37. guitar

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Imagine coming home from work after a long, stressful day.  You can feel the tension settling into your shoulders from the stress and all you want to do is come home and relax by settling into Harry’s arms.  As soon as you walk in the door, you feel a soft melodic sound coming from upstairs, halting here and there before starting over again.  A soft smile settles onto your face as you realize what’s going on before you kick off your shoes and make your way up the stairs.  The sound only gets louder as you grow closer, and now the breaks in the music are more pronounced and accented by a frustrated harsh strum of the chords.  Your smile grows wider as you move down the hallway, the light that filters in through your bedroom window illuminating your desired doorway.  As you round the corner to your room, you see the wide expanse of his back as he hunches over the guitar, a frustrated frown etched onto his face as he glares down at the frets.  His fingers move as he positions them on the strings and the fluid wave of his other arm causes the music to sound out again.  He hasn’t noticed you yet as you lean against the doorframe and watch him, the stress of the day slipping away as you indulge in his adorably flustered state.  He plays a few bars of beautiful music until something goes wrong and a dissonant chord strikes the air, causing a exasperated huff to leave his beautifully parted lips.  His shoulders hunch even more as he tries again in determination, and you can see the sharply defined muscles of his back clearly through the thin fabric of his shirt.  Unable to resist any longer, you walk forward silently, your footsteps hidden by the melodic sounds flowing from his guitar.  When your weight rests on the bed, he jumps slightly before glancing over his shoulder to see you.  A small smile tugs at his lips but he doesn’t stop playing.  His hands continue to move and he lets out another sigh as he can’t get it quite how he wants it.  As soon as you reach him, you let your hands slide up his back, feeling the tension in his muscles.  Automatically, your hands start to mold lightly over him to ease away some of the tightness, and you duck to press your lips at the base of his throat as he leans back into you.

 “Hiiiii,” he murmurs softly, still not stopping his actions with the guitar but obviously enjoying the feel of your hands and lips on his body.  

“Hi,” you mutter back, unable to stifle the grin that pulls at your lips at his familiar greeting.   

Even after your stressful day, this is all you need to make you feel happy again.  Seeing him like this and merely being around him is enough to make you feel warm, happy, alive.  You hug your arms around him from behind and listen to him figure out what he’s playing, and you are completely content.

ALSO I'm gonna update Anarchy: Annihilation in a few minutes so get excited for that :))))

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