(12) Once Upon a Time 4x5 - Breaking Glass

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Summary: Regina teams up with Emma to search for the Snow Queen, and Mary Margaret and David prepare for their first date night away from the baby.

Original air date: 26th October 2014

Content Warnings: confinement.


11:05 - I'm sure that was just a reference to the fact that Josh was in Thor (2011), but I would also like to know what Asgard would be like in this universe.


Belle Speaks: I liked that we finally got to see more of what Emma's life was like when she wasn't in a group home. I do wish that she'd actually given Lily a chance, though. I understand why Regina acted the way she did towards Emma, but I didn't like it -- although their team up at the end was neat, I like seeing their magic work together. Also the scene with Snow and Will is my favourite out of all of his ouat scenes, I think.

21.8.21 (3rd time watching)

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