EP.57|Things Get Weird. Like, Really Weird

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EP.57|Things Get Weird. Like, Really Weird

CJ woke up the next morning to the golden sun gleaming thru her red curtains. "Squawk! Morning CJ! Squawk!" Crackers squawked as he landed on CJ's head. Good morning to you to Crackers." CJ smiled as Crackers peaked at her forehead.

"Alright alright, you want food," CJ said as she reached out for the bird food but her sword flew towards her. "WA!!" CJ yelled as she dunked down, barely dodging the sword.

She slowly got up and turned around to see the sword impaled in the door. "CJ? You okay?" Carlos asked, opening the door. "I heard screaming and-"

"I'm fine Carlos, just probably my wand fizzing out," CJ answered as Carlos nodded, not wanting to argue this early in the morning, he walked out, closing the door behind him.

"So that was weird." CJ chuckled as Crackers nodded.

Later on that morning, Evie, Mal, and Ben sat in the bleachers. Watching Jasper's football practice.

"I don't get why Jasper is playing football. I thought he picked Gothel's art class for his extra circular." Evie said, putting on sunglasses. "Milton decided to be a douche and put him in football. Mal's in princess 101." Ben replied.

"Don't remind me. Always keep you your ankles cross when sitting on the throne Miss Mal." Mal mocked Snow White's voice. "She makes me physically ill," Mal added.

"Thankfully, you only have a couple more months till we're king and queen." Ben smiled, kissing Mal. "Aww, aren't you two so cute." Evie smiled, looking back at her sketchbook.

"Is that my dress?" Mal asked as Evie quickly shut her notebook. "Yes, it's a surprise. Your not seeing it till your wedding day." Evie giggled.

"Knowing you, it's gonna be amazing." Mal smiled. "How hard is it to kick a ball?" Evie sighed, putting down her notebook and walking to the field.

"Honestly Jasper, as much as I love you, you're completely clueless." Evie then placed them up and walked back a little.

"It's just kicking a ball." Evie then ran up to the ball, kicking the ball. "See," Evie said as the coach and Jasper watched the ball fly far. "Oh...my...gods..." Coach Gingerbread gasped as he looked at Evie.

"Your amazing Evie! You have to be part of the team!" The coach said, shaking Evie. "Um, no thanks, I don't do sports." Evie chuckled as Evie, Jasper, Mal, and Ben walked back to the school.

"You suck at football you know." Evie laughed as Jasper picked her up. "I know." He smiled.

"Jasper! Put me down, you big idiot!" Evie whined as Jasper chuckled, slapping her butt. "Don't slap my butt, you idiot! I have a class to go to!" Evie said, kicking her legs in the air. "They're so adorable." Mal giggled.

"Honestly, that girl should join the team." The coach said to himself as he picked up the ball to see crystals poking out of it.

"What in the gods' names is that?"

"Hey Music Note," Hunter called out as he caught up to Operetta. "Hey, why the hell is it so cold?" Operetta asked, shivering.

"It's early spring, what are you talking about?" Hunter asked, the two walking into swim class. "Everybody! Go get changed! We start laps in 5!" Coach Gingerbread blew his whistle.

Operetta then saw Freddie walking into the changing rooms, Operetta quickly caught up to her. "Why did you give me this bathing suit?" Operetta asked. "Cause, you'll look pretty in it." Freddie winked

"It's too showy." Operetta said as Freddie rolled her eyes. "Just put it on." She chuckled as Operetta put on a red bikini with a bow in the middle of the bikini was a bow.

"Hunter's gonna love it," Freddie smirked as the two walked to the pool. "So, I was telling Freddie that the Space in the Shadow world isn't the same as the space in our world. Are you listening?" Zeref asked, of course, Hunter wasn't, his eyes were glued to Operetta.

"Freddie's trick worked," Zeref smirked. "Operetta looks awesome right?" Freddie asked as Hunter keep staring at Operetta. "Hey." Operetta waved shyly. "H-HI!" Hunter said, almost yelling, his face heating up.

"Just talk to her! Gods, your such a dork." Brazzan scolded. "Will you shut up!" Hunter said.

"I'm just saying, if you ever want Operetta to be with you, you gotta step up your game." Brazzan shot back. "Did anybody ask you? NO!" Hunter scowled.

"I was just trying to help! Look, Operetta is a beautiful woman, you, on the other hand, need some work. Just try to act like a normal person." Brazzan suggested.

"Alright! Everybody to the diving board!" Coach yelled at all the students groaned. "DID I STUTTER!?" He yelled, thru his megaphone. "Alright, alright, we hear you, jeez." Operetta grimaced as she climbed up to the diving board.

"Alright! Dive in Phantom!" Coach yelled as Operetta looked down at the pool from the height, ever since she was a little kid, she was scared of heights.

"Holy crap. That's a long way down." Operetta murmured. "We don't get all day Phantom!" Coach called out, as Operetta bit her lip softly.

