Then and Now (Jerome)

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You excitedly ran from your little trailer, heading straight for Jerome's, a huge smile on your lips. Finally! Your daddy's back home from being gone for so long. It felt like forever. And you couldn't wait to tell Jerome.

You ran up the little stairs of his trailer, just about to knock, when you heard a loud scream come from inside, your smile instantly dropping. Was that Jerome??

"Listen you little brat! I've had enough of you always being in the way. That's all you ever do! And no man wants to come in here when there's a little brat running around. You... you freak!" You gasped, your little hands bawling into fists. How could a mommy talk to their child like that...? They're supposed to be loving... not mean.

You ran to the other side of the trailer, standing right under Jerome's window, listening in, hearing his door slamming shut. You flinched a little, when you heard soft crying coming from the room, making your heart drop. You hate hearing him cry... it makes you cry.

You softly tapped on his window, your heart racing faster with every passing minute. You just... you just wanted that woman gone! All she ever does is nag him. She used to be the best mommy in the world! And then everything changed.... Suddenly, the window flew open, a red faced Jerome peeking down at you, crying harder at the sight of you.

"(Y/N)...." You started to cry as well as he softly pulled you through the window, you landing on the bed beside him, instantly taking him in your arms just as his tears fell freely.

"I'm sorry Jerome.... your mommy shouldn't treat you this way. You... you could come live with me! We could camp out in my room. Mommy and daddy wouldn't mind. They love you... like I do." He tightly held his arms around you, slowly looking up at you, his eyes puffy from the endless tears. You just hated seeing him in so much pain! It makes you sad. And angry.

"I wish I could... I'd love that. But mommy would probably kill me as I walked out the door..." You just couldn't believe what he was saying! That woman... is pure evil! How could she do this to him...? You simply held him to you, softly kissing his cheek, running your hand over his back, your tears mingling with his. Why can't Jerome have the life like the kids always do in the stories you always read? Happy parents. Happy lives. Just... happy...
You know, this stop with the circus has been pretty cool. Gotham City. It really appeals to you.... And it certainly has an affect on Jerome. He's been acting... different lately.

You slowly made your way towards his trailer, seeing none of the lights on, taking you by surprise. He didn't mention he was going anywhere....You softly knocked on the door, hoping the bitch wouldn't answer it.

You and her, don't get along. At all. When you guys were little, you used to love her. She actually used to be like a mom. And then she went nuts and flipped a switch. Now she's just gone for good.

You waited for the door to open, when suddenly, arms wrapped around you from behind, a hand landing firmly over your mouth, making you scream slightly.

You instantly went into attack mode, kicking and eventually biting the persons hand, making him scream in anger. You whirled around, already knowing who it was just by the scream.

"What the hell Jerome???? Don't ever do that.... you know you can't.." Things haven't exactly been good for you either... your dad... was murdered when a bunch of guys broke into your trailer. And ever since then you've been paranoid.

He looked at you, sending you a sorry look, before this strange look crossed his face, making your eyes widen slightly. His eyes.... they're as dark as the night sky. His breathing is ragged. What's going on...?

"Jerome..." He slowly walked closer to you, until he was right in your face, your breath mingling with his, making your heart race a little. He simply... smirked at you. Smirking..? That's a first for him.

"She's.... she's gone. I've finally done it (Y/N)..." You eyed him a moment, completely confused, when he suddenly wrapped his arms around your waist, roughly pulling you into him, his mouth lowering to your ear, making you shiver. You could feel that smirk on his lips. And then, your eyes widened, your mind going to all sorts of places. Oh no...

"Jerome... what have you done...?" He laughed a little, a dark laugh, making you close your eyes, a little scared. What's gotten into him...?

"She's dead. I've killed her... And guess what...?You softly gripped his arms, making him laugh even more, tightening his grip on your waist, making you bite your lip.

"What...?" He pulled back a little, his forehead almost touching yours, looking at you, an amused look on his face.

"It felt great! Of course the screams were deafening. But oooooh the rush! It was nothing like I've ever felt before. And you know what else...?" He softly ran his hand across your back, stopping just in the middle, pulling you even more into him, making you bite your lip harder, drawing blood.

"It would have been even better with you there.... you wanted this just as bad as I did. You couldn't stand her either! You've always been my girl... And now, we have a twist to go with this little... relationship of ours." You pulled away slightly, looking at him, confused. He's completely flipped a damn switch here. He's never been this way...

"What's the twist...?" He threw his head back in laughter, his grip on you not loosing what so ever.

"That I'm a killer.... and you're my innocent, little doll that I can just.... play with." Your eyes widened, making him smirk, softly running his hand up and down your back, his other hand still gripping your waist.

You finally shook your head a little, before looking at him, assessing him. You honestly saw this day coming... but he's changed so much because of it. And you know something? You kinda like it... this... dark side to him. It's rather sexy. You brought your mouth inches from his, looking him deep in the eyes, smiling.

"Well then play with me however you want Jerome.... I'm all yours. Always have been. And always will be. You know that..." He simply smirked, chuckling a little.

"Oh.... I know beautiful. I know.." Now that mommy dearest is gone, you both can finally get on with your lives. Get away from this circus life. What you both have always wanted to do....
Hey guys! So just in advance, these are only stories. These aren't my actual views on how relationships should be. It's all for entertainment purposes. I get that loads of people don't like kink or controlling vibes. But, it is what it is. I wrote these so long ago. So I'm sorry if you don't agree with it. But it's only a story. But none the less, thank you for reading anyhow. I love you guys bunches. 😘

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