I'm Back Baby! (Jerome)

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"Oh my.... is that...?" Edward smiled a little down at you as you looked at the dead body of none other than Jerome Valeska. He's been all over Gotham news lately. Everywhere you look he's looking right back at you with that huge smirk of his. And laughing that booming laugh of his. And now he's dead...?

"Yup! They brought him in earlier to be examined. It's funny how his face just froze into a smile. Oh what the human body can do..." You looked up at Edward as he grinned a huge grin at you, exiting the room with files in his hands that needed to be put away.

You locked the door behind him as you slowly turned back towards the table holding Jerome's body, walking until you were looming over it, his still eyes just seeming to look right through you. Poor guy... You didn't care that he did bad things. He certainly was a very entertaining guy. You softly ran your hand through his ginger hair, just feeling how soft it was, smiling a tad.

You remember when he first came onto the scene in Gotham. It was everywhere that he had killed his mother in a blind rage. He just lost it. But from what you heard about his mother, it's no wonder he didn't kill her sooner. The bitch wasn't a very good mother. And his father, Paul Cicero, is apparently no better, seeing as he is dead now as well. And now you're looking down at Jerome's still body, a wave of sadness washing over you all of a sudden as you softly ran your fingers over his mouth, tracing the lines of the smile.

"For what it's worth.... I get it. Parents aren't exactly my thing either..." Your mom was a drunk and your father was a low life that just loved to beat you and her. So you got out of there the first chance you got and never looked back. Gotham is now your home. And you will never leave here. It's quirky. And filled with lots of interesting people. Like Mr. Valeska here...

You softly sighed as you walked towards the desk in the back behind Jerome, noticing his file was laying open, his mugshot from his Arkham transfer looking back at you, that smirk sending shivers down your spine.

"Awwwww.... feeling sorry for me beautiful...?" You screamed as hands landed on your shoulders, roughly whirling you around, your eyes going wide in terror at the sight in front of you.

"Jerome....." He laughed that big laugh of his, winking at you as you clenched the desk behind you for dear life. What...?! How is this even possible? He was dead mere seconds ago!

"That's my name! And.... well, I guess killing is my game! And tricks. Because I just pulled my best one yet! Hahahaha!" You couldn't help but keep that wide eyed look upon your face as Jerome gently placed his hand underneath your chin, moving your head from side to side, assessing you, his face now gone back to normal, but with a smirk on it.

"How on earth could it be possible for you to pull a trick like that?! You looked dead! I... I..." He gently put a finger to your mouth, slightly grinning at your confusion.

"Now now beautiful. Don't get all worked up on me just yet. We don't need to be alerting anyone's attention now do we...? I figured you'd be okay since you gave me a little love back there... Ahh how nice it felt!" What?! You'd be okay to give a heart attack too? Because if that was the aim here, he won.

"Are you serious?! You literally just about put me on that table. Goodness..." He laughed a little at you as he looked you over, making you nervous. He is a big time killer after all...

"No harm done though! You're fine. And will remain fine. If you just be a doll and listen to Mr. Valeska. Okay...?" I narrowed my eyes at him as he laughed, seeming to enjoy my reactions. Oh no. You're a head strong woman and no man will ever order you around. Not even the psycho ginger here.

"I'm not a little kid.... Mr. Valeska. I'm a grown woman that also happens to know a thing or two about death. So therefor, I think I might have you beat in that department. But we could always compare notes..." He looked at you with a smirk on his lips, seeming to like your response as he backed you up further into the desk, the papers flying off it from the impact. His face got within inches of yours, his breath mingling with yours as his smirk took over his lips, looking you deep in the eyes.

"It's a date then miss (Y/L/N)... I look forward to it." He slowly backed away from you as he gently flicked your name tag up and down, laughing like crazy as you composed yourself, smiling for the first time since he rose from the dead, if you will. He really is an interesting guy. And even more interesting in person. Maybe this will be a good venture for you...

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