Season 3 Episode 18: The Apocalypse-Part 1

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Everyone was staring at the giant hole in the sky that was filled with the multicolored stars that shone bright, but it wasn't the main focus, despite the eye-catching colors. A few moments ago, everything was fine. A few moments ago, the world was safe.

But, now?

It was no longer safe, because, a certain shadow had decided that now was her time to strike. She would no longer wait for it. She would take action.

And she did.

It was a success. Just as she had hoped for.

Her shadow comrades were pouring out of the giant rip in the dim sky, and Sil, herself, did too. Her loud laugh rang out as she looked down on all the feeble people of Gravity Falls, who let out screams of terror as they started to scramble and hide as best as they could.

Sil's eyes caught a certain family amongst the people and trees and she focused on the Pines for a moment as a smirk formed on her face. She then disappeared a couple seconds later. They'd see soon enough that an attempt to stop her would be fatal. It would be idiotic.

That was her least of worries at the moment. She raced off across the streets and buildings, earning screams from the townsfolk as her shadow people followed behind her. Then, Sil finally made it.

To the McGucket Manor.

Sil recalled Bill Cipher's Weirdmageddon. The catastrophe that went down in history. Granted, it went farther than anything any other demons or monsters had tried...but that was going to change. She was going to pull through and get the farthest. And actually destroy something. Not the world, but everything.

She glanced at the Manor and the memories of the events glossed her for just a quick second. Bill had a Multi-Colored Pyramid that he called: The Fearamid. Now, she would have the entire Mansion to herself and call it: The Manor of Mayhem.

Sil grinned at the thought. Everything was piecing together perfectly. She whistled and took off past the gate and towards the Mansion, with her shadow monsters and people following behind her, per usual.

Sooner than later, she had the mansion cleared out. It was empty and ready to have its grand make-over. She snickered as she rubbed her hands together and snapped. It echoed around the halls and rooms and soon shadows began to fill the entirety of the mansion, cheering and laughing with delight.

The mansion itself was darker than it had been before too, as if all the light had been sucked out of it. Sil turned to the wall and gave a nasty grin as she turned to face the shadow of McGucket on the wall, who looked horrified. He opened his mouth, but nothing came out. Sil rolled her eyes and inched closer.

"Speak up, old man, I can't hear you!!" She snapped her fingers again.

McGucket found himself able to talk, now. He frowned. "You won't get away with this!! Surely someone's bound to stop you!"

"I've already come this far! I've broken the barrier between the Shadow Dimension and Earth's, taken over your mansion, and I'm about to destroy the dumb barrier around this town so this party can go world-wide!!" She cackled and let out a sigh. "Seems like there's nothing I can't do, if you ask me."

"With every villain, there's a hero." He then paused. "...Erm, well, in this case, probably heroes."

"Oh, hush up!!" She snapped back and looked out the window of the mansion to see the sky pure black. "If someone tries to get in my way, I'll just turn them into a shadow, like I did with you!! And if it needs to get beyond that...I'll kill them."

"...That's...really dark."

"Oh, believe me, my friend, I know it is. I'm not out for World Domination, like the silly excuse of a demon was a year ago. I'm out for World Destruction. Within a matter of days, your planet will be no more. Everything will be nothing. And nothing will be even more of nothing. So you better hold onto your life while you still got it, because you're living your last days as a shadow. See how you like being trapped between worlds!!" Sil let out a cackle. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some catching up to do with World Destruction."

With that, she took off towards the town, whistling as she did so. Everyone stopped in the middle of trashing the mansion and yelling of excitement as well as evil cackles were heard behind her as her shadow minions followed behind her. Soon, McGucket was left alone as a shadow. He rubbed his temple and made a move forward. It was weird, but he somehow managed.

As he moved across the mansion walls and floors, he somehow made it out of the mansion and onto the dirt road of the mansion's entrance. He looked up to catch a glance of the entire town and it's chaos. The pitch black sky, the sound of hysterical laughter and people's screams. Sil mentioned that World Destruction...and that meant that the world was indeed, ending, once again.

But this time? It was the real deal.

Everyone was in more danger than they were before in Bill's hands.

Fiddleford gulped as he took off and started to go down the path to the town and from there, he was going to find his friends. The only people that would be able to help stop this monstrosity.

The Pines family.


