Intensity {Jeremiah}

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"Now just keep a close eye on him. You know how freaky these Valeska's are. Can't believe there's more than one!" You laughed from the annoyed look on Harvey's face as you got tasked to do the thing no one wanted to do. Look after Jeremiah Valeska.

How you got oh so lucky? You didn't know. But it is what it is. He didn't phase you. You didn't care. He wasn't going to scare you. Being on the police force, you saw all kinds of things the faint of heart shouldn't. It was your job. And he was just another blimp in it. At least you thought anyhow.

"So beautiful, what is a beauty like you doing in such a.... animalistic environment? Don't they just eat you up?" You huffed in annoyance upon Jeremiah suddenly talking to you, wanting to punch him square in his smug face. Apparently everyone thinks you're some scrawny thing that can't handle the job.

But he'd be amazed what you've had to endure. You've shot people. You've taken down the big guys and handled lots of shoot outs. You knew going into this job would be tough. Especially in a city like Gotham. But your best friend Jim Gordon thought you'd be great here.

And you love it. But you had to stop a second to look at Jeremiah. He honestly was easy on the eyes. Good looking. And his smile.... it was so damn contagious. He looked on at you in wonder, curiosity with that smile firmly on his lips.

"I do just fine thanks. I managed to get you haven't I? I mean I do recall being the one to get you in here." He looked on at you really impressed with your boldness, seeming to like you some for a cop. He seemed interested. And that was the problem. A huge one for you.

"Well.... lets say I get out of here.... soon. And maybe, just maybe, I'll come after you. Wouldn't that be fun....?" He suddenly laughed at your wide-eyed stare as you both got really close together, his hands gripping the bars of the cell to look at you closer, seeing the playful look In his eyes. He got off on seeing what makes you tick.

You were his new toy. And that was scary. You didn't know how to handle him. Somehow, he seemed more frightening than Jerome ever was.

"Good luck with that ginger...." He grinned from ear to ear as his fingers caught a strand of your hair, twirling it slowly around his finger, before he pulled you so hard, he had your face right on the bars, making sure no one noticed before he looked back to you in humor, seeing your terrified look.

"Good luck indeed. I'd say I'm doing marvelous so far." He suddenly let you go as Jim came bounding over with his usual serious look upon his face, pulling you away with a pointed look sent Jeremiah's way. Jeremiah simply laughed, not caring.

"Stay back Valeska or things will get worse for you." Jim started pulling you further away as you noticed Jeremiah still eyeing you from head to toe, sending shivers down your spine.

"See you real soon beauty!" And with that, you continued on with Jim, still reeling from your encounter with Jeremiah. He's so intense. And maybe you liked that.

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