Love and Secrets {Oswald}

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For kimfaustus: ❤️ 🐧

"Dad! Do you really think this is such a good idea?? She seems like a perfectly good woman that.." Your father, Theo, came over to you, giving you that look he always does when he's made up his mind. And you utterly hated it.

"Honey. We've talked about this. Penguin would be perfect for these things that need to be done. And I did this to make sure he will come through." You sighed, looking away in sadness. You can tell that Oswald loves his mother dearly. From what your father told you, he was very upset when he found that she was being held prisoner.

"So. That's where you come in darling. I need you to distract Penguin, push him to do things. He's never seen you before. So he has no idea you're my daughter." You just smiled a little, shaking your head. Not like you could tell him no anyway.

"Fine. I'll try my best." He smiled, patting your shoulder. But you didn't feel very happy of his proud smile. You just wanted to run and say no.

"That's my girl..." You looked away in thought. You just hoped something bad didn't happen... Otherwise, you could never forgive your father.

Slowly opening the doors of Penguins place, your heart was beating out of your chest. You couldn't believe you were finally meeting him. You'd seen him a few times. And really admired him. He truly is the king of Gotham in your eyes.

Walking in, you saw the man himself, sitting in a big chair at a huge table. He looked your way upon hearing the doors opening, his eyes narrowed.

"Who are you..?" You jumped a little at his voice, seeing the look on his face. You never realized just how intimidating he was until this very moment when you thought his eyes were going to burn holes right through you.

"(Y/N). I'm sorry to just barge in. I just, have heard so much about you. And well, I couldn't help but come and see if what I heard, was true." His eyebrows raised in question, smiling a little. You got him. This is a start!

"Oh yeah? And what have you heard my friend?" You smirked a little, staring at him a moment. He's so cute. And the way he holds himself... is pretty sexy.

"Well, Mr. Penguin, I've heard you're pretty remarkable. And that you rule this city. A lot to hold up to don't you think?" He slowly stood up, smiling at you. He walked over to you, you noting that famous limp of his. And he seemed pretty interested in you.

"Oswald is the name. And you heard right. But, really, why is such a beautiful girl like yourself, wanting to talk to me?" You smiled a little. He thinks you're beautiful? Your could just feel the blush coming to your cheeks.

"Well, I've heard about the things being done to this city's soon to be mayor, and well, I thought, maybe I could help." Oswald looked at you, disbelief on his face. Yeah well you knew a lot more than he thinks.

"How did you.." You grinned a little from his reaction as you started to feel more confident. You could do this all day.

"Don't worry. I just have.. connections with people, and they told me. Thought maybe I could help in some way." Oswald looked away a moment, then back, smirking a tad. You couldn't believe this was going so well.

"Maybe I could use you. You seem feisty enough. And beauty goes a long way..." Oswald walked closer to you, lifting your chin up a bit, looking at you closer. Your eyes widened. You couldn't help but stare. Something in his eyes. You were drawn to him. You softly blew a breath out, making Oswald chuckle.

"Who knows, maybe something good could come out of this deal." You smiled, really hoping so.


Two days later, and you still couldn't stop thinking about Oswald. He was always in your mind. You'd been working closely with him. Sometimes, even your father didn't know. You just went there, wanting to help Oswald, but mainly to see him.

He always smiled when you walked into the room, staring at you most times. He even talked to you about his mother. And it broke your heart hearing the sadness in his voice when he did.

You would sit there, trying to act normal. But on the inside, you felt horrible. You came home that night, having been gone all day, by yourself, thinking things through. You really wanted to help Oswald get his mother out. At this point, you didn't care what your father thought.

You cared too much about Oswald to let this happen to him. You went down to where your father had been holding Gertrude, planning to let her out, when you walked in to see her on the floor, a pool of blood behind her.

Your eyes widened, seeing Oswald holding her, your father and Tabitha standing there, smirking. Your eyes welled up, seeing Oswald so broken, tears running down his face. He looked up upon seeing you walk in, his eyes widening. And you felt like such a monster. You didn't want this to happen...

"(Y/N)... What..?" He looked at Theo, then you, his eyes narrowing a tad. No Oswald, is all you could think. You wanted to scream you didn't want her to die. You never wanted this for him or his mother. Ever.

"What's going on!?" You flinched, clutching your shirt for dear life as your heart raced more and more from the hurt and angered tone in his voice.

"I'm sorry Oswald. I've been wanting to tell you so much! I wanted to help you get her out. That's why I came down here today.. I was going to let her out.." Your father looked at you, anger all over his face. Tabitha just smirked, looking at him. But you frankly didn't care at this point. You were mad.

"What!? Why would you do this to us?!" You sighed, looking at Oswald with a wave of sadness washing over you again. You couldn't bare the sight in front of you.

"Gertrude did nothing to deserve this father! Nothing! And you killed her?!?" Oswald's eyes widened upon you calling him father.

"Father..." Oswald looked at you, hurt even more. And your face grew warm, beyond angry. You couldn't do this anymore.

"I'm done. I can't stand here and act like everything is fine anymore. You kill innocent people. And I won't stand for it." Oswald kept looking at you, his tears falling freely as you broke down, gently walking to him, lowering down next to him, holding his face in your hands.

"Oswald, I'm so sorry I never told you... I should have long before now... I don't want to lose you..." Oswald still had that same hurt look in his eyes, not saying a word. You heard Theo and Tabitha laugh behind you, making you scowl.

"You've fallen for this Penguin? Wow. I always thought my own daughter could do better.. Come on Tabby, let's go.." Theo looked at you one more time, before slowly walking away, leaving the room. Once they left, you looked down at the ground, your tears softly falling down. You felt Oswald's hand on your chin, softly bringing your face up, looking at you.

"You really were going to let her go..?" You smiled a little, tears still falling. Of course you were. You felt horrible from the start about all of this. You just wish it had ended better.

"Yes. Hearing you talk about her, made me feel so so bad. And I can tell she meant so much to you. I couldn't do that to you anymore. I'm so so sorry Oswald..." You softly cried, laying your head on Oswald's shoulder, hugging him.

"I didn't mean for this to happen..." Oswald pulled back some, looking at you, trying to smile.

"I know. I just can't believe you want to help me.." You softly took his hand in yours, looking at him.

"Oswald... I love you. I don't even want to do something like this again to you because it seriously killed me seeing you.." He kissed you, softly bringing his hand to your cheek, your tears mingling together.

"I love you too (Y/N)." You smiled, holding your hand over his. And it felt like bliss. You've never felt so happy before.

"We can get through this. Together." Oswald smiled a little.

"The King and Queen of Gotham..." You smirked, liking the sound of that.

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