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The four members of the family were staring up at the pitch black sky and they had watched everything happen in front of their eyes. The adults rushed the kids into the house with no hesitation, not even waiting for the event to all unfold once they saw the silhouette. Ford had glanced back just in time to see a yellow blue crashing into the forest before turning back around, ushering everyone back inside again.

Stan got the kids inside first, then himself and Ford was the last one in. He rushed in and closed the door and proceeded to lock every single lock there was on the door until he made sure they were all locked.

"...What...just...happened." Dipper spoke, shock in his voice as his head tried to process everything.

"The end of the world." Ford responded back.

Mabel gave a groan. "Again?! I thought we just took care of that!"

"I'm afraid so." He pushed his glasses slightly upwards. "But this time, it seems the stakes are a little higher."

"So, what's the plan?" Dipper looked at his great uncle.

"Lets go save the world, yadda yadda. Right?" Stan looked mildly grumpy about it as he looked at his brother.

"...This shack would be the safest bet about right now. would be, except the unicorn hair isn't in place anymore. So this place is practically useless." Stanford replied.

Dipper frowned. "...Wait, would the bubble even work on shadow monsters? It's not technically weird, since shadows are casted by light going off of something."

"...Well, we'll have no way of finding out."

"How're we supposed to get rid of a shadow?" Mabel folded her arms, tapping her foot up and down.

"Keep in mind Sil's now in a physical form, I believe. So, even though she was a shadow, she isn't just stuck to the walls and floor now, though, she could use those to her advantage, now."

There was a small groan of annoyance from everyone, except Ford.

"Saving the world sounds hard. The bad guy-well, girl, doesn't even have a weakness!! It sounds like she can do everything to beat us!"

"I think that's the point." Dipper pointed out.

"Duh, genius!" Mabel huffed back sarcastically, getting a frown in return.

"Hey, hey!" Ford put his arms out between the two. "I know the situation is stressful, but there's no need to get snappy. We just need to think."

Everyone blinked and it was silent for a moment as everyone's thoughts stirred around in their head. Ford glanced up every once in a while and after a good couple minutes, everyone's eyes met each other's.


Everyone shook their head slowly...minus Stanley, who gave a shrug. Stanford sighed and tapped his chin.

"Well...before we discuss any further...I think we should move somewhere more private. Somewhere where Sil doesn't know our exact location."

All three listening, nodded and then Mabel and Dipper looked to each other before then back at their great-uncle.

"Well...there is one place where it'd be least obvious to just about everyone." The boy said with a smile.

"What're you..." Ford was mildly confused before a lightbulb suddenly flicked on in his head. His eyes widened as he looked to the kids and grinned. "Brilliant thinking!" He started to walk off towards the gift-shop, his voice still heard. "I can't believe that wasn't the first thought to cross my mind! I'll pack up at once!" There was then a sound of beeping before the sound of the vending machine opening followed. He leaned out of the doorway and everyone looked towards him. "I suggest you all do the same."

The younger pair of twins nodded and then started to race up the stairs...literally racing each other. Stan stood in puzzlement as everyone vanished. The vending machine shut and the kids had reached their room.

"AM I THE ONLY ONE WHO DOESN'T KNOW WHAT THE H IS GOING ON?!" He shouted and got no response.

The floor shook from every inch of the house. Stan froze in his place before slowly inching towards the door and looking through the small diamond-shaped window.

What he saw was the outside entirely black-skied and shadows all over the place. All a good amount away from the shack, thankfully. And they weren't just on the floor but...some a physical 3D figure as if they were a real person. Just...completely black with white glowing eyes and their mouth standing out with whatever expression they were making. In that case, it was grinning and laughing while the laugh was faintly heard through the door.

Stanley stood in place as this happened and everything soon became background noise. He became so focused on the scene outside...these...people just doing whatever they pleased. It was hard to believe it was real, in fact. He internally hoped and hoped that they wouldn't come any closer...but like all good things and came to an end. His mind was interrupted as the shadow people caught sight of the shack.

Stan's eyes locked with theirs for a moment. They seemed to snicker and one elbowed the other while pointing to the shack and proceeding to laugh as they all came forward. Some as actual shadows and others as the black figures.

"Sugar honey iced..." The old man muttered to himself as stepped back and turned around.

Nobody there, still.

But as he stepped back, the noises around him were clear once more. He then started towards the gift-shop, peeking in the doorway. "Uh...Poindexter?" His voice raised slightly raised so the volume was loud enough to be heard from the basement, as the vending machine door was open once more.

