❓Four Letter Word {Edward}❤️

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Imagine... ❤️❓💚

"Eddie..... you did all this? For me...?" His cute, little smile sent shockwaves of happiness through your body with the world's biggest smile coming to your lips. His whole apartment was filled with hearts. Heart streamers. Heart balloons. Little heart confetti littered the dining table where you also noticed the most beautiful, single rose sitting ever so elegantly in a blood red vase.

You and Edward have been thick as thieves for as long as you could remember. And just recently, it became more. He saw you. He knew you were something amazing. And he wanted you. It wasn't hard. You were crazy about him since day one. You offed Kristen so she wouldn't be a problem anymore. Not that she ever was. She didn't see him the way you do. Not one bit.

"Of course. It's a special day. Our first Valentines Day together. I thought it was only right to celebrate." You couldn't help but grin so wide, feeling as giddy as ever. You reached up to softly leave a kiss on his cheek, seeing the surprised look in his eyes.

"Thank you, Eddie.... it's absolutely beautiful." He smiled, that adorable smile of his, pushing his glasses slightly up the bridge of his nose, seeming nervous. Which usually, he never is.

"Come sit with me." He gently took your hand in his, leading you to the beautiful setup he had going just for you. He helped you to sit, tucking your seat in before sitting gently in his own. He looked to you, and it seemed like he was holding his breath.

"Eddie, are you okay? Is something wrong?" He suddenly laughed, a cute laugh and you smiled right back. You didn't understand why he was so nervous.

"It's just... I've been wanting to say something to you. And I didn't know if I was ready. Until I saw you tonight. And now, I know I am." Your smile stayed firmly in place as he reached across the table to take your hand once more, rubbing soft circles with his thumb. And he looked up at you with an unknown look in his eyes. But he seemed so happy. Something he hasn't really been in a long time. But he found that. In you. You always saw how amazing he truly was.

You saw him when no one else did. When everyone was mean to him, you brought him back up and told him just how good he was. And not to let them drag him down to their level. You knew he was destined for much more than this. And he found it.

"Four letters is what I am. If given, it's a promise. If accepted, it's a future. If shared, it's cherished. What am I?" Your eyes grew wide from his riddle, already knowing what the word was exactly. You felt tears coming to your eyes from the mere thought.

"Love..." Edward grinned at you, finally releasing the breath he held in nervousness. He was afraid. Afraid you couldn't feel that way about him. But he was wrong.

"Love. Four letters I give to you and wait with bated breath for your response. This is how I truly feel for you. I was scared to admit it. But you've grown in my heart. Happy Valentines (Y/N)..." Your tears were falling freely at this point. You couldn't believe it. He loved you back. And you felt completely on top of the world.

"I love you so much Eddie. Happy Valentine's Day."

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