Evil (Bruce)

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You slowly sat down next to Bruce, seeing the far away look in his eyes, sighing, a sad sigh. You just recently decided to stay here at Wayne Manor with Bruce for awhile. Ever since his parents died he's been so withdrawn. And it breaks your heart. He loved his parents with all his heart. They were such good people. And you can't even believe that some cruel monster could do this to them. They didn't deserve that. And Bruce doesn't deserve this.

The heartbreak. The sadness. Everything. And poor Alfred is beside himself on what to do at the moment. He thought having you here would help Bruce some. Alfred has always been such a good man. He loves Bruce dearly and just wants to make sure that he will be okay in time. But something like this, is never easy to just get over. You never really do.

Your parents were best friends with the Wayne's, so you and Bruce have always been super close. So when you heard of their passing, you instantly came to the house that night and stayed with him. And ever since then, your parents figured it would be good for you to stay with him for a while. And tonight was terrible. He hasn't spoken a word. He just sits there, staring at the fireplace like it has all the answers. You wished that something did. The person that did this deserves so much pain....

"I'm sorry (Y/N).... I know I'm not good company." You looked at Bruce, seeing the sad look in his eyes, instantly wrapping your arm around him, sending him a sad smile.

"No, please don't apologize. I understand. I'm just.... here if you need me. Always." He slowly looked up at you, before hugging you, the tightest hug he's ever given you, hearing his soft crying, making you start to cry.

"I just.... I just want to find who did this. I'm not going to stop until I do. I can't let that... cruel, evil person go." You hugged him back just as tight, hearing the determination in his voice, mixed with the pain, making your heart ache.

"I know Bruce.... and I'll help you. We will find who did this. We have to..." If one things for certain, Martha and Thomas didn't deserve to lose their lives. They did so much for Gotham. Brought so much joy to so many people. And now their light is gone. And now there's Bruce to hold that mantel. And you will stick by his side to find who killed them. 

It may be a long journey. But it has to be done. This is what Bruce wants. And rightfully so. Losing your parents is one of the worst things that could ever happen in your life. So you intend on finding this killer. No matter how pain filled the journey will be, you know that Bruce can do this.....

TWO DAYS GUYS!!!!! 🐧😼👮🏼❓❤️🙌🏻

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