A Maniax World (Jerome)

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Ahhhh! My does it feel good to be apart of a team full of 'crazies' like yourself. Of course that's just what 'normal' people call you lot. But who cares?

"Hello (Y/N). You're even more beautiful than Barbara described you..." You simply winked at the man everyone calls Theo Galavan, blowing Barbara a little kiss. She smirked, catching it.

"I'm so glad she put in a good word for me! Soooooo, when shall the fun begin?! I'm... dying..... for some entertainment." Theo simply chuckled, sending you an amused look.

"Now now. Good things come to those who wait. Trust me. It's coming. I just need to... prep you all for your debut." You clapped your hands together in excitement, a huge smile coming to your lips.

"Now that's what I'm talking about... I'm ready!" He sent Barbara a little look, before smiling at you, a look flashing through his eyes.

"You know kid... you have all the charisma a true leader needs. You've got passion. Beauty. And clearly talent. It takes guts to make art out of blood.." You simply smirked at him, proud of your work. Let's just say things got out of hand at home when dear old daddy decided to go crazy. You beat him to it!

"Oh no no no! Have I not made this clear already? I'm the boss!! I run this little... show." You narrowed your eyes, slowing turning, to see a ginger haired guy come bounding into the room, a gun poised in his hand, a scowl on his lips. You both stopped your movement, eyeing one another. He slowly walked closer to you, a little smirk coming to his lips.

"My my my... what a sight you are! You've definitely got the beauty he was talking about... But can you really lead a whole group of... insane people? Hmmm?!" Really? He thinks he can intimidate you..? Please.

"Yeah. I do mister... ginger. You don't scare me. That little gun of yours is mere child's play. Ever try a sniper...?" You slowly placed your arm around his neck, lowering him to you so you could for sure blow his mind, smirking.

"It's fun..." You slowly pulled back, seeing that smirk planted firmly on his lips, before he placed the gun on the temple of your head, laughing, manically, only making you grin with glee.

"This can be just as fun! Seeing your pretty blood coating the wall.... the floor... meeeee." You laughed, right in his face, making his eyes narrow slightly. You placed your hand on his, pushing the gun further into your skin, seeming to surprise him.

"Take your best shot maniac..." You winked at him, making him smirk, before pulling the trigger, not even igniting a flinch from you. Of course nothing happened. But a shit ton of laughs from everyone around. But you and Jerome... couldn't stop staring at one another. He simply grinned at you, clearly amused, while you smiled back, sending him yet another wink. 

"Nice shot. You got me..." He laughed a little, before lowering the gun, a huge smile coming to his face, extending his hand, taking you by surprise.

"I'm Jerome. Mommy killer... perfect show man..." You simply laughed, putting your hand in his, softly shaking it.

"And I'm (Y/N). Daddy killer... perfect art maker..." He grinned, before suddenly looping his arm around you, pulling you closer to him.

"I think we're going to be a great team! A man needs a leading lady after all." You both laughed, seeing Theo eyeing you both, clearly impressed.

"It seems we've found our two perfect Maniax." You and Jerome looked at one another, smirking. Let the fun begin!

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