Psycho Training 101 (Edward)

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You just started working in the forensics department of the GCPD 2 weeks ago, and it's super amazing! Of course the cops themselves are a little... big headed. But the man training you, Edward Nygma, he's a gem! But for the past week, you've noticed something... different, about him. He doesn't act like his normal, cheery self. He's so much... darker. His demeanor has certainly changed. And Miss Kringle hasn't been at work for 3 days now. Which has too be a factor in that.

You slowly entered the lab, seeing Ed standing by one of the tables, no body laid out. He was just staring off into space. You looked around, seeing no one else in the room, then softly tapped him on the shoulder, causing him to whirl around, his eyes wild, huffing, making you slowly back up, your eyes wide. He noticed it was you, slowly regaining his composure, fixing his tie, looking at you.

"Hello (Y/N). I'm... sorry about that. I was just thinking." He does that a lot lately....

"That's okay Ed. Really... what's happening? You've been different lately. And Miss Kringle..." Your eyes widened at the look he sent you. His eyes suddenly filled with rage, his face hardening. Oh great... You just had too spurt all that out.

"She's gone! Okay? Gone! Because of me..." You looked at him, confused. Gone...? She took a trip? Left town for some reason?

"Where did she go Ed? I'm sure it wasn't because of you..." He suddenly placed his hands on your shoulders, softly digging his fingers into your skin, taking you by surprise, his eyes dark.

"You don't understand... she's gone. As in... forever. I did this.." What...? What is he going on about?

"Ed... I don't know what..." He suddenly laughed, a laugh you've never heard before, a humored look on his face.

"You do know (Y/N).... You do. It's not that hard of a riddler to figure out. You're a very smart woman. Unlike her. She didn't know how to keep her mouth shut!" You flinched, causing his fingers to dig further into your shoulders, making you hiss a little. What is wrong with him??

"Ed! What is wrong with you?? Snap out of it..." His eyes widened, his whole body tense, suddenly getting closer to you, looking deep into your eyes.

"Come to my apartment tonight. We can train there.." You narrowed your eyes. Should you...? He softly lifted his finger to your chin, lifting your face up a little, looking at you, smiling a little.

"You are beautiful miss (Y/L/N)... And smart. Maybe I should have been looking at you from day one." Then he suddenly pushed away, shaking his head, slowly regaining himself, walking away from you, your heart racing. Oh my goodness... He killed her... Why? You thought he loved her..

Should you really go tonight..? At first you thought, no way. But everytime you think of being alone with him, at his apartment, you couldn't fight the urge of wanting to go. Who knows... maybe it will be fun. 

After work, you went home and changed into the best outfit you could possibly find, then practically  raced to Ed's apartment, your heart racing the whole way. You slowly pulled up to the building, blowing out a breath, getting out of the car. Here goes nothing... 

"Hello (Y/N)! I'm glad you came." You softly smiled at him, noticing how nicely dressed he was. Candles were lit all around his apartment, giving off a eerie vibe. He noticed the look on your face, suddenly sighing, a serious look on his face.

"Don't worry.. I'm not going to hurt you. Only if you listen." Your eyes widened a tad. Oh great...

"What do you mean..?" He suddenly smirked, slowly walking towards you, making you back up until you hit a wall. He simply laughed, coming in close to you, placing his hand next to your head. He looked down at you, an unknown look on his face.

"Now you know I killed Miss Kringle. I just... couldn't help myself! She kept talking... and I couldn't take it. So I strangled her. But... that's why you're here. Since you know, I can't have you telling anyone.." He slowly pulled a knife from his pocket, making your eyes bulge, a slight gasp falling from your lips. He suddenly covered your mouth, you slowly breathing through his fingers, panic setting in.

"Now listen to me. You will not say a word about this. To anyone... or else! You are a very smart girl. One of the brightest I've ever known. So I think you can listen." You shook your head, your eyes wide, making him smile again, taking his hand softly away from your mouth. You blew out a breath, holding your chest, feeling like your heart was going to explode. Oh dear...

"Ed... I won't say anything. I wouldn't want anything to happen to you. You're my friend..." He eyed you a moment, before simply smiling, that dorky smile you've come to love, making you smile in relief.

"Good! And as your... well mentor really, you need training.... So far you've done wonderful in the art of forensics. But can you really pass my tests..? We shall see!" You looked at him, assessing him, before a smirk suddenly came to your face, taking him surprise. He doesn't know you as well as he thinks...

"Oh don't worry Eddie! I know the art of murder... And how to get away with it... I've done it before. So we shall do it together! More fun with two brains.." He looked at you, wide eyed, before suddenly smiling, clapping his hands together in excitement.

"Yes we shall Miss (Y/L/N)... Yes we shall!" Finally! Someone who understands you. You never would have thought Ed to be a killer. But this... this is wonderful.

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