Session #1: Edward Nygma

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Imagine.... ❓💚

"Hello Mr. Nygma. How are you doing today?" You smiled a tad at the one and only Edward Nygma, seeing his curious eyes traveling with you every step you took. You looked down at his file, your psychiatrist side coming out in full form. Well he's clearly got some mental issues. He's borderline crazy. You honestly wouldn't fully say he's out right crazy, considering some of the people you've had to deal with.

But he is actually one of the most interesting cases you've had come into your office. He was put here of course by the help of Jim Gordon, a good friend of yours since high school. But on Edward's records, he set up little riddle traps all over Gotham for good ole Jimbo here, enigmas this man has conjured up in his own mind. Quite impressive actually.

"Well I'm doing okay Miss.... (Y/L/N)." He scrunched up his eyes while reading your name, seeing as your name tag is far too small in your opinion. But sometimes, that's a good thing.

"I'm glad. So you've only been here for about three days I see. How is everything going for you?" You sat down directly in front of him, his eyes still moving with your body, a little smile coming to his lips. Well he really doesn't seem like that hard of a person to speak with. Which is a plus.

"This place is full of incompetent fools. Why, I could set up any form of trap I desired without them ever noticing. But I must say, some of those inmates are pretty entertaining to watch." You actually chuckled slightly at that, folding your hands on the table at seeing Edward's smile grow bigger.  The both of you just stared at one another for what seemed like ages, not speaking, not moving. Just eye contact. And never in your years in this line of work have you felt so safe around a patient.

"Well that I can agree on Mr. Nygma. I've been observing some of your behaviors. And I must say, you actually have done a wonderful job handling yourself." Suddenly, he smirked a little upon your statement, simply making you smile. Nothing really moves you anymore. Certainly not smirks.

"I have indeed. But soon... I will start again. I'm not going to be locked away like some little animal. No... And I believe you are the start of something amazing for me Miss (Y/L/N). You're beautiful by the way." Your eyes went wide from his words, never having anyone you've talked with come onto you like that. But he simply sat back in his seat, his smirk never wavering, your eyes staying locked with his. This could lead to some very interesting sessions. 

Hey guys! 🤗 So this is the first imagine in a new series of Gotham ones I'm wanting to do, which will simply be the session imagines.

And I want you guys to vote on who should be the next person, that you dear reader, will talk with.

And the person everyone comments the most, will be the winner!

So I hope you enjoy this little talk with Eddie dear. 😈💚❓

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