Reversed {Jerome}

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This was an idea very kindly given to me by a very talented person, @uhyeahdaddy, and I absolutely love it and wanted to do something with it! I hope you enjoy. 😈

Imagine...... 😈🖤😇

Living in the circus your whole life has certainly been a wild ride. It's been full of so many happy, smiling times. But the circus isn't always sunshine and rainbows for the whole entire family to enjoy. They have no idea just what happens behind the scenes. And just how twisted these people truly are.

You aren't a saint yourself. You could say that it's in your nature to be evil. Your parents are both useless human beings. They don't care, nor do they ever worry about you. The simply don't have the time for it you suppose. But you didn't care. 

You had all the family you needed. And that was Jerome Valeska. Ginger hair so vibrant it made you smile just seeing it. Green eyes that reminded you of emeralds. And a smile that lit up your whole day. He was sweet as can be. But his home life? Was far worse than yours. 

His mother was a complete drunk. She slept around with the entire world and not once did she ever care about Jerome. He fends for himself. And is forever worrying about her and if she'll come up dead someday from all the crap she does to herself. 

He's too sweet for his own good to be honest. And you liked his innocents. You never had yours. It was stripped from you far too early. But honestly, you didn't want it back. You liked how you felt being this way. You were full of anger, hatred, thoughts that would make any other person run for the hills. 

And all you wanted to do? Was make Jerome's life better for him. Take the pain away and put a smile on his handsome face all the time. All the thoughts occurring in your head over and over was taking up all your days and all your nights. 

Maybe you should kill his mom. End his suffering and give him a life he would love to have. Show him what this side of life can be like. Not having to worry about people anymore. Be free and do whatever your heart desires. 

"(Y/N).....? Is something wrong?" You looked over at Jerome's cute little innocent face and couldn't help but smile, trying to ease his pain and worry. You could say you were slightly obsessed with him to be honest. You've never met anyone like him. He truly didn't see the bad in people. He didn't want to. He wanted to see the good and just how he could help them overcome the bad. 

But you? You couldn't be helped. Your mother was an alcoholic with evil tendencies, your father was just straight evil. He was like living with Satan himself. He was abusive and he didn't care to hurt you one bit. He didn't love you. He wanted you to suffer. So, you never had a chance. You knew nothing but evil. 

"No ging! Not at all. Actually..... i have the most amazing idea ever. It'll be so much fun. What do you say....?" Your smirk took over your entire face and Jerome looked utterly confused from the pleasure shining in your eyes, the thoughts of blood and carnage coming to your mind turning you on more than anything ever had. You had never killed anyone in your entire life. But there's a first time for everything.


Waltzing into Jerome's little trailer of a home, felt like any other night here in circus world. His bitch of a mother was roaming about in the kitchen with a beer bottle in hand, seeming out of it already. And all you kept thinking, was good. It'll make it even easier to handle. 

"Oh, dear Lila! We didn't know you would be home to be perfectly honest. What a pleasant surprise and pleasure. Right Jerome?" He eyed you in confusion and curiosity, not getting at all what was about to unfold in this tin can. He had no idea just what horrors you had in store for him tonight. All you knew, is that his life would forever change. And you'll make him see just how much he needs you. 

"I don't have time for you two runts. A gentleman is coming over soon for a private little party and i am trying to get ready. So, make this quick!" Her annoyed tone and evil eyes sent a smirk to your face of even more pleasure, loving just how much her words rung in your head. It would for sure be quick. Or slow. Make her suffer for the pain she inflicts on poor Jerome. His scars, his bruises, his emotional damage. He was just too nice to do anything about it. So that left you no choice.

"Gladly Lila. You like the color red right?" Her confused face made your laughter finally escape and you sounded so different to yourself. You had completely lost it. And there was no going back. You slowly brought the knife you'd been hiding under your shirt out, seeing the panic set in on her face.

"I hope so! Because your house is getting a new paint job. I think it needs it." Jerome suddenly put his hand on your arm with the most scared look imaginable in his eyes and you hated seeing it. But you weren't backing down. This needed to be done.

"(Y/N)!' You swung the knife and in it went, straight through her chest like you were staking a vampire, the smirk on your face only growing bigger and your laughter was so manic. Jerome was screaming in confusion and anger. He jerked you away from his mom after you had stabbed and stabbed and stabbed her and looked you deep in the eyes just as she fell to the ground with a thud, her blood flowing freely on the cold ground below her. 

You finally focused on Jerome and his eyes were so dark. You'd never seen him like this before. He wasn't crying. He wasn't sad or truly upset about his mother. He seemed.... gone.  And as Lila slowly died at your feet, he looked down at her lifeless body and knew she was finally gone for good. No more nagging or sexual parties to listen to at night. No more abuse.  He suddenly brought you into a tight hug, his arms firmly tightened around your waist, before he slowly pulled away, the blood coating your shirt transferred over to his.

"Let's take care of her. And then? We're leaving." Your small smirk sent a smile on his face finally, before you did what you had to do to finally be rid of this horrid place, to start anew. Gotham City will be your new home. 

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