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5 months later

To say having a baby was an experience was an understatement, it was a complete journey of not only joy but also mistakes. Lily wasn't an experienced mother, she was new at this, sometimes when the baby cried she wanted to pull her hair out and just be allowed to sleep, but she knew it'd all pay off in the end. All the loss of sleep, no free time and absolutely no money to spend on herself would make up with the fact that she had a gorgeous little daughter, Charlotte, or as Lily liked to call her Charlie George-Bing, and that's all that mattered to Lily.

Even at just 5 months old, Charlie had a huge personality, just like her father. She would make the cutest, yet somewhat sassiest faces to her mother, almost as if she knew what she was saying to her and trying to respond through her facial expressions. She would also laugh at everything, which both Lily and Chandler found highly amusing.

But Lily was happy with the way her life was going. Yes, she and Chandler were not together raising the baby, but they were co-parenting well, James was still living with her, helping out as well as trying to get Monica to go on a date with him, surprising Lily. Everyone was talking to Lily, just how it use to be, and Lily wouldn't change it for the world.

But something was also going around in Lily's head.

She missed London, but her family was here, in New York, and that caused confusion for Lily.

London was such a special place in Lily's heart, it where she grew up having fantastic memories there. Each day she would catch a big red double-decker to Hyde's park in London in the summer with James, just sitting under the sun with no worries. Everyone would be walking their dogs, tourists coming from every which way you looked and it was beautiful.

Buckingham Palace, Windsor Castle, small cafés and tourist shops were all things Lily missed dearly, and Lily wanted a home for Charlie, not an apartment, it wasn't safe for her and wasn't the way she wanted to bring up her child. But how was she to tell Chandler? She couldn't do that to him, move across the world far away from his child, Lily knew that wasn't a fair choice to make.

Today was just like every other day, Charlie woke up crying, making Lily want to somewhat cry, but instead made her child her bottle to try and quiet her down. Bouncing her slightly in her arms, she smiled at her daughter, as she calmed.

"You're a little ray of sunshine in the morning aren't you Charlie?" She chuckled as she continued to drink from her bottle.

James came out from his bedroom, obviously being woken by the sound of Charlie's wailing, "has the child stop crying since she came out of you?" He asked as Lily rolled her eyes,

"She only cries cause she knows you're here, she just doesn't like you I'm afraid."

James laughed, "oh yeah, sure that's it." He opened the fridge to make a cup of tea, "or maybe she cries because of this world she has to live in, where everyone has to work their backsides off each day, to get a date, a job, a life." James said as Lily realized something was up with him.

She then looked at her daughter and looked back at her friend. "Yeah, I don't think that's it, she has a fine job I think, sleeping and eating." She said sarcastically, she then went and put her daughter down in her crib, hoping to have some time to talk to James.

Leaning against her kitchen table, she looked at James who looked at his breakfast like he could murder it. "Okay then moody arse, wanna talk about what's making you look like you wanna kill your Cheerios?"

James huffed and crossed his arms, almost like a child. "Monica won't go out with me."

"Is it because you're not clean enough like I get that, I refuse to even go near your room because of it," Lily asked him, as he shook his head.

"I don't know why she just won't." He pouted, to which Lily rolled her eyes and patted his leg.

"I'll talk to her, don't you worry buddy."

"Don't call me that," James told her, as she walked towards her and Charlie's room.

"Sure buddy, you'll thank me soon enough, just wait and see!"


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