"Yes, Stanley?" Ford's voice was heard from the bottom of the stairs.

"There may or may not be a buncha shadow-lookin people heading towards the shack."

"WHAT?!" As he shouted, loud thumps were heard as Ford raced up the stairs and as the shadow people(presumably) started to bang on the door.

"KIDS! WE NEED TO LEAVE. NOW." Stanford was now out of the machine and held at least one good-sized bag in his grip. About the size of a duffel bag.

The older man shifted his hand through his bag as he dropped it onto the floor. Things were heard moving around and more thumps were heard as well, laughing going along with it. It seemed like the kids' weren't loud enough to hear through all of the chaos going on, because they appeared right behind the two men, backpacks on their backs but...Mabel with tears in her eyes.

Stan flinched as he saw the kids behind him. "Don't scare me like tha-" As he was about to finish talking in his semi-loud voice, he stopped when he saw Mabel's expression. "Hey...Sweetie, what's wrong?"

"I can't find Waddles anywhere!!" Her teary eyes matched her voice as it came out just how it looked. She sniffled and rubbed her eyes as Dipper just bit his lip in silence.

"Did you try calling his name?" He asked, even though his mind was telling him it was indeed, not a helpful thing to say.

She nodded fast. "I tried his name, his favorite treats, everything I could think of!"

"Well I'm sorry, Mabel, but we need to leave." Ford spoke as he was now holding the teleportation gun in one of his hands. And even though it came out as slightly rude, it was only because of the urgency and stress in the situation they were dealing with.

"I'm not leaving without Waddles!" A couple more tears came and went as they slid down her cheeks.

"Mabel..." Dipper said quietly as he put a hand on her shoulder.

She yanked her shoulder out of his soft grip and shook her head as a loud thump was heard, before a louder crack. Stanford ran to the doorway of the gift-shop and his eyes widened as the door to the shack now had a big crack in the middle, the glass diamond hole empty, no longer filled with glass. Ford muttered something as he turned around to face his family's direction before fiddling with the teleportation gun.

A thud was heard once more as well as the 'woosh' of the gun shooting right in the middle of the air, creating a hole in the middle of the gift-shop. The scene on the other side looked to be like a forest. Ford grabbed his duffel bag and then raced to the side of the portal, then looked to the rest of his family as he motioned his hand to get in the portal.

Mabel shook her head once more as one more thud made itself present, but this one was louder than all of the others because...the door had been broken completely.

Dipper felt chills up his spine, and it seemed as if everyone else did too as the presence of dark creatures were now in the shack. Ford's eyes widened as his turned to face them once more, worry now in his eyes as well. Dipper tightened the straps of his backpack as he looked to Mabel, but Stan just put a hand on his nephew's shoulder, assuring that she would get in, and safe despite her stubbornness.

The boy gave a small nod and had some minor hesitation before getting a running start and jumping into the portal. That was one out of four.

Stan bent down and his eyes met Mabel's teary eyes as she sniffled. "Mabel. I know leaving Waddles behind is a tough, but I also know that he's okay. He's a smart lil' thing. I mean...he's gotten into the food countless times...even when there were locks on the cabinet!"

Hearing that, made her giggle just a little. "He is pretty smart."

Stanley stood up once more and held out his bigger hand to her small one, and she took it tight after a couple seconds of staring at it. Her great-uncle rubbed a tear off her cheek before heading to the portal and having Mabel enter first.

The shadows were done roaming around. They had found out where the Pines were by now. All of them now stood in the entrance of the shack's gift-shop, evil grins on their pitch black faces. Stan and Ford's faces grimaced simultaneously as their eyes met each other's.

Stan pulled out his fists, but Ford gave him a look that showed concern. His eyes gestured to the portal before staring back at the shadow-people. Stanley stood still for a moment before looking to his brother and then jumping in the portal. It was this, that caused the shadows to make a move.

Stanford turned and jumped into the portal, stumbling as he reached the other side. He flipped around and held out his arm, shooting at the portal as he pulled the trigger on the gun. As it shut, a shadow's hand was in the portal and it screeched as it plopped off as the portal shut completely.

As Ford caught his breath, the pitch black hand laid on the ground and twitched for a moment before blowing up into dozens of black particles in the air, thankfully, not reforming. Everyone's horrified stare disappeared once the hand was gone. Mabel rubbed her eyes and Stanley let out a huge sigh of relief as he looked to see his brother standing next to him. Alive.