"Here goes nothing." And just like that, Operetta jumped in, once her body hit the water, everything froze. She looked up to see the water freeze, trapping her underwater.

"Um, is the water suppose to do that?" Zeref asked. "No," Freddie said. Hunter could see Operetta slamming her fist on the ice, trying to break it but it wouldn't budge.

"Come on." Hunter then grabbed the fire extinguisher and slammed in on the ice, hoping it would break, but it didn't. "Just. Break. Already!" Hunter yelled, still beating the ice.

Operetta could feel her body going numb due to the coldness of the water. It started at her feet, soon half of her body felt numb. As much as she tried pounding on the ice it wouldn't break, she felt as though this would be the end.

She already died once, she couldn't die again, she promised Hunter she wouldn't die again.

But what could she do? Her body was gonna be completely numb in seconds and would have no choice but to submit to the dark cold abyss.

With the last flickers of vision she had, she could make out Hunter's face thru the ice. His eyes filled with worry and sorrow, she wishes she wasn't stuck under this wall of ice.

She knew if this ended in her dieing, Hunter would surely blame himself, she didn't want that, she wanted to be there for him.

"Music Note!" He yelled it was muffled thru the thick ice. "I sorry." She mouthed, Hunter, slammed his fist on the ice, a purple flame sprouting from it, melting the ice.

"Woah..." Zeref gasped as Hunter dove into the water, soon pulling out a shivering Operetta.

"Music Note. Hey Music Note! Wake up!" Hunter yelled, slapping Operetta a little. "Fuck it." Hunter then cupped Operetta's face, kissing her.

She felt a spark flow thru her body, restarting all of her body, it was magical! Like Christmas coming early. Operetta opened her eyes to see Hunter still kissing her.

Wow... Operetta thought as she began coughing up water. "Music Note!" Hunter cheered, hugging his Music Note. "Hey." She smiled.

"Don't scare me like that! I thought you were gonna die. Again." Hunter sighed, he felt her shaking body. "Somebody get Miss Phantom to the nurse." The coach said as Hunter picked her up.

"Your freezing," Hunter said as Operetta continued shivering like a cat in the rain. "Just get her to the nurse Hunter!" Coach yelled as Hunter and Operetta walked out of the pool area and to the nurse.

Freddie got changed and noticed she was the only one in the locker room. Suddenly, the lights flashed off. "Who's there?" Freddie asked as her mouth was covered by the mystery person.

"Give me the Takamaki?" The voice asked rudely, holding a knife to Freddie's neck. "What are you talking about!?" Freddie yelled. "Give me the Takamaki or you get cut!" He yelled as he cut into Freddie's arm. "AHH!!" She yelled in pain.

"Get away from her!!" Zeref yelled, sparks lighting up the room. "Zeref?!" Freddie yelled as she looked at his eyes to see the electric blue.

"Not till she gives me the Takamaki!" He yelled. "I don't know what you're talking about!!" Zeref yelled, lighting shooting out of his hand, hitting the man.

The lights soon turned on and the man was gone. "Freddie! Are you okay?" Zeref asked as Freddie dropped to the floor, 3 balls of blue energy appear transforming into a lions head, sprouted out of her wound, circling around her arm.

"What the?" Zeref touched the 3 small lions making Freddie wince.

"Sorry." He muttered. He looked at his own hands to see sparks coming out of them. "Stop." He scolded, clasping his hands together, making the sparks stop. "Come on. Let's get you to your dorm." Zeref picked her up, the two walking to the dorm room.

"You okay Ben?" Mal asked, the two sitting down for lunch. "Yeah, fine, just been getting headaches lately," Ben said. "You too?" Carlos asked, burying his face in his arms. "My head feels like it's gonna explode" Ben groaned.

"Maybe it's allergies, from the pollen." CJ guessed. "No, usually when it's allergies our head doesn't hurt. But this isn't allergies cause we only have headaches and none of the other symptoms." Ben explained.

"Maybe it's stress?" Mal said as the two animalistic shrugged. "All I know is that my head hurts," Carlos said as he laid his head on CJ's lap. "Get off of me-" CJ looked down at Carlos's sleeping face and smiled.

"Idiot." She chuckled, as she reached for her soda but instead a chair came flying towards him.

"Holy crap!" CJ yelled, quickly ducking down. "What the hell was that CJ?" Mal asked as CJ shrugged questionably.

"The same thing happened this morning with my sword," CJ replied as Evie and Jasper sat down at the table.

"Um, Evie, what happened to your sweater?" Ben asked, pointing to the hole in her sweater. "Why don't you ask Pyro over here?" Evie answered, pointing to Jasper.

"It in potions class." Jasper narrated.

"So apply the winding worm to the potion," Rumpelstiltskin instructed as Evie grabbed the winding worm, it started squirming around in her hands.

"It moved!" Evie quickly threw it towards Jasper who tried to catch it in his hand which suddenly turned to fire.

"Jasper your hands are on fire!" Evie yelled as Jasper tried to shake off the fire but it only made the problem worse by throwing a fireball at Evie's sweater.

