Savior (Edward)

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Imagine.... ❓❤️

You groaned as your vision slowly came back to you, softly opening your eyes as you saw shadows looming over your resting figure, when your eyes were met with the ones of.... Edward....? Your eyes flew open as you pulled yourself up, backing up into the pillows as you looked at him wide eyed, his stare just as wide as yours, trying to motion for you to stay still.

"Hello there sleeping beauty... I didn't mean to scare you! I was just a bit worried about your health state and wanted to examine you." Your heart raced as your eyes stayed locked with his, fear running through you as you barely remembered anything that happened. The guy you had been seeing had actually stabbed you. That you do remember. And you remember seeing blood forming all over your hands. But you passed out. And somehow, Edward found you.

"How.... how did i get here....?" He smiled a little at you as he slowly stood from his seat to sit next to you on the bed, trying to get you to relax as you slowly eased up from the tense feeling in your body.

"You had called me last night. So I naturally answered. And I heard your screams and what was going on. So I came and found you. And on that note, don't worry about your little boyfriend. He was taken care of....." A evil glint flashed through his eyes as you sighed in relief, actually glad to be rid of that monster. You by no means want anyone dead. But that man was the devil. At first he was all sweet and loving. But time passed and he hated you always being around Edward, your best friend. And you told him that would never stop.

So he grew violent. And last night was the end of that. You tried to run from him to your car to get to Ed's place. But he came after you and actually stabbed you. You thought you were going to die. But Edward showed up thankfully. He must have remembered where the monster had lived. As always, he came and saved you from him. And finally, for good. Edward never liked him. He hated it that you were with him. You softly grabbed Ed's hands in yours as you smiled a little up at him, before hugging him so tightly that he groaned from it, making you both laugh.

"Thank you Ed...."

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