"For a second I thought I was gonna lose you again." Stan choked out a small chuckle to show that he was joking, although, it was half true.

Ford gave a small smile and shook his head and then looked to his niece and walked towards her. She looked up with her slightly red eyes and she rubbed them.

"I'm very proud of how brave you were back there. Waddles will be just fine, I promise."

"...Pinkie promise...?" She held out her hand and extended her pinkie upwards.

Her great-uncle blinked as he watched her pinkie stand alone. Truth be told, he had no idea where Waddles was and if he was...well...dead or alive. Especially with the shadow people roaming in the shack. Pinkie promises were sacred. The ultimate meaning of a promise. If he was to break it...then it would be all over. However, he held out his pinkie and wrapped it around hers and with a warm smile, said:

"I promise."

Mabel gave a small smile and let go and then proceeded to look around. "Is it going to take a while to figure out which tree it is?"

"Hopefully not. I set the coordinates for the bunker, so hopefully it will have put us right in front of it." He stepped towards the tree right in front of the family and held up a fist, ready to knock on the tree. "Here comes the moment of truth..." He muttered to himself before closing his eyes and knocking on the tree...and a metal noise was heard as his hand made contact with the trunk. The man opened his eyes and gave a grin while the twins cheered and Stan, once more, stood in silence with the confused look back on his face. " to hit the switch is another thing."

"Last time Wendy climbed up and hit it with her ax!! It was super cool! I wish you could've seen it." Mabel said as she looked at her uncle.

He chuckled in response as he turned his head and looked to his niece. "I wish I could've seen it too."

"I was thinking of a way to build ladder shoes but...guess time cut short." Dipper shrugged.

"Ladder shoes, huh? Not a bad idea."

"That's what I'm saying!"

"Maybe there's a big enough rock to throw at it!" Mabel jumped into the conversation.

"I suppose so." He nodded as everyone then proceeded to look for a rock of any kind amongst the dirt...except for Stanley, who just watched them all, again, confused.

"You all look like a bunch of crazy people." He commented as he watched. "Knocking on trees in the middle of a forest while the world is about to end!"

"Stanley, I'm well aware of the situation." Stanford snapped back at him as he started to walk towards his brother, the kids following behind him with two handfuls each, full of rocks and pebbles of every different size.

"On three!" Dipper exclaimed. "One...two...three!"

It was then after the count of three that rocks started being pelted at the branch. It started to rain rocks after that...but nothing helped it get knocked down. Mabel gave a sheepish smile as her brother turned around and frowned to look at her.

"Okay, soooo...maybe that wasn't the best idea?"

"My ladder shoe idea would've worked better if we had actually put the time into it." He grumbled.

"We don't have that kind of time on our hands right now unless one of you are an inventor who can create something in five minutes flat." Stanford said and looked to the kids. "Nobody?" Silence. He gave a sigh and looked to his twin. "Come on, Stanley, you have to have SOME idea."

"Listen, it'd be a hel-" He paused quickly and rephrased his words. "-heck of a lot easier if I actually knew...WHAT IS GOING ON."

Stanford made a face, his nose scrunching up as he looked mildly surprised and then it disappeared. He turned to the younger twins. "...You're meaning to tell me that...he wasn't there the last time you-"

"...Noooo...?" They replied back.

The older man face-palmed and muttered something that sounded like "of course he wasn't" before glancing back to his brother. "This tree is a bunker I had used 31 years ago. Recently there was an incident where a shapeshifter I became close with over those years broke loose from a ice chamber the kids had trapped them in last year. It's all taken care of, anyways, but this bunker is going to save lives. More specifically ours. Sil knew our location at the shack, and it'll make it harder for her to track us down if needed. And not only that, BUT, it'll keep prying eyes and ears away from our conversations. That branch-" He pointed above to the tree branch. "-is a switch, in which if it's activated, will bring down a staircase to the bunker. Does THAT help piece everything together?"

Stan stood there in silence for a moment before looking up at the branch and then to Stanford...and then to Dipper and Mabel who both flashed a quick smile. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes before opening them again and turning around.

"I'm...going to go sit over there before I actually punch one of you three."

As he walked away, Mabel shouted after him. "SORRY!!!"

He just raised a hand in response and sat on the floor, with his back facing them next to a tree. Dipper, had been holding his breath, let it all out into one big huff as he looked up at the branch and then to his great-uncle and sister.

