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"Challis dear," Joey and the rest of the gang laughed, making fun of the new name Lily's mother had appointed him. Chandler rolled his eyes, "seriously you guys, shut up." He told them, as the rest of them stifled a laugh.

In front of them, Lily was walking into the house with her father, who was holding Charlie in his arms, whilst her mother had decided to go back into her office in the house, letting her husband do all the hosting. "It feels weird being back here, still looks the same." Lily's father, Harrison, smiled slightly at his daughter, knowing those words didn't come happily.

Changing the subject, Harrison turned to his granddaughter, tickling her, making her giggle. "She's beautiful, you know. She's got some of your looks but I can see Chandler in her as well." He told her, as she chuckled.

"I think she's gorgeous," Lily said, as Chandler who couldn't help but overhear as he was walking behind, walked over to the pair talking about his daughter. "She is gorgeous, get's it from her mother," Chandler told them, stroking his daughter's cheek.

At this comment made by Chandler, Lily blushed furiously, her cheeks going almost as red as her hair. Chandler chuckled at the sight and put his arm around Lily, almost like he did when they were dating, which Lily thought was suspicious. Was chandler trying to allow Lily to fall for him again, and an even bigger question, was it working? At this sight, Harrison raised his eyebrows at his daughter's flushed face, allowing a smirk appearing on his face, almost knowingly to the fact that these two parents were head over heels for each other, even if they didn't exactly know it yet.

Lily felt slightly awkward, wanting nothing more than the ground to swallow her up so she could be alone to think straight. However, at that point, Lily's mother came from her office and stood in front of the three. "Lilliana dear, would you please follow me into my office, we have things to discuss."

Lily rolled her eyes, "mother can it wait, we've only just got here, we'd like to go out and view the city." She told her mother, irritated, though it seemed her mother wouldn't take no for an answer. "Lilliana, I said now please," Amelia said with a sickly sweet smile, that everyone in sight could tell was put on merely to keep up appearances.

Huffing, though only slightly so her mother didn't notice, she turned to her father, who was handing Charlie to Chandler, and smiled slightly as he turned to her and whispered, "make your own life choices, don't allow them to be made by anyone else." Lily knew he was saying that her mother would once again try and convince her to move back to London, instead of going back to her life in New York.

Walking into her mother's office, which was surrounded by many windows and almost a full library of books, Lily stood in the middle of the room, whilst Amelia was sat at her desk looking at her daughter. "Aren't you going t to sit down?" Amelia asked, pointing at the two chairs the sat on the other side of her desk.

Lily sat down, crossing her legs as well as her arms, "mother what did you want to speak to me about? I wanted to show my friends around, couldn't this wait until later?"

"Are they your friends, darling?" Amelia questioned, folding her arms over her chest. Lily looked confused by what her mother was asking, "what do you mean? Of course, they are."

"Sweetie, people like James are your real friends. He's been your friend since childhood, these people you barely know." Amelia told her, once again with a sickly sweet smile. Lily tried her hardest to not say something she knew she'd regret, "you don't know what you're saying mother, because you don't know me barely, you don't know my friends, you don't know my daughter, your granddaughter!" Lily told her, trying to shout at her mother, she wasn't going to allow her to get to her.

Amelia sighed, "but are you sure you know them enough to stay there, you know people here, it's your home. They're Challis's-" Lily cut her off "Chandler's," she said, correcting her mother.

"Yes, Chandler's whatever. They're Chandler's friends, they don't know you." After a while, Lily had gotten fed up with her mother talking nonsense and decided to leave. Standing up, Lily began walking out, "where do you think you're going? I haven't finished." Amelia told her daughter who shrugged.

"You're never finished, mother. You've always got some way to criticize me and my life. Well guess what, I'm a grown-up now, I have a life and a daughter to think about, I don't need this." And with that she left the office, wanting nothing than to let off steam, her mothers word still going round In her head, infuriating her.


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