Old Friend (Oswald)

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Imagine.... 🐧❤️

You sighed as your arms remained tied to this very small chair, getting more annoyed by the minute. You looked up at Butch that stood guard beside you with a little smirk, causing him to roll his eyes as he swung his pistol over and over around his fingers, not fazing you one bit.

"Ah Butch. Can't you cut a poor girl a break? How could you be so cruel...?" He looked down at you as he smiled, a evil smile, before pointing his gun at you as you simply laughed, challenging him.

"Butch! What did I tell you about treating our guest here...? She's tied up. Therefor, she can't do anything!" Butch moved away from me slightly as his eyes trained to the other side of the room, clearly pissed by Oswald's outburst. You smiled, a satisfied smile as Oswald simply chuckled from the look on your face, a evil little smile on his lips as he came over to you, looking down at you slightly as he finally stopped in his tracks.

"Hello old friend. I see you made your way back here once again. Even though you know you shouldn't be here.." He glared down at you as you grinned at him, actually kind of happy to see this penguin. Your past with him isn't exactly a good one. But still, it wasn't all bad.

You both escaped Fish's grip together. But you only worked together because you both really wanted out. And after you were free, you broke apart and left it at that. And here you are, tied to a chair because big man over here caught you trespassing. Which you didn't care. You always find your way out of these sort of things.

"Os.... Little Os, I just really missed you and your cute little.... waddle. Who wouldn't miss you?" You winked at him as his eyes simply widened at your words, before a humored look crossed over his face, his eyes narrowed slightly as his hands came to rest on each side of your head, his face close to yours as he searched your eyes.

"Is that so...? Well, since you can't seem to stay away from me, how about we keep it that way...? You stay here with me, working for me.... And then I won't have anymore problems with you. Because if you act out, I can kill you in an instant..." His smile never wavered at the words he spoke to you, both of you just playing a game of tag with the looks you keep giving one another, as a laugh escaped you, making Oswald suddenly lose the smile, an angered look crossing over his face.

"Listen Os, I'm not some object that you can play with, okay? I'm a human. And I also have my own business to attend too while you sit on your throne and be the king, as you've been calling yourself. So how about..." You were stopped mid sentence as his hand suddenly clamped down over your mouth, shutting you right up as his face got even closer to yours, actually making your heart pick up its pace. Damn, he's really changed.....

"No! You don't understand.... you work for me. So you're mine now. Get used to it..... friend." You both just stared at one another as Butch's eyes looked between you two with an unknown look flashing through his eyes, like he's waiting for some blow out to happen. But you just stared at Oswald with a wide eyed stare, really impressed with his change. Maybe this won't be so bad....

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