Let Me Show You.... (Hugo)

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For: itsalljustforfun ❤️

Find those files... find those files, is all you kept telling yourself as your heart raced the entire time from the mere thought of someone busting in here and discovering you. But you had to do this.... This man has got to be stopped. And the only way to do that is to get some files proving the things he's done, then take them to Jim and Harvey. Enough is enough with this man. He's destroyed your life to no end. He took your brother and turned him into some awful experiment, only to get him killed later on. And now, you have to avenge him. Somehow, someway, you will.

"Ah.... Miss (Y/L/N). What a lovely surprise. I was just thinking of you actually." Your eyes widened as you whirled around, anger slowly coursing through you as you practically beat yourself up for one, not finding the files anywhere. And two, being caught. He chuckled at the expression on your face as you simply gripped the desk top, your heart racing as you thought of bolting, when a couple of big men came into the room, making Hugo smirk.

"I see you're so intent on finding your brothers files. I knew someday you would come looking. You really want to know all I do hmmm..?" He suddenly laughed as he walked towards you, gripping your arm as you gasped from the sudden movement, making you squirm.

"Let me go Strange!!" He simply laughed once more as that smirk stayed on his lips, making you huff, knowing this isn't going to end well.

"I can't do that my dear. You need.... help. And I can do just that for you. Maybe you could help with a new experiment I'm working on. You'd be a brilliant choice..." An evil glint shown in his eyes as he motioned for the men to lead you out of the room, making you yell out as your heart practically fell out of your chest from beating so fast, your eyes wider than ever before.

"Now don't worry. Everything will be just fine. I merely thought i'd be considerate and let you see everything from a patient's point of view...." You glared at Hugo as he walked slowly beside you, when suddenly, he jabbed a needle into your side, making you scream from the burning pain as your whole body seemed to feel like it was swaying, your vision wobbly..... 

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