I didn't care if anybody questioned it. I got up with Janice going to the back. After them weighing me and all that good stuff we went to the room. I got on the table laying back.

"Any questions or concerns while this machine boots up?" my OBGYN said.

"Yeah. It might be nothing, but it never hurts to ask. One of the twins is constantly kicking the shit out of me while the other one really doesn't have much movement."

"It could just be that they take turns kicking, so it seems like its only one. They might try to give you a little break by not both doing it at the same time," she said chuckling. I nodded my head as if understanding.

Spanish Harlem, NYC

I sat on the edge of the bed untying my shoes before putting one on. I'm late for the 8 month doctors appointment and I know Bernice is going to kill me. I stood up grabbing my wallet and phone stuffing it into my pocket. "Good morning, D-Boy!" I heard Cyn's voice say. I turned around to see her sit up with her bra peaking out above the top of the covers. "Where you going?"

"Appointment for my babies," I said putting my belt on.

She smacked her lips. "You always gotta leave for somethin'," she said rolling her eyes.

"You knew what it was. You want me to just lay up under you all day? Not happening. I got responsibilities."

She chuckled, "Responsibilities? Now you care? Before you would forget all that shit once I put my mouth on it."

"Whatever, I'll be back tonight."

"What? Just so you can have a place to sleep? I ain't stupid. You're just using me to have somewhere to lay your head at night!"

"I have yet to hear a complaint. You let me, don't you? If you wanna start being a headache I'm damn sure not coming back. I gotta go," I grabbed my key leaving. As I walked to my car my phone started ringing. I took it out of my pocket to see my mom was calling me. "Wassup, Ma?"

"Dave where are you? You need to be at this appointment with, B." She said in what sounded like a distressed voice.

"I'm on my way now, ma. Is something wrong?"

"Just get here!" She yelled before hanging up in my face. I got in my car driving to the building in Manhattan. When I walked in I went to the front desk. Before I could ask anything someone was calling my name. I turned around to see my mom glaring me down. I walked up to her and she immediately grabbed a hold of my ear. "Where has your bitch ass been?! Your wife needs you!"

"Ow! Let go, ma!" She let go giving me an extra push too. I rubbed my ear that I'm pretty sure is red now. "What's going on?"

"They couldn't find the second babies heart beat, so they're running tests right now." My heart immediately sank as panic set in.

"W-what does that mean?"

"We don't know right now. We just need to get to that room, so you can be there for Bernice." I nodded my head up and down following my mom to the room. As I entered the room I saw Bernice sitting up on the little table playing with her fingers which she always does when she's nervous or scared.

"Hey," I said in a low tone. She didn't respond looking at me quickly then looking away. I sighed sitting in the seat and so did my mother. After five minutes of sitting in silence the OBGYN came back in.

"Hello, David. I see you made it. I'm glad you did, but I have bad news. We were unable to find Baby B, the boys heart beat. I'm sorry to say, but he is stillbirth." I sat there trying to take everything in when Bernice shot up leaving the room. I stood up when the OBGYN said, "Give her a minute. I need to explain everything to you. She'll have to keep him in the womb because it's too soon to induce labor. She'll have a high chance of premature labor for the girl, but that's okay. Whenever she gives birth to the girl she'll have the boy too. We'll talk more at the next appointment. I'm really sorry."

I left the room looking for Bernice when I found her up against the wall staring off into space. "Bernice," I said softly approaching her. I wrapped my arms around her as she tried to push me off as she broke down crying.

"That's my baby, Dave." She kept repeating between sobs as her head rested on my chest.

I could feel tears brimming my eyes as I looked up at the ceiling. "I know. That's our baby."

"We were supposed to have these babies then another a year later then another like you said. You remember? You had the names and everything. Why isn't anything going as planned?!" She said crying even harder. I was now crying. I tried to be strong and her support system, but this is my child too.

"I know, B. It's just-" I couldn't think of anything to say. "It's going to be hard. I understand."

"You don't understand!" She yelled. "You don't care. You don't give a fuck! You destroyed our family!" She said forcefully pushing me off of her. She looked at me one last time before walking down the hall leaving with my mother. I wiped my face and nose leaving going to my car. I pushed the push to start button then just sat there. I hit the steering wheel hanging my head down low beginning to cry again.

. . .

I sat in the living room laying on the couch. I wanted to take a nap, but I couldn't. Instead I was staring at the ceiling. Last time I checked Bernice went to sleep after I fixed her lunch. I'm surprised she even let me stay. My whirlwind of thoughts were broken by a knock on the door. I looked around with glazed eyes wondering who it is. My parents took Malachi. Maybe Bernice called one of her friends. I got up opening the door to see Jeremih. I furrowed up my brows. "What are you doing here?"

"Bernice called me asking me to come over."

"Right now's not a good time," I said about to shut the door but he stopped me.

"She asked me over for a reason. I don't want any problems with you. We're just friends. I mean, she needs one with all the shit you're putting her through. Just let me in." I sucked my teeth opening the door wider. He came in going back to her room. I stood there a minute then ran my hand down my face. I walked down the hall to go to the bathroom, but stopped by the bedrooms door. I could see Bernice crying in his arms. I sighed. You know you've really fucked up when a person doesn't even trust you to be there for them. I really need to get my act together. She needs me.

I feel like the topic of stillbirth isn't really covered on here. You always see abortion & miscarriage in stories, soo yeahh...Comment / Vote🌹

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