More Alike Than You Think {Jerome}

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Imagine..... 😈❤️
Gotham City is utter madness. The place where the criminally insane come to live, taking over the city with a vengeance. But the one that stood out the most since the day he came on the scene, was Jerome Valeska. His smile was seen all over Gotham. On new papers, on tv, on the side of buildings. People dressed like him. People wanted to be him. Follow his lead and take the city by storm. But it was you, who caught his attention from the very beginning. You didn't let the madness cripple you with fear, lock yourself away in your house, never to be seen again. You wouldn't run. And you wouldn't hide. You faced it head on, not afraid of the dangers that could possibly come your way. Some people thought you were insane. And maybe you were.

"Valeska, please. What do you think tying me up will solve? Proving a point of yours? Using me for leverage? For what? No one will come for me. You won't get anything from anyone by holding me hostage in this dump." Jerome's humored smile was what you were greeted with after your speech, declaring your place in this city. You did have friends. You did have family. But you would just let him find that out on his own. If he's as smart as he says, then he will.

"Now there's the problem gorgeous! Honesty is a rarity now a days. And I thought you out of everyone else in this stupid city would be different. Because someone would come after you. Jim Gordon. Does that name ring a bell....?" His little smirk of confidence made you visibly angry. He really was invested in you. He found your brother. The famous Jim Gordon. He was the best big brother you could have ever hoped for. And he was right. He would come for you. You just didn't think Jerome did this much research on you. Or enough to realize you were connected with Jim.

"Oh, I didn't lie Valeska. You just didn't ask about my life. So why bother mentioning anyone if it meant you hunting them down and killing them? You'd do the same. Well, if you had anyone that you haven't killed already!" Your bold statement took him by surprise. But he didn't seem bothered in the least. He was.... proud. Proud of the things he's done in his life. And he would never apologize for it.

"Clever girl. But not clever enough. Your brother and I have a rocky road relationship. Full of bumps and holes and loops. A fun, little rollercoaster! Of course, I control the coaster and Jim has just been lucky enough to survive it." And he would continue to, you thought. He was smart and analyzed everything to the tee. He was good at his job. The best honestly. And he never stops trying to save this city. You admired it to be honest.

"It won't last forever Jerome. You'll fall from grace soon enough." He lowered down to your level, looking you deep in the eyes with his sick, twisted, scared smile beaming back at you. His knife was posed on your neck, going back and forth so lightly that you barely felt it at this point. He was hooked on the thrill of the kill. But he was having fun with you. He wasn't so sure he wanted to even kill you. You impressed him more than anything.

"I can see it (Y/N).... in your eyes. You aren't nice and sweet. You aren't some sweet little treat. You're as crazy as I am. Because you haven't flinched once from the knife. You don't seem to fear me! Which is odd because everyone runs when they see me. It's hilarious. Haha!" His laughter filled the abandoned warehouse he was hiding you in, the restrains around your tired arms keeping you firmly to this wobbly chair. But no, you did not fear him. And maybe? He was right. Maybe you are crazy. Maybe you are insane. You've seen a lot in your short life. Enough to drive anyone mad. But it didn't. You actually kind of liked the thrill of danger.

"I'm the most insane person you'll ever meet dear Mr. J." Your mock, sweet smile sent another wave of laughter from his lips, seeing the humored look on his face. He sure is a joker this one. But you kind of liked it.

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