"Well NOW what?"

"...You have your portal gun with you, right?" Mabel asked as she looked to the branch, not giving either eye contact.

"...Teleportation gun, and, correct. Why?" Ford adjusted his glasses momentarily.

"...I have a plan!" She grinned as she finally looked to the two.

Mabel had now had most of her bangs pushed behind her headband and was climbing up the tree right beside the metal one. Like a pro. Dipper's eyes were wide as she saw her get higher and higher and higher. Ford winced, his portal gun in his hand as he called out to his niece.


"I-I will!!" She stammered back as she kept her eyes glued up.

Dipper bit his nails, his pen being absent, and Ford kept the gun in his grip, wincing as he watched. Her plan was about a 50/50 chance of working and if it messed up, there was a high possibility that she could be hurt in the process. If-

"HOLY MOSES!!!" Stan shouted as he ran up to his great-nephew and brother, looking up at Mabel climbing the tallest tree in the universe. He glared at Stanford. "I turn around for ONE second and my niece is climbing a tree that's 100 FEET off the ground!!!"

"HEY! She's my niece too, which means that I have just as much custody over her as you do. And for one, I trust her!"

"Are you saying I don't?!"

"I never said that!!!"

While the two continued to argue with Dipper inbetween them, still watching Mabel, but she was shouting something while sitting on a branch and...looking half terrified as nobody was able to hear her.

"GUYS!" Dipper caught their attention. "She made it!"

Ford's eyes widened as he held the gun tight and walked forward, right underneath the metal branch before holding his breath and shooting a portal right into the ground, the scene on the other side showing a blurry room as the energy waves prevented it from being a clear image.

"ON THREE." Ford shouted as he saw Mabel stand up on shaky legs, her hands clinging onto the trunk. "ONE...TWO..."

"I CAN'T!!!" She shouted loudly, tears forming in her eyes.

Dipper winced and elbowed his great-uncle. "She's...afraid of heights."

Stanford's eyes widened as he took a deep breath and then glanced around as he felt as if someone was watching him. He shook it off quickly. They needed to get in. Now.


Mabel, from high above, for once, looked down and gripped on tighter to the trunk as he saw her family watching from way...way...way below. She looked back up and let out a whimper as more tears came down her cheeks. Her head began to echo back her uncle's words.

You can do this.

You can do this.

You CAN do this.


"Wait, WHAT?!" Stan and Dipper both said simultaneously, both, not aware of the plan.

Stanford ignored them and then began to count down. "ONE..."

She kept holding onto the trunk, tight and her eyes were fixed on the branch on the bunker-tree.


She steadily and slowly started to let go of the trunk, only one arm keeping her standing up as she bent her knees, her heart racing and her eyes creating more tears.

"THREE!!! JUMP!!!"

As soon as those words left his mouth, Mabel shut her eyes for a moment, taking a deep, shaky breath before opening them and leaping, letting out a scream as she flew through the air, towards the metal tree. It wasn't just her screaming. Her brother and Stan had shouted her name as she jumped for it.

Then...her hands caught onto the branch. Unbelievably. She let out a sharp gasp as she looked up to find herself holding onto the metal tree's branch. She gave a small grin before letting out another shriek as the branch shifted down, due to the weight of the girl.

The tree started to sink slightly and slowly and Mabel had slammed her eyes shut before letting out another scream as she let go of the branch, down into the portal. The portal slammed shut as she was the first and last one in and then it was gone.

The tree sunk down halfway before a long, spiral staircase appeared from out of the side of the bunker. Dipper was the first one to make a move.

"I'M COMING, MABEL!!!" He shouted as he started to run down the staircase.

"KID!" Stan shouted as he ran after his nephew.

Stanford followed behind the two, not so much as running...more like jogging quickly. Dipper had almost tripped on a couple stairs as he made his way down, stumbling a couple times as Stan followed almost as quick behind him. Ford stopped on the second step of the bunker and watched it close behind the three before turning around and then proceeding to jog. By then, the two had made it down the steps and out of sight.

"Dipper? Stanley?" His voice echoed as he made it to the bottom, starting towards the deactivates security system rooms.

They weren't there either.

Stanford became slightly more concerned as he started to run, now. Shouting their names before he made it to the main control room, where he skidded to a stop as he saw his brother and his nephew giving Mabel a hug.

