Who Would I Be

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After my crying fest, I fell asleep there.

I don't remember falling asleep, but I woke up laying on Percy sort of in the same position we were in when I was crying and he was comforting me.

His arms were wrapped around me, so I couldn't get up.

And then I remembered that he has a girlfriend. Plus, he's straight. Which doesn't mean much because this was an accident and I'm not really sure how clear I was in that whole thing. If he got that I was gay or not.

I'm sure if he really cared he would've moved after he noticed I was asleep. So like, no homo?

This is a time you'd say that, right?

My brain started to wander, though, which was fine for a little while.

His skin was really soft. So was his hair.

I wonder if his lips—

It goes against nature.

But Bianca was still in my head. Still popping in at every single, little gay thought I had.

So knowing I couldn't move if I didn't want to wake him up, which I didn't because he looked kind of cute when he slept— uh... Yeah, cute. I was stuck, so I just tried to let myself relax.

But more importantly, to not think.

I'll admit it, it was pretty comfy. Percy made for a good pillow.

But after a good twenty minutes of laying there where I almost fell back asleep, he woke up. I noticed because he moved my hair away from his face.

Outside of that, he didn't seem to care to move, though.

"Percy?" I asked.


"What are we doing."

"I don't know," he responded with a shrug, which was an amazing answer. "Being lazy. Relaxing. Why?"

"I'd like to point out that you have a girlfriend," I reminded him. "Who would murder me if—"

"Yeah, no, we broke up," Percy corrected me where I was. "It wasn't a fight or anything, which is probably why you didn't hear about it, but yeah. We broke up. Lost feeling. I think we're still cool, so. Yeah, if we were still together, I would've moved. I just don't give a shit and didn't want to go through the effort of having to get up."

"Really?" I questioned and Percy nodded his head with his cute little innocent smile he wore sometimes. "Dang. What happened?"

"Just lost the feelings," the son of Poseidon explained. "I almost asked this guy out when I lost my memory and over the course of when I had Amnesia I lost feelings towards Annabeth and wasn't nearly as excited to see her as I should've been. But I didn't want to start on a sour note for the ship ride, so. She seemed cool with it, asked if I had liked somebody else."

"That's not bad then—" and it clicked in my brain. "Wait, you're not straight?"

"Uh, no," Percy admitted. "you didn't miss it, don't worry. I like, ignored it for a long time and then I lost my memory and was forced to deal with it. Well, more so I just went with it then. I haven't really come out, I think the only person I've actually told is Annabeth and now you. Coming out is a lot of work, though, I'll just let people figure it out if I ever get a boyfriend."

And with what he said, I just had to ask.

Like, there was a part of me that held hope when I heard this. When I was just now told that hey, Percy's bi, maybe pan. Either way, he's also info guys.

That automatically gives me a small chance.

Why didn't I figured this shit out sooner?

"So you almost..." I started off, a little hesitant to ask. "who'd you almost ask out?"

Percy opened his mouth for a second.

"You really don't want to know, it's bad."

"Mmmm, hot take, I do want to know." I insisted. "What's the worst thing you can say? It was me?"

I said it as a joke.

His response wasn't a joke.

"Mmm.... Yeah?" The older demigod shyly admitted, which was adorable. "that's what happened. I was trying to sleep and remember stuff trying to figure out why the hell you weren't my boyfriend even though you said we had never met before. My brain just knew that was bullshit, apparently, because it thought I was really fucking stupid for not making you my boyfriend. Amnesia is fucking weird, man."

I smiled.

He had a crush on me!

Then again, we're cuddling right now.



"We're literally cuddling right now, I don't think it's just amnesia that's weird."

"Yeah, you're right, I'm just a coward."

I chuckled and rolled my eyes, digging my face back into his chest. He smelled good.

I could feel his breath hitched when he also chuckled.

"Am I comfy?" Percy questioned and I just hummed in response. "You know, it's like 10:30 at night, we can just move to my bed."

So we moved to his bed. He didn't even bother to offer me a different place to sleep. He gave me a sweater to sleep in, though, because I just sleep in boxers and a shirt normally.

But he got in bed and put his arms out for me.

I gladly joined him.

"Are you sure you don't need anything else?" Percy asked me as I took this chance to just cuddle up with him.

"No, it's alright," I insisted. "you're just, uh, never getting this sweater back."

"That's against the rules!" Percy insisted. "You can't do that unless it's a boyfriend's sweater."

So I fucking took the chance. He's dumb if he hasn't picked up on it yet.

"Guess we're going on a date tomorrow, then."

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