Bloodline {Jeremiah}

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Imagine..... 👓❤️😈

"Jeremiah.... what happened...?" You slowly approached him upon noticing all the blood covering his face, your heart practically thumping out of your chest from the mere sight. You used your secret tracking device you designed and built mere years ago back in college to find Jeremiah's whereabouts. 

Since Jerome had discovered his apparently not so hidden hideout, he made himself, he's been acting so different. Jerome died. And he went off the rails. It was rather scary. But you being his oh so perfect and very submissive proxy, you couldn't ask any questions. Unless you wanted to be screamed at like some child being scolded. It was ridiculous. But you had to know what was really happening. This wasn't Jeremiah anymore. This was something very different. And you felt it had something to do with his lovely brother. 

"This? Oh, this is just showing my dominance over these fools. Proving them wrong. Jerome isn't the one they should fear. It should be me. And me alone...." His serious tone and face sent you on edge. And as he slowly removed his trademark glasses, wiping his face of the blood splatter from who you could only assume was from the man lying in a now open grave. And looking down further caused your heart to stop. Jerome..... 

But once you looked back up, you felt like you were suddenly in a horror movie. Jeremiah's skin was now white in the patch where the blood once was. Ghost white. And your apparent fear and confusion only seemed to fuel his anger more so. He stepped closer and closer to you with his hand firmly grabbing your arm, your eyes wide from what was happening to your best friend. Your...... everything.

"Now.... no need to be scared of me (Y/N). You aren't going anywhere regardless. But do not take this lightly. You should be worried. You should be afraid. Because Jerome was never the one they should have been oh so scared of. I am..... maybe it's in our bloodline to be psychotic." His attempt at a smile made you shake your head from the mere words that left his mouth. Jerome still won. Even in death. But he never had the look in his eyes that Jeremiah has now. 

"Jere....." Your soft, little whisper caused him to close his eyes briefly, before looking back to you with his eyes just as dark as before. 

"You won't leave me. Because i won't allow it. You're mine. Now that this is settled, we can get on with our work. Make them see what they're in for." His eyes scanned yours from the closeness of you two, his lips mere inches from yours. And you just knew that this was far from over. 

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