He let out a sigh of relief and Stan let go the second he saw Ford in the door. Dipper let go a couple seconds later and there was Mabel, who had tear-stained cheeks but looked perfectly fine. She rubbed her eyes and gave a small grin to Stanford, before hugging him, too.

"I-I did it! You were right!" She sniffled and looked up at him, her face pressed against his sweater with a smile.

He let her hug her, his arms outstretched as he didn't expect it and then chuckled, ruffling her hair. "I knew you could."

Dipper let out a big sigh of relief and looked to Stanford. "The bunker closed behind us, right?"

"Right." He confirmed.

" what?"

"Now...we can discuss the matter in private, where nobody is going to find us-"

The door that lead from the security chamber to the control room began to rattle. Everyone's eyes widened as the adults stepped in front of the kids, their eyes locked on the door as it finally stopped.

Stanford took slow steps forward while Stanley kept guarding the kids, who kept trying to get a good look at what was going on. Ford outstretched his hand and put it on the knob before yanking the door open to see a room full of...nothing.

A cool breeze was felt for a moment, however as he closed the door.

"Fordsy." A voice came from somewhere. "We need to talk."

The old man flinched as he looked around, finally, until his gaze hit the door he had just closed. On the door was a shadow of someone. But not just someone. It was none other than Mister...

Fiddleford McGucket.


Stanford's eyes were wide as the sight that was in front of him seemed to be real didn't feel like it. How was McGucket a shadow? Last time he checked, he wasn't...or was he?

"Didja hear me?"

Ford shook his head to clear his thoughts. "Sorry, what?"

"I said we need to talk." Fiddleford said, anxiousness in his voice.

"Oh! Yes, right. Of course."

McGucket turned to look at Stan, who had stepped slightly out of the way from protecting the kids, seeing who it was. Mabel and Dipper leaned out once more and got wide eyes as they saw who it was, too.

"Howdy, Maple and Dopper!"

"It's...actually Mabel and Dipper." The teenaged boy corrected him.

"Potato, Potatoe." He replied back.

The teen frowned as the older man with the beard then began to continue his conversation.

"The world is in danger. Not just Gravity Falls. The world. Sil has powers beyond comprehension that I didn't even think she had!!! She turned me into a fiddling shadow for  Gravity Falls' sake!!! I know this doesn't come as a shock to you, but...we need to end it before it spreads world-wide. Or else we're really going to be in trouble."


Sil laughed as she raced around the town, tapping strangers and townsfolk into being shadows for the greater good of her cause. Her plan was to burst the dang bubble that surrounded the town and take over the entire world before its destruction which wouldn't take much longer after that. And so far? Nobody was stepping in her way.

Whether it was because everyone was too scared, or if they were just useless to do anything...nobody was in her way and it was perfect. It's not like she didn't expect anyone to come after her. She did. Every villain has a hero, like the old crazy man had said...but this time? This time the hero was going to become the useless.

Nobody was going to stop her from World Destruction.

How was she going to do it? She had a plan, of course, just like any great villain would.

She was going to use the dark energy of everyone who had become a shadow to help pop the bubble...and soon after that, there would only be a short amount of time she would let anyone live before plunging everyone into darkness...and then death.


More than half the town had been turned, already, and she wasn't going to stop until she got every single person. It wasn't her just working alone, it was her shadow cronies who were helping along her side, making the task even more easier than before.

Some citizens put up a fight, but it was practically easy enough to turn them. She had ordered every single shadow person to go to the mansion or else they would face consequences and she would find them anyways. Of course, everyone was scared enough to listen to her and they didn't have the courage to stand up and rebel against her.

As everyone reached the Manor of Mayhem, she let everyone crowd around in the main room. She was now on the staircase, looking above to see just about everyone, as a shadow, in front of her. She grinned ear-to-ear before speaking up, loudly.


Sure enough, everyone faced the villain.

"I know you're all thinking..."what is going on?!", right? Right? I mean...come on, you just turned into shadows and the sky is black!"

There was silence, but she continued.

"I'm here to tell you some good news! Your pathetic world is about to come to an end!! And I KNOW that sounds like a bad thing, but it's really not!"

Murmuring above the crowd was heard.

"You all have NO CHOICE but to help me! Further intentions WILL be punished! Now...HELP ME BURST THE DANG BUBBLE!!"

People stayed in place, confused.

"Oh, come ON!! Don't play stupid!!! The bubble around Gravity Falls!! The one that prevents anyone weird from getting out of this stupid, hick town!!! I want you all to get up there and break it! NOW."

