Hang On... (Jerome)

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Imagine.... 😈❤️

Your eyes grew wide as an earlier update on the news flashed on your screen, Jerome's smiling face looking back at you as your heart raced upon hearing his laughter. You haven't seen him in so long.... Your parents never wanted you around him or his psycho mother. So they took you away from him. You tried so many times to find him. And he finally hit the place you ended up. Gotham. But now, he's changed so much. He isn't that little ginger haired boy with the innocent smile anymore.....

"Hellooooo beautiful.... My my how you've grown..." You whirled around, a little scream coming out of you as you were met with Jerome's piercing green eyes looking back at you, his hand flying over your mouth as he smirked, laughing slightly.

"Shush shush shush! No need for all that..... Why, how could I hurt such a innocent, little lovely lady like yourself...? Hmmmmm?" Your eyes remained wide as your heart kept picking up the pace, when you gripped his arm, trying to remove his hand, when he jerked you back up against a wall, about knocking the wind out of you. An evil glint is what you were met with upon the thud of your back hitting the wall, a small chuckle escaping him.

"No no no beautiful.... Did I say take my hand away...? Oooh! That rhymed..." He suddenly lost it with laughter as he finally removed his hand from you, making you gasp as he looked at you, wiping fake, humor tears from his eyes, smiling at you, the smile you remember.

"Jerome.... How in the world did this happen...?" He suddenly smirked once more as he gently took your hand in his, softly sitting you both down as he looked at you, chuckling slightly at your confused look.

"Where to begin... Oh! I know.... Sooooo, mommy is finally dead. Daddy is dead as well. So poor little ole me is all alone. Well, except it seems I may have found another person that I would hope still loooooves me!" The humor mixed in his voice and the crazed look in his eyes finally made you lose it, laughing so hard you couldn't see straight. He's truly psychotic. But he's a funny psychotic guy.....

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