Two Tired (And Rather Sappy) Mages

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Pairing: Alice/Douxie

Universe: The Anchor | Tales of Arcadia - Post Canon

Word Count: 220 words

Summary: Alice and Douxie rest and talk.


'It wasn't only the onions that made you cry earlier, was it?' Douxie asked softly (so as to not wake Nari, who was lying on his legs.)

'It was not.' Alice shook their head, and climbed into the hammock; resting their head on his shoulder.

'So, what were you thinking about?' Douxie questioned.

'I just-I can't believe that we're finally here. At a point where we can finally rest, as partners.

We also have a great group of friends, all of whom I love dearly. We're finally - mostly - safe, and I love that.' Alice said.

'Oh.' Douxie said, choked up.

'Don't you start crying now too, Doux'.'

'What? Can't a man express his emotions?' Douxie replied.

'No, it's not that. I just don't want you to wake Nari up.'

'Yeah, she's a right gremlin when you wake her. Much like someone else I know.' Douxie said, shooting a pointed look at Alice.

'Hey! That comment can, and will, come back to haunt you.' Alice said, poking him lightly in the chest.

'Oh I'm well aware of that, love.'

'Good.' Alice mumbled, closing their eyes. Douxie then began to rock the hammock softly and placed his arm around them, knowing that it wouldn't be that long before he fell asleep too (and he'd much rather fall asleep in a comfortable position.)

22nd August 2022

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