Riddle Me This-Ed Nygma x Reader (Gotham)

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Today is finally summer vacation..

I can't believe school is finally over but at least i'm far away from my home in Lynchburg,Va and arriving to Gotham City. Ever since i've been studying i've had plane to visit this city and see how life is here, a little change won't be so bad after all. I hope the skies are as nice as my home, blue my favorite color, also i hope to find some nice food to eat since i'm a vegetarian and meats are always present anywhere i go. I stared out at my window and saw Gotham right ahead,good thing i decided to come on a train or otherwise it wouldve been a much longer trip.

Well here I am at last. The train stopped and I grabbed onto my bags and headed out once we reached the station.

"Welcome to Gotham City." a few officers said welcoming the new people or old who have come once again. I checked my surroundings and saw that everything was quite gloomy, the skies are dark,there's no sign of the sun and it's cold and rainy.

"You need a taxi miss?" an elderly man asked smiling.

"Yes I do need one, thank you very much." the man helped me with my bags and placed them in the trunk. On our way to the hotel I was staying the man and I joined into a conversation and only told me to be careful. I entered the hotel once I reached it and only left my bags and was ready to see the city.

I was about to cross the street when I bumped into someone without looking and felt myself getting embarrassed when the man turned around "I am so sorry i wasn't looking where I was going." i ramble on scared that people here might come off as rude.

I heard the man chuckle and I looked up to see a tall pale man with black neatly done hair and wearing a dark green suit. He is very handsome i keep in thinking and didnt realize that he was giving me back my notebook which fell from my hands.

"You're new to the city aren't you?" he asks and I grabbed my book back from him. I nod my head still staring up at him and blush, "Yes how did you know?"

The man smiles and says "Cause i could've sworn to remember a pretty face like yours." i blush again and tried to speak, "My n-name is (Y/N)."

"Such a lovely name, call me Edward Nygma, though the whole city calls me The Riddler." such a strange man. "I can fly but I have no wings. I can cry but I have no eyes. Wherever I go, darkness follows me. What am I?" Ed asks all of the sudden but decide to play along.

"A cloud." i respond with a smile and he nods.

"I am enjoyed by some, despised by others. Some take me for granted, some treasure me like a gift. I last forever, unless you break me first. What am I?" "Easy it's marriage." i respond and he smiles.

"You really are good with riddles,(Y/N), Would you like to join me for a cup of coffee?" Ed asks a bit shy and I nod my head. "I would love to." 

Together we began to walk down the streets and arrived at a café called the Gotham Café, we sat down way back by the shop as we shared a cup of coffee and began to talk abut each other.

"What are some things you like to do?" Ed asked and I began to tell him.

"Well i enjoy to ice skate,designing clothes,reading, i love flowers and like heading to my school. Hmm how about thing's I don't like? I don't quite like guns, or the sight of blood neither clowns they scare the crap out of me,drinking any kind of alcoholic drink and especially being alone.." i stay quiet but quickly smiled back at Ed.

"I've been here less than a hour and I'm so lucky I ran i to you Ed." i blush and Ed seems taken back by me and begins to stare down at his coffee. "Um..so what's that notebook of yours hiding?" he says pointing at the notebook next to me.

"Oh nothing special." I open up the notebook and showed him a couple pages "I've always wanted to be a fashion designer so I began to draw these sketches." Ed grabbed the sketchpad from my hands and smiled.

"This is fascinating." he smiled down and I looked at the sketch he was looking at. It was the sketch of a man wearing a suit with question marks all over it. I chuckle and lean back.

 "You really do like questions marks." he closes the pad and smiles handing me back my notebook. "Very much." he lets out a sigh and scratched the back of his neck.

"I-I have something to tell you (Y/N), i'm not a nice guy or special at all." i stare back at him confused and he continues, "I've had a troubling past here i worked for the GCPD for years, i was mistreated by my co-worker daily so i started to commit crimes, robbed three banks in a night and...murdered people." he slowly said whispering the end.

I placed my hand on top of his and his head shot up and stared at me surprised, "Aren't you afraid that i'm a murderer?" i shake my head to the sides and stare i to his dark eyes. "Ed I find you very sweet and charming despite of the things you've done..i'm sure you had a reason." Ed smiles back to me sweetly and looks away.

"How about I give you a tour around Gotham?!" he says excited and jumps out of his seat and takes my hand in his. "But you'll have to agree to join me on a date." Ed suggests and I smile.

"Show me around then riddler." i tell him which only makes him smile.

He began to show me around and I never felt this happy with anyone, he showed me the park,the library he used to go to,his old home and everything else until it was night time and we were inside a fancy Italian restaurant. None of us where dressed for the occasion,okay maybe he was wi his suit but I wasn't but that didnt mattered to me cause I was so concentrated on Ed.

"It's been a while since i've had this much fun with anyone not even with Lee." he mutters the last part which I chose to ignore and not question him. He takes my hand once more and leads out outside the garden on the back of the restaurant and sat down by the water fountain.

 "Riddle me this...I can start a war or end one, I can give you the strength of heroes or leave you powerless, I might be snared with a glance, but no force can compel me to stay; What am I?" Ed asks one last riddle and I look back at him.

"Love..the answer is love." i reply staring back at him with loving eyes. "Correct once again (Y/N)." he stays silent when I sat closer to him and stared at his brown eyes, "You f-feel the same then?" i smile a little and Ed slowly nods his head.

"I'm afraid I do." i could see a faint blush on his pale cheeks. Ed placed his head on my chin making me look back to him, and I closed my eyes when we got closer and closer till our lips met, I smiled into the kiss and wrapped my arms around him. My first kiss and it's with the Riddler the man I fell in love with here in Gotham, I won't ever leave this place now that I met him.

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