➸οκτώ - OCHTOE

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«Και τώρα αυτά τα τρία παραμένουν: πίστη, ελπίδα και αγάπη. Αλλά το μεγαλύτερο από αυτά είναι η αγάπη.»

❝And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.❞

The door of the VIP room swung wide open, revealing two angry men. 

Yoongi and Namjoon. 

The man who had carried Ara to the room was already stripping her and ready to ruin her when Namjoon kicked his ass. 

"Oh my God! You motherfucking asshole!" Yoongi yelled as he sent a punch right onto the man's nose. 

"Okay, okay, that's enough, Yoongi! I'll take care of him, go get Ara!" 

Yoongi glared at the man who was being held by his collar by Namjoon. He ran over to Ara, who was lying unconscious, wearing only her undergarments. 

Yoongi clenched his fists and grabbed her clothes to cover her up. Once he covered her up, he carried her bridal style and walked out of the room. 

Namjoon had already hit him enough to break all his limbs. He huffed as he pushed him onto the floor. The man groaned and cursed under his breath and Namjoon ran after Yoongi. 

The two of them took her to Yoongi's house, since it was the closest house to the bar. 

Yoongi lay her on his bed and tucked her in, wrapping her with the comfortable bed-sheets. 

Namjoon sighed as he leaned onto the door frame of Yoongi's room. 

"I hate to think of what would have happened if we hadn't reached there on time," he said and Yoongi glared at him. 

"Stop bringing that up, Joon. If you don't want me to go back and murder those bitches for dragging her into this, stop bringing it up!" he snapped and Namjoon gave him a light nod. 

As soon as the two left the room and closed the door behind them, Namjoon's phone rang. 

"Huh? It's Minho!" he said, with a scoff. 

"What does that jerk want now? Answer it!" Yoongi said and Namjoon nodded, before answering it. 

"Yeah, Minh-" there was a pause on Namjoon's side as his eyes widened and jaws dropped. 

Yoongi raised his hands, questioning his reaction. 

"O-okay, okay, t-thank you, Doctor." 

"What the fuck, dude? Why do you look like someone died?" Yoongi snapped and Namjoon put his phone back in his pocket. 

"What are we gonna tell Ara?" 

"Huh? What-" 

Yoongi stopped as he heard some groans from his room. The two of them opened the door and saw Ara on the bed, tossing and turning, clutching her head in pain. 

"She's getting a hangover," Namjoon stated and Yoongi rolled his eyes. 

"Duh, she downed two bottles of vodka in one go, Joon!" 

The two of them rushed to her side as she struggled to open her eyes. 

"Ugh, where the fuck am I?" 

"Shh it's okay, Ara. It's us, we're in Yoongi's house." 

Namjoon knelt down and held her hands between his. Yoongi looked at him and mouthed, "What did Minho say?" 

Namjoon sighed and looked at Ara. 

"J-Joon, w-what happened to me? I-I saw a m-man, h-he tried to-" she cried out loud and Yoongi climbed into bed with her and stroked her hair to calm her down. 

"Hey hey, it's alright. He didn't do anything to you. We got there on time and dealt with him," Yoongi whispered and she sniffled with a nod. 

"T-thank you, guys. I don't know what I would have done without you two!" She showed both of them a sad smile and they smiled as they hugged her. 

As they pulled away, her face lit up and she sat up straight. Right when she was about to say something, a pain shot up her head and she winced. 

Namjoon chuckled as he grabbed an Ibuprofen pill and handed it to her along with a glass of water. 

"Thanks," she took the pill and then cleared her throat. 

"I have some good news to share with you two!" she cheered with a blush coloring her cheeks. 

Namjoon feared her next words, whereas Yoongi was eager to hear what she had to say. 

"Jonghyun told me he likes me too! He finally accepted me as his soulmate, you guys!" 

Yoongi smiled and nodded at her happiness. Even so, Namjoon wasn't happy about what he had to say for that. 

It would break her completely. She wouldn't be able to handle it. 

"Joon? Something wrong? Don't tell me you're still gonna call me a slut for this!" she snapped out of agony and he shook his head. 

"I-it's not t-that, Ara. It's-" he gulped and Yoongi raised an eyebrow. 

"Jonghyun and his friends went out to the bar tonight. On their way, Jonghyun felt dizzy and tipsy for some reason and-" 

Both Yoongi's and Ara's eyes widened, fearing his next words. 

"And what, Joon?" Yoongi pressed, gritting his teeth together. 

"They met with an accident. The boys were all injured, but J-Jonghyun d-didn't m-make it."  

x Chapter Eight x

[- A/N -]

Rest In Peace, Kim Jonghyun. 

SHINee will always be five. If not for the world, it will be in the hearts of Shawols all across the globe. You will always be with us through your music. 

You are greatly missed, Jonghyun. We love you, and we always will. 

R.I.P Kim Jonghyun [ex-member of SHINee] 

Dec. 18, 2017

Committed suicide by carbon monoxide poisoning. Found dead in Seoul, in a rented apartment next to a burning coal briquette. 

"Even though, we cannot communicate using the same language, we use music instead."

~ Kim Jonghyun 

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