Entertainment {Fish}

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You peeked out from behind the curtains, nervously fumbling with your dress, making sure you looked presentable. You saw Fish siting at a table just a little ways from the stage, making your heart beat go a mile a minute. You were lucky enough to get an audition for Fish's club and you didn't want to screw it up.

Since you were a little girl, all you ever wanted to do is perform. And who better to perform for than Fish Mooney, the most respected and feared woman in Gotham. Which made it even more demanding of you. This performance has to be perfect. Just perfect...

"Alright (Y/N), show us what you got!" You shook your self off, taking a huge breath, walking out onto the stage, putting a big smile on your lips, seeing Fish watching you, assessing you. You gave a little wave, instantly slapping yourself on the inside. But you saw Fish smile a little, making you feel a bit better.

You smiled, jumping right into the performance, singing your favorite song. And not once did you take your eyes away from that table. If there's one thing you learned from performances, you always interact with the audience. Even if it's a little glance, that's still a form of contact.

You swayed to the music, a little smile on your lips as you sang. And then the song came to an end, the room going silent. Until Fish's right hand man, Butch, started to clap, a big smile on his lips. Fish simply looked at you, a little smile forming on her face, making you breathe the air you've been holding since the performance came to an end. She slowly stood from her seat, assessing you, when she suddenly clapped, a bigger smile on her face.

"Very beautiful. You definitely have talent. Unlike these other girls that have come and gone here." She slowly walked towards the stage, extending her hand towards you once she did, helping you down. She looked you over, entertainment in he eyes.

"And you are a very beautiful girl. You are going to break so many hearts...." You smiled a little, making her grin with joy. You can see this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship....

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