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Chapter two
The bar
Kendall's POV:
I was looking forward to this summer season working at Sea World. It'd be different this year. Most of the time I'd spend my summers there but never had a job. I'd always be a guest, courtesy of my father. I was slightly excited be hanging out with my friends after work, in the small bar near the park. The music was blaring as I walked in with Marina. "Three! Two! One!" Parker and Suki did shots. Kelly cheered and Maxine clapped for Parker. Charlie sighed in relief and said "thank god you guys showed up! I thought I was going to have to watch them do their sixth shot!" I looked over at the two boys who were getting drunk. Parker was teetering back and forth while Maxine attempted to hold him. Charlie handed Marina and I some shots that I quickly downed. So, first week of summer out of the way. How do we feel?" Charlie asked. I sighed and said "I just hope Dylan and I can get through the summer without murdering each other." Marina nodded in agreement and said "I really hope y'all can. She doesn't seem to be happy with you paired up with Jake." "Ugh, they're broken up! I don't know why she cares! I don't even like him like that." I groaned. Charlie sighed and said "are we looking for romance this year or are we staying single?" Marina held her hands up and said "no promises. I might just get dicked down at some point." I almost choked on my drink and Charlie laughed. "By whomst?" Marina looked around the room, her eyes landing on Parker. "Definitely not." Her eyes then went to Luke Sinclair, Enid's older brother. He was drinking with Tyler who was laughing at a joke he told. "Luke Sinclair?! Oh my god!" Charlie said. I shook my head and Marina said "and what about you?" I shrugged and said "I don't know. I'm not looking for a one night stand. Or a relationship." "If you had to choose. Come on, Ken." I looked around the room and found my eyes drifting towards Tyler Galpin. Charlie looked over her shoulder and Marina followed my gaze. "Not the coffee guy!" "His name is Tyler." I corrected. Charlie sniggered and said "how long have you been making goo goo eyes at him?" I shook my head and said "I haven't. I've just noticed he's really cute. And he's nice." "Kenny! Kendall! Ken!" Parker said. Marina looked him up and down and I said "yes, Parker?" "Could I have this dance?" I shrugged with a nod as Groove Is In The Heart blasted into the air. "Actually, could we? My friend here is a little too nervous to ask." Jake rolled his eyes at Parker. Parker pulled me up against him and I grinded on him, having a bit too much fun. Parker seemed to know the all the words as did I. The both of belting the song loudly. I danced with the two boys, wanting to have some fun. Kelly then stormed off somewhere in the bar. "Kelly! Where are you going?" I watched Parker go after his friend and I scoffed softly. I went to the bar, sighing. "Dancing with the popular kids. How's that?" Tyler Galpin's voice said. I looked at him and said "not what I was expecting. I honestly just wanted to come out for a few drinks." Tyler nodded and said "understandable. Hey, uh, you seemed kinda stressed out today. I hate to be that guy but are you ok? Every time I see you, you seem really happy. And today you just weren't. It was like someone had deflated you. Like a balloon. You just served no purpose or something." I cleared my throat and said "well, Mr. Galpin I appreciate you being very observant and concerned for my well being but I'm fine I just had a bad day. It happens. I need to have a stronger shell. I'm a little too sensitive." "It's totally ok to be sensitive, Miss Laramie." Tyler replied. I smiled and said "yeah. I guess so." Tyler went to reply when the crowd started chanting. "Deegs! Deegs! Deegs! Deegs!" I looked over to see Parker hyping up Devin who was downing shots like they were water. "Go, Deegs! Do them all!" Jake yelled. Devin was quick to down all the shots and then stand up on the table without wobbling. Parker cheered and Maxine cheered him on. "Maxine, this is for you." Devin said. Maxine smiled really big and Devin jumped off the table with ease, as if he hasn't had a smidge of alcohol. Maxine rolled her eyes while giggling and Tyler said "that's idiotic." "You're telling me. He's going to get himself killed." The both of us laughed softly and Charlie came over, wrapping her arms around my waist. "Hi, coffee guy." She said. Tyler nodded at her and said "hey, girl who listens to The Smiths." Charlie smiled really big and said "you know me so well!" Tyler chuckled in response. "Do you mind if I steal her?" Tyler shook his head at Charlie and said "no. Go ahead." "Bye, Tyler!" I said while giggling as Charlie pulled me away from him. "Ken!" Devin said as he greeted me. I smiled at him and he said "could I offer thou a drink?" He handed me a shot and I was quick to down it. Devin cheered and Jake said "Deegs!" Devin's attention was quickly taken off of me and I went outside with Charlie and Marina. The three of us sat on the beach, looking out at the ocean. "I love this job." Charlie mumbled. She laid on the sand and sighed. "Working with dolphins?" I quipped. Charlie nodded and said "yes. I love working with dolphins. I also love you, Kendall." Marina laughed softly and said "I wouldn't give this job up for anything." "I'm gonna go swim to the bouy and back!" Devin yelled. Most of the patrons from the bar had come outside now, disturbing the peace. Tyler and Luke sat a little ways down from us as they watched Devin take off his shirt. "Devin, don't." Maxine said. Devin smirked at her and said "I'll be fine, babe! I'm perfectly capable of swimming!" Parker cheered on his friend as the drunken freckled boy went into the water. I sighed and said "this is going to end so badly." Devin actually completed the swim, touching the bouy and started making his way back. Right before Devin got to standing level, his head whipped around to look behind him. "Deegs, come on!" Parker yelled. Devin quickly made his way out of the water and I furrowed my eyebrows. "Something touched me." He said. Jake sniggered and said "a fish? You're out in the ocean, dummy." Parker nodded in agreement and said "yeah, it was nothing. You're all good." As everything started to wind down for the night, everyone headed home. I wasn't too drunk and most of my alcohol had worn off. Charlie however had drank a lot and I was taking her home. She laid in my backseat and I sighed as I went to go get in the driver's seat. "Babysitting?" Tyler said. I turned around and said "it seems I am. Charlie wanted to get smashed even though we have work tomorrow." Tyler chuckled and said "I'll make her coffee extra strong tomorrow." "Good! She'll need it." I said as I started to laugh. Tyler did the same and then said "I'll see you tomorrow?" "Yeah. We'll be there." Tyler nodded and said "be careful driving home." "You do the same." I got into my car and started it up. "Why're you flirting with coffeeboy?" Charlie slurred. I huffed and said "go back to sleep, Charlie."

Another chapter to get things cooking!! Chemistry and such will start soon along with some more characters appearing and being involved!

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