First Look (Victor Zsasz)

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Your eyes went wide from all the random people roaming about with guns at the ready, your heart picking up the pace as you were stopped in your tracks by a man jumping onto the desk directly in front of you, smiling down at you, a evil smile.

"Hello there beautiful. And just where do you think you're running off too??" You shook your head as you couldn't move your body an inch, terrified that he might shoot you right then and here. He simply chuckled as he jumped down off the desk to stand right in front of you, the entire room of people silent from fear as you couldn't move your eyes away from Victor.

"I'm glad you stopped then. Because it wouldn't have ended well for you, seeing how I'm here on business. And nobody can leave until I'm done!" You flinched from the tone of his angry voice as he simply chuckled at you, before he suddenly grabbed your arm so tightly that you screamed, making him laugh even more as he roughly pulled you to him, grinning at the fear in your eyes.

"Now now. No need to be scared of little ole me here. Unless you piss me off. Well then, you might just end up in a body bag...." Your eyes widened as you flinched a little from him, his hand letting go of you as you glared at him, anger taking over more than fear.

"What is your problem?! Coming into a police station packing heat and you think nothing will happen to you...?" His eyes widened as your heart started to race faster, now starting to regret your little moment of boldness as his face got within inches of yours, your breath mingling with his as he glared at you. 

"I'm Victor Zsasz beautiful. I'm a hitman. You know, I kill for a living? So I always get out unharmed. Trust me...." You both just stared at one another as everyone around you seemed to just be frozen, the only sounds are the soft tones of your voices. You're playing with fire here. But you can stand your ground. Maybe it'll work out in the end and he'll spare you. Time will tell....

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