"What the hell Jasper?!" Evie yelled as the fire soon disappeared.

"You threw a fireball at your girlfriend?" Hunter asked, him and Operetta finally sitting down at lunch. "Yeah, by accident though!" Jasper quickly said.

"Yeah, but you threw a fireball at your girlfriend." Operetta said the words slowly. "I know, but it was an accident," Jasper repeated. "I'm fine really." Evie chuckled.

"You really are an idiot." CJ laughed as Jasper buried his head in his arms. "Ughhh! My head is killing me..." Ben growled. "Maybe try some aspirin?" Zeref asked.

"No. I've tried that, it still hurts." Ben groaned. "What happened to your arm, Freddie?" Mal asked. "I scraped it on the doorway," Freddie said.

She and Zeref agreed they wouldn't tell the group. In fear of them getting in trouble too. Mal touched the bandage causing her eyes to glow. "Freddie..." Mal quickly hugged her. "What happened?" CJ asked. "Freddie got attacked." Zeref sighed.

"By who?" Ben asked. "I don't know, some guy looking for something called Takamaki," Freddie answered.

"Mal, what happened to your eyes? When you touched Freddie's arm." Hunter asked. "I don't know, it was like when I touched her I could see her memories," Mal said, sitting down.

"That's it, we're going to Courtly." Operetta stated as the VK's, and Ben walked out of the lunchroom and to Courtly's class. "Hey, guys. What's up?" Courtly asked, propping her legs on her desk.

"Um, Courtly, lately we've been experiencing weird things, magic wise," Ben said as Courtly quickly got up. "Like what?" Giles asked.

"Ben and Carlos's head been hurting like hell, anytime I reach for something metal comes shooting at me. Evie makes crystals shoot out of the ball when she kicked it.

"Freddie's wound on her arm made 3 lion head energy balls sprouted out of it and healed her. Hunter made ice melt as quick lightning!"

"Jasper threw a fireball at Evie. Mal can read minds by touching people. Operetta froze the pool when she dove into it."

"And Zeref caused lightning to go everywhere when somebody attacked Freddie," CJ explained, all of the VK's, and Ben were confused about what was happening to them.

Courtly looked at them, filled with questions. "1) The person who attacked Freddie. What did he look like?" Courtly asked.

"We couldn't see him but I know he had piercing red eyes with a black ninja throwing star in the middle of it," Freddie answered. "Alright, alright, um...okay. So, what to do, what to do." Giles paced back and forth.

"Giles, get me a dragon scale, 2 cups of fire tears, and some snappy vine," Courtly said as Giles nodded going into the closet. Courtly went under her desk and bring out a cauldron. "So, Courtly, what the hell happening?" Evie asked.

"Um, well, I'm not sure at the moment Evie," Courtly replied. Giles soon returned with the ingredients. "Okay, so, look, I need you to each drink this," Courtly said, pouring the ingredients into the cauldron, creating a glowing cloud blue liquid and pouring into 10 cups.

"Drink," Giles said as the ten picked out the cups.

"Bottoms up." Ben sighed, the ten chugging down the liquid. "Gods, this is horrible." CJ grimace in disgust.

"Now, in two days the cups will show the magi you possess. If I'm correct they should still be the same magi you use when you from the first time we met." Courtly explained, placing all ten cups on her desk.

"Till then, I want you to keep this card with you at all times. It will track your magi levels and control it for the time being." Courtly said, passing out a playing card with the Jester symbol on it.

"Be on guard. With this magi brings danger as well." Giles warned them as the ten walked out of the room.

"It's just like last time." Courtly sighed, putting her hands behind her neck. "Why now? Why them tough?" Courtly added. "There has to be a way we can stop it." Courtly sighed again.

"You know it isn't Courtly," Giles told her. "I know. I just wish, the gods have chosen others. They're only teens, Giles." Courtly stated.

"I'm aware, but there's nothing we can do." Giles looked at the setting sun thru the window.

"We just have to wait and see."

Meanwhile, miles away, something evil was bubbling to the surface.

"This will be our greatest achievement ever."

As the cloaked man finished drawing the magic circle over the seal he looked at at the 4 other cloaked figures, they all nodded."Do you think this will work?" The second cloaked figure asked. "Positive." The third cloaked figure answered.

"Are you sure this will work?" The second cloaked figure asked. "Positive." the man answered.

This power has no connection to light or darkness its purpose is to bring disorder to balance as I offer you my blood know that you serve me and in return, I offer you the freedom you craved for thousands of centuries.

As the first cloaked figure took the dagger over the palm of my hand and slice through it. He threw the blood over the seal and continued the ritual.

Now take from chaos destroy the light, erase the darkness, Bring disorder to the Villian People and creatures of this very world.

The magic circle reacted and destroyed the seal completely.

The earth started to tremble and crack beneath them as a large amount of energy came bursting towards the sky engulfing it with its power.

The four started laughing and continued laughing more sinisterly than they ever before.

"No one will be able to stop us now not even the VK's"

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