The Past With A Twist (Barbara)

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You looked down at all the cops running around the GCPD, completely dazed at all the drama unfolding before your eyes. The Maniax have taken over the building and you didn't have the first clue on what to do. You came to see Jim, seeing if he'd heard anything from Barbara. You've been worried sick about her since the whole thing with her parents.

Your past with her is... complicated at best. At first it was a friendship that could never be broken. Then it became.... more. You lost everything you'd ever known. And Barbara was there to help you through it. As always.

And feelings developed. Something you never thought would happen. Sure, you've always cared for her. More than anything. But you simply never thought you'd fall in love. And in the end, she met Jim and you couldn't deny the fact that you like him. He's a really good guy. He was perfect for her. And he's become one of your good friends as well.

He actually opened a lot of doors for you and recommended you to the local paper, The Gotham Gazette. You've been there now for almost a year. And it's wonderful. You and Barbara have always remained friends. Of course you still have feelings for her. Very much. But all you've ever wanted is to see her happy. And that's what Jim did for her.

But things went south. Fast. He found out about another woman she had been in a relationship with. One you didn't even know about... And then she just went... nuts. And Jim moved on. With Lee. She's a sweet lady. You're happy for Jim. She makes him really happy.

But you felt so terrible for Barbara. After he left her, she lost it. And now, she's killed her parents and was sent to Arkham Asylum. She surprisingly called you from there, saying how much she missed you. But you could hear that... evil, dark side in her voice and it terrified you.

Of course you responded, your voice lightly shaken, making her laugh, this amused laugh you've never heard before. And that was the last you heard from her. And now, that brings you here, in the GCPD, hearing that a new group called the Maniax, former Arkham inmates, had taken over Gotham. And Barbara is one of them.

Which alarmed you. She's changed so much.... You finally ran down the stairs, heading towards Jim, seeing his gun poised as he headed towards the doors, just as Barbara herself came walking into the room, making you stop in your tracks.

You tried alerting Jim, but he ran straight out of the building, along with many more cops, leaving you and Barbara standing there, face to face. You looked her over, seeing her new look, a smirk planted on her lips. She slowly walked closer to you, looking you over.

"My my. You look just as beautiful as always. I missed you..." You crossed your arms, just about folding into yourself, your eyes wide. She's standing right here... and you don't know what to say. What is there to say...? She's so far gone now. She'll never listen...

"Barb... I missed you too. But... why...? Why are you doing this? This isn't you.. at all." She sent you a look, clearly annoyed, that smirk still on her lips.

"This is me (Y/N)! I figured you of all people would understand that. With our past and all... You know I'm not that perfect little angel everyone thinks I am." You simply sighed, not knowing what to do. You really have missed her. And you're not going to lie. You resented her for so long once she went with Jim. You loved her... more than you ever let on. But you couldn't just hurt. She was clearly taken with Jim. And he was with her.

So you couldn't just take that happiness away from them. You finally unfolded your arms, slowly walking over to her, looking at her, a single tear falling from your eye.

"Barb..... I do get it. I know it's hard... trying to be something you're not for so long. I've done it! You know that..." She looked away a moment, conflict showing in her eyes, before she looked back at you, walking even closer to you until your lips were almost touching, her eyes watering slightly. She wrapped her arms around your neck, looking at you.

You almost pulled away, your tears falling even more, but she pulled you tightly to her, making you sigh. You can't be this close to her... not again.

"I'm sorry... I know I hurt you. And that's something we always vowed we'd never do to one another. I thought... Jim was what I needed. And I guess I was wrong. I needed... you." Suddenly, she smashed her lips to yours, your eyes widening in surprise. Before you finally kissed her back, more tears falling from your eyes at the pain filled kiss. You're only going to get your heart broken again... just pull away... pull away. But you couldn't.

"Get away from her! Now!!!!" Suddenly, Barbara jerked away from you, that smirk replacing the sad look that shown in her eyes mere seconds ago, the Barbara you knew gone from sight. You whirled around, seeing Jim standing there, seeing the tears on your face, making him relax a little. You looked back at Barbara, seeing her assessing you, simply smirking.

"Well now that's out of the way, I don't have to feel bad anymore! We've kissed. It's over. Now back to my real duties... bye bye beautiful..." She blew you a kiss, before running, Jim chasing after her, until she disappeared from sight, leaving you standing there alone in the GCPD, void of emotion. Of course.... it was only a ploy. Or was it...?

You didn't know. But being that close to her again really messed up your emotions. It brought back all those feelings you haven't felt in a long time. You really miss her...

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