Curiosity Killed The Cat {Edward}

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Imagine.... ❓💚

"You won't outsmart me. You never will. Because no one can!"

You simply rolled your eyes from the dramatic tone of Edward Nygma, knowing deep down that he had met his match in you. Riddles were his game. And he wanted to see you fail miserably at trying to solve them to relish in the fact that he's superior to you.

"Just face it Eddie dear, you know I'm smarter than you're willing to admit. I finished every single trap you laid before me in this city for crying out loud!"

And he didn't make it easy for you. Not one little bit. There were so many where he tried to blow you sky high, just to have the satisfaction from it. But you always found your way around them. You were intelligent. And had clean reflexes. Almost like a cat. You were a spy after all.

But when his angered gaze finally met yours, you could see a hint of admiration. He just simply couldn't believe you finished it alive. He was certain he'd have to fish you out of one. Quit literally, since on one, if you answered incorrectly, you'd be fed to some very deadly fish. How he does it? You'll never understand.

His riddles are all so elaborate. He takes time. He studies them. And makes sure they're just perfect. But they aren't just riddles. They're traps. And if you can't figure them out, then night night.

"You surely got lucky Miss (Y/L/N). But I guess you saved me the trouble of having to get your dead body out."

You grinned a little from his comment. But you always had a feeling that someday, your curiosity of such things would get you killed. But you haven't died yet. You were so curious on his riddles and outdoing him, that you didn't think of the possible outcomes.

"Well, I guess it goes to show that I can outdo you Mr. Nygma."

His eyes widened in sudden anger, clearly hitting a trigger within him and awakening the real Edward Nygma. He bounded over to you with his fist clenched. But you weren't scared.

"I'm the Riddler. You better remember that. Because someday, curiosity will kill the cat. I'm smarter than anyone in this pea brain of a town. I'm the most intelligent man you'll ever meet. And you'll NEVER..... outdo me."

His little scream of frustration was a complete surprise. He's been so composed this whole time. But you knew you'd really struck a chord. He was furious. But you were far from done with The Riddler. He was just too much fun to play with.

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