Arkham Mates (Oswald)

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You couldn't even believe you are here! They sent you to Arkham because in everyone's eyes you are a freak. A psycho. All you ever do is cause chaos. You were pushed to your breaking point. Your sister just wouldn't stop doing her normal shit, so you pushed her out a window. She just.... wouldn't leave you alone! She kept nagging you and nagging you. And then.... it stopped.

The next thing you remember is looking out the window, seeing her laying in your huge pool, blood mixing with the water. And your mothers screams as she came bounding out the back door, when she noticed you staring from the window, a mixture of sadness and anger washing over her face. And here you are, on lockdown. This place is a mad house!

No one here is worth talking too. They all just stare at you with creepy smiles on their lips, making you cringe with disgust. You had just gotten done talking with your psychiatrist, your head hurting from all the nonsense she spoke. She keeps saying every week that you're just a lost kid that needs some guidance back into the light.

But what no one knows is that your sister tried to kill you once. And this time, she went to far and you couldn't handle it anymore. So you ended it. Simple as that. And you won't apologize for that. So they can call you crazy all they want. But it won't make a difference. You won't utter a sorry as long as you live.

You slowly walked into the little area where all the inmates sit around, doing whatever it is they do, when you suddenly stopped in your tracks, your eyes wide. Across the room, sat Oswald Cobblepot. The king of Gotham! Who in their right mind would put him here? Because you know once he's free, you're dead. You smiled a tad, actually feeling like you might have a person around here you can actually speak with that will get something.

Oswald is a clever man. He's a leader by far. And he knows what he's talking about. He's passionate about what he does. And lately, he's been on rampage mode because of his mothers death. But can you blame him? That's his mother. The one woman in the world that meant everything to him. She was all he really had. And now she's gone. All because of Galavan. That asshole....

You haven't spoken to Oswald in a long time. But Gertrude and your mom used to be really good friends. Until your mom became a huge bitch and dropped every friend that wasn't filthy rich. Even her own kid wasn't good enough for her. Well.... except your sister. So what is she going to do now....? That's not your problem. Once you're out of here, you're done. You will never speak with your parents again.

You shook your head a little, regaining yourself, walking towards Oswald, his back to the room. You slowly sat down beside him, gently tapping him on the shoulder, instantly making him go into alert mode, whirling his head around to look at you, when he noticed it was just you, his eyes going wide slightly.

"(Y/N)...? What are you doing here?" You gently smiled, sighing slightly at him. It's nice to see a familiar face in here.

"Long story. Trust me. But... why are you here is the main question here." He looked down at his lap, conflicted, before slowly looking back up, staring at the wall.

"I finally killed Theo Galavan. And of course, I get sent here. I did a service for Gotham! He killed my mother and got away with it. So now I'm the crazy one...." Gertrude used to be like the mother you never had. In all honesty, she was really. Even after her and your mother stopped talking, she never lost contact with you. But once everything started getting heated at home, you hadn't gotten the chance to speak with her. And now you see why.... You softly placed your hand on Oswald's shoulder, your eyes slowly starting to water.

"I know and it never should have happened! And you know something? My mother.... was friends with him." Oswald looked at you, his eyes filled with rage, his fists clenching.

"Just because they have money they can get away with anything! Even murder...." You shook your head in agreement, a tear sliding down your cheek. Your mother used to be the nicest woman in the world. But that was her undoing. Meeting that asshole. He took over her mind and just.... her as a whole. And turned her against the people that used to mean everything to her. She abandoned you..... You narrowed your eyes, looking up at Oswald, seeing his eyes watering.

"My mother.... I haven't been able to stand her for the longest time. He just took over her. And now your mother is gone because of that asshole. She was a true mother. She loved you so much Os. More than anything. She always worried about you. When I talked with her......" Oswald suddenly snapped his eyes to yours, surprise evident on his face.

"You still talked with her....?"You shook your head as a tear came softly out of Oswald's eye, your heart sinking. Oswald has always been like your big brother. He's been there through everything with you. But after everything, it was just like you both drifted apart. But this meeting was like destiny. It just shows even after all his time, it's like none went by at all. It still feels like when you both were just kids. You softly rubbed his back, a soft smile lighting up your face.

"Of course. I would never have stopped. I don't care what my mother does. She can't tell me how to run my life and who I can and can't talk to.  You both mean too much to me to just abandon you. You wouldn't do that to me..." He looked down at you, a little smile coming to his lips, when he suddenly pulled you into his arms, kissing the top of your head, making you softly smile. A lot may have happened between your parents. And time pasted and you two didn't talk much. But even that didn't break you guys apart. Arkham isn't such a bad place after all....

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