Becoming What You Are {Bruce}

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You stood atop the GCPD with a calm smile planted firmly on your lips, looking over the night life of Gotham. You just recently came back after being gone for a while. You just needed a break. Everything had changed and you needed to run. But being back here? It felt..... right.

You were gladly accepted on the force. And you were so thankful to Jim Gordon for having so much faith in you. Between you and Bruce Wayne, you would drive him crazy with your detective skills. You were just kids. But you both had smarts and only wanted to do what was right by this city, no matter how bad it had gotten. 

"(Y/N)......?" You whirled around from your name suddenly being whispered in the night air, seeing someone stood on the ledge of the building in what appeared to be a high-quality black suit with a bat symbol on the front. And you looked on in wonder. But somehow, you had a feeling you knew just who it was. Just from their eyes shining in the lights on top of the building. 

"Bruce...." You closed your eyes for a split second to clear your vision, thinking you may be seeing things, when you looked back to see him gone, your eyes going wide as you ran to the edge and looked over to see nothing at all. And you couldn't help but smile a tad. Gotham will be okay. It's in good hands now. And this, you knew. 

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