Session #1: Oswald Cobblepot

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Imagine... 🐧❤️

"Hello Mr. Cobblepot. You look awfully tired today." You slowly sat down in front of the man that everyone has been calling.... Penguin. AKA, the king of Gotham himself. But today, he looks so miserable that you actually felt bad for the guy. He's really not been any trouble since being here that you've seen.

He usually keeps to himself, not wanting to talk with any of the other inmates here. Which, you couldn't blame him. Try having conversations with half the people in here and say you'll come out not wanting to take a nap from the mere pain of a headache.

"I didn't sleep... Look, I know I'm supposed to talk with you to, and I quote, "get better". But I'm fine! I don't need help." You folded your hands on top the table, your eyes meeting his head, his eyes gazing down at his lap with a sad, little look on his face.

"I've been examining your file Oswald. And honestly, I do kind of agree with you. I mean, I'm not saying you're sane by any means. But I do understand why you've been lashing out so much lately." His eyes slowly rose to meet yours with a look of surprise showing, not expecting for the psychiatrist to actually be agreeing with him. Then again, you never thought you would yourself. But the poor guy has clearly been put through hell the past couple of months. He lost his beloved mother, the only person that seems to be of any importance in his life.

"You.... you think so to?" You smiled a tiny bit at his suddenly small voice, nodding your head as you closed his file, not needing to read any further. You only wanted to make your own opinions by simply talking to Mr. Cobblepot.

"I do. I just think you need some rest. Time to get your head back into the game. You've clearly been through some traumatizing things." He continued to look at you, now with a look of interest slowly building in his eyes, but still showing his guarded look.

"Yes.... people have been using me for most of my life. Seeing as I'm this small man that they think won't do anything but cower away in fear. But I'm not him anymore. He's dead! I'm now a man that won't take being stepped on anymore. I'm the man that will do the stepping.... And the people of Gotham will see this!" His shout didn't faze you one bit. But his speech sure got your attention.

He's a power-hungry man. In his past, he's been used by greedy people for their own benefit. And now, he's acquiring the power himself. And he can't get enough. Mr. Cobblepot sure is a very interesting man. He's certainly no coward. Sessions with him should be quite interesting from here on out.

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