There was confusion and chaos among the crowd as Sil's henchmen urged the crowd forward and so did she. They yelled at them and made them move and eventually, they reached the top of the bubble. The iridescence making itself present and it was more obvious, now, to the people that that's what the bubble was, even though they had never seen it before.

One by one, person by person, they all started to lean and shove on the bubble according to Sil's command...before finally...breaking free. Everyone shot forward and let out a yelp as the bubble bursted.

Sil stared. She was smart, but...she doubted this plan. And to see it in action was the craziest thing that had happened all day. She smiled, and then grinned, before settling on a maniacal laugh.

"GO!!! LEAD THE WORLD TO ITS DEMISE!!!" She shouted as several shadows raced away from Gravity Falls, and then more and more, but never the townsfolk. They just stared and watched, sadly, as they could do nothing but wait.


Stanford gave a nod to his comrade. " to bring down a shadow being with no weakness, is the tough part." He replied as he then began to shift things on his desk around.

Mabel looked as her great-uncle messed with his belongings on the desk. She grinned when she found an old-looking radio before reaching her hands out and pulling it forward to herself. It wasn't long before she started to mess with the little knobs after flicking the power switch.

While she looked for 90s tunes, all she found was the news station. She was about to skip it, too, before Stanford stopped her.

"We now welcome you back to Oregon News! In...which...the sky has turned black and what appears to be...shadow looking people on the loose?"

Screams were heard in the background.

"Yes-shadow people roaming around Oregon!!! This is not fake or an imposter! This is real!!"

Ford's eyes widened. "Wait...I thought it was just around Gravity Falls..." he muttered to himself before urging Mabel to change the knob again.

She did so, and someone with a southern accent spoke, now. "Here, live, in Texas-"

"WOW! All the way from Texas?!" Mabel interrupted.

"I thought radios only had the capacity to get stations from cities?" Dipper asked as he looked to his great-uncle.

"They do, but I invented a much better antenna." He replied as he shushed everyone after that.

"-sky has turned black. It's like the devils themselves have broken loose and made their way to our world!!! The world is endin', no doubt about it!! Every prophecy has become true!!"

Ford stood in confusion, his hand on his head  while the radio played on in the background. "Flip it one more time, Mabel."

She slowly turned the knob and as it got through static, a woman spoke in a British accent next. "Welcome back to BBC news, where we have confirmed that the sky has became, literally, black. Nothing has yet to come, but people have started to believe that this is the end. Is it? Coming up next-"

Ford flicked the radio off. Standing in astonishment. "She...did it."

"Did what?" Dipper looked at him.

"She...broke the bubble barrier protecting the weirdness from leaving Gravity Falls. It's...spreading world-wide."

"Welp, that's it!! We're toast!!!" Stan threw his arms up.

"Not yet!! We have to think of SOMETHING!! We just have to!!" Mabel jumped in.

"Mabel's right. We need to think of something. We can't give up. Right, Dipper?" Stanford spoke, looking to his nephew, who nodded. "That's 3 on the team. Fiddleford?" The shadow-man slowly nodded. "4. Stanley?" He looked to his brother, who just grumbled and sighed.

"Fine. I'm in. BUT, I get a fair say in whatever the plan is this time. Got it?"

"Fine, fine." He waved his hand. "Five entire army of shadow-creatures."

"Not just creatures. She turned people. Like she turned me, too." Fiddleford interrupted.

"...What're the chances of them being on her side?"

"...If I'm gonna be honest, here, Fordsy...I really don't know."

The man sighed and nodded. "Okay...okay this could work. We just need a plan."

Dipper paused and looked at his great-uncle. "...Hey, remember how the news reporter said the word "prophecy"?"

Ford looked at him. "Yes, but-" he stopped and then got a grin. "Dipper, you genius!"

The boy grinned and his hair got ruffled as he took in the credit for the idea he got.

"Then it's settled. We have an official plan."

"The prophecy from the journal. It failed last time, but...I think this time it could work. We just need to have all 10 people...and there's no promising that they haven't all been turned. We got 5 already."

"Wow, this could work!! We can save the world!!! Again!!" Mabel exclaimed.

"Let's get to it, shall we?" Stanford grinned before the door that lead from the security chamber to the control room turned completely white...and out stepped a certain chubbier man with a small head of hair...placed on his...well...head.

"Pines? Come with